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Best Countries for Work-Life Balance: Where to Thrive in 2023

Work-life balance plays a pivotal role in our lives. Living in a country that promotes a balanced lifestyle ensures you maintain good health and reduces stress.

Countries for work-life balance also see a boost in productivity and creativity among their workforce. When employees aren’t overworked, they bring fresh ideas to the table.

Moreover, these countries strengthen personal relationships. Families in countries for work-life balance often report happier and more fulfilling relationships.

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Factors Determining Work-Life Balance in a Country

When evaluating countries for work-life balance, several key factors come into play. These factors shape the work culture and influence the overall quality of life in a country.

Average Working Hours

One of the primary indicators of work-life balance is the average number of hours people work in a week. Countries for work-life balance often have shorter average working hours, ensuring their citizens are well-rested.

According to the OECD, 10% of employees in its member countries work 50 hours or more per week in paid work. Countries like Mexico, Turkey, and Colombia have the highest proportion of people working long hours.

However, these numbers have seen a decline compared to a decade ago.

It’s also noteworthy that more men work very long hours in paid work across OECD countries, with almost 14% of male employees working extended hours compared to about 6% of women.

Paid Leave Policies

Paid leave policies play a pivotal role in determining work-life balance. Countries for work-life balance often have generous leave policies, allowing employees to recharge, take care of personal matters, or spend quality time with loved ones.

Such policies benefit the individual and contribute to a more productive and satisfied workforce.

Time Devoted to Leisure and Personal Care

The amount of time people can dedicate to leisure and personal care activities is another crucial factor.

The more people work, the less time they have for other activities, such as personal care or leisure. The quality and quantity of leisure time significantly impact people’s overall well-being.

For instance, a full-time worker in the OECD dedicates, on average, 63% of their day, or 15 hours, to personal care and leisure activities. This includes eating, sleeping, socializing with friends and family, hobbies, and more.

Interestingly, fewer hours in paid work for women do not necessarily translate to more leisure time, as both men and women in the 22 OECD countries studied devote roughly the same amount of time to leisure.

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The more people work, the less time they have for other activities, such as personal care or leisure.

Cultural Attitudes Towards Work

Cultural attitudes towards work play a significant role in shaping work-life balance.

Countries for work-life balance often have cultures that value quality over quantity. This means that instead of focusing solely on the number of hours worked, these countries emphasize the quality of work produced during those hours.

Such an approach leads to better work outcomes and ensures that employees have ample time for personal and leisure activities.

The Top 10 Countries for Work-Life Balance

In the quest for a balanced life, many people consider relocating to countries offering better work-life equilibrium.

The countries listed below not only provide excellent opportunities for a fulfilling career but also ensure that you have ample time to enjoy life outside of work.

These countries for work-life balance have set the gold standard in ensuring that their citizens lead a well-rounded life.


Denmark consistently ranks among the top countries for work-life balance. The nation offers generous parental leave, ensuring parents bond with their newborns without financial worries.

Short working hours in Denmark mean people spend more time at home or indulging in hobbies. The emphasis on family time makes Denmark one of the most sought-after countries for work-life balance.

  • 37-Hour Official Work Week: In Denmark, the official work week is 37 hours, and staying extra hours is discouraged. Most employees leave around 4 pm to pick up their children and begin preparing the evening meal.
  • Five Weeks’ Paid Vacation: Every employee in Denmark is legally entitled to five weeks of paid vacation per year, and they make sure to take every minute of it.
  • Low Percentage of Long Working Hours: Only about 2% of employees in Denmark work very long hours, compared to the OECD average of 11%.
  • High Female Employment: About 72% of Danish women have paid jobs outside the home, far above the OECD average of 59%.
  • High Productivity: Despite limited working hours, Denmark has some of the world’s highest productivity rates. Danes are the second-most productive workers in Europe, trailing only Ireland.


Sweden stands out among countries for work-life balance. Flexible working arrangements allow Swedes to manage their time efficiently.

The strong welfare system ensures everyone receives the support they need. Furthermore, emphasizing outdoor and recreational activities means people in Sweden lead active, balanced lives.

  • Flextime and Remote Work: Sweden has pioneered flexible working hours and remote work options, making it easier for people to balance work and life.
  • Parental Leave: Sweden offers one of the world’s most generous parental leave policies, allowing parents to take up to 480 days of paid parental leave.
  • Outdoor Activities: The Swedish concept of “Friluftsliv,” or open-air living, encourages people to spend time outdoors, which is integral to the Swedish lifestyle.
  • Shorter Workdays: Some Swedish companies have experimented with 6-hour workdays to increase productivity and improve work-life balance.
  • High Levels of Job Satisfaction: According to various surveys, Swedes report high levels of job satisfaction, contributing to better mental health and overall well-being.


The Netherlands stands out prominently among countries for work-life balance. One of the most notable features of the Dutch work culture is the prevalence of a four-day workweek.

While not official, this trend has become the norm for many residents, especially working moms.

Government statistics reveal that 86% of employed mothers in the Netherlands work less than 35 hours per week. Additionally, 12% of working fathers also opt for shorter work hours than their counterparts in other countries.

Short Average Workweek

The average working week in the Netherlands is remarkably short, clocking in at just 29 hours. This makes it the country with the shortest average working week globally.

The standard working hours typically range from 9 AM to 5 or 6 PM, from Monday to Friday. Dutch law mandates that employers cannot ask employees to work more than 12 hours a day, with a cap of 60 hours a week.

Over a span of four weeks, the average weekly hours should not exceed 55 unless both the employer and employee agree otherwise.

Vacation Policy

When it comes to vacation, the Netherlands is quite generous. The total hours of paid vacation is calculated by multiplying an employee’s weekly work hours by four.

For instance, an employee working 40 hours a week would be entitled to 20 days of paid leave. Any unused vacation days roll over to the next year but must be used within the first six months.

Dutch employees receive 10 paid public holidays annually, with an extra holiday added every fifth year.

Embracing Part-Time and Remote Work

Part-time work is immensely popular in the Netherlands. A staggering 61% of the total workforce opts for part-time roles. This trend is especially pronounced among women, with 78% of the female workforce working part-time.

In contrast, 46% of the male workforce chooses part-time roles. The Netherlands was also ahead of the curve in terms of remote work. Even before the pandemic, approximately 39% of the workforce occasionally worked from home. By the end of 2020, this figure had risen to 48%.


Finland, with its pristine natural beauty and robust social systems, is undeniably one of the top countries for work-life balance. The nation’s commitment to quality education is well-known. However, the emphasis on a balanced lifestyle truly sets it apart.

Strong Social Security System

Finland’s social security system is comprehensive, offering support to its citizens at every life stage. Whether it’s healthcare, unemployment benefits, or parental leave, the Finnish government ensures its residents are well cared for.

This robust support system ensures that the Finns lead a balanced life.

Nature-Centric Lifestyle

Finland boasts a plethora of parks, lakes, and forests. The country’s landscape encourages a nature-centric lifestyle. After a day’s work, many Finns find solace in the lap of nature, be it through a leisurely walk in the park or a relaxing evening by a lake.

This deep connection with nature promotes physical well-being and offers mental peace and relaxation.

Emphasis on Well-being and Happiness

Finland often ranks high on global happiness indexes. The country strongly emphasizes the well-being and happiness of its residents.

From state-sponsored programs to community initiatives, Finns have numerous avenues to seek mental and emotional support. This focus on holistic well-being is a testament to Finland’s commitment to ensuring a balanced life for its citizens.


Norway, with its breathtaking fjords and mountains, offers more than just scenic beauty. It stands as one of the top countries for work-life balance. A high standard of living in Norway ensures that its residents enjoy a quality life in terms of material comforts and holistic well-being.

Emphasis on Outdoor Activities

Norway’s natural landscapes encourage a lifestyle that integrates outdoor activities seamlessly. Whether hiking in the summer or skiing in the winter, Norwegians have many options to stay active.

This active lifestyle promotes physical health and mental well-being, making Norway one of the ideal countries for work-life balance.

Worker Rights and Benefits

Worker rights in Norway are robust. The country ensures that its workforce doesn’t just work but thrives. With policies that promote fair working hours, ample vacation time, and a focus on employee well-being, Norway stands out among countries for work-life balance.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) notes that countries with fewer long working hours often have a better work-life balance, and Norway fits this description well.

Community and Social Bonds

The sense of community in Norway is strong. Social bonds and community interactions are pivotal in ensuring a balanced life.

Regular community events, gatherings, and an emphasis on family time ensure that Norwegians have a well-rounded life, further solidifying their position among the top countries for work-life balance.

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Housing costs can vary dramatically between countries. Whether you’re renting or buying, it’s essential to research property prices in your desired location.


Germany, known for its rich history and technological advancements, also provides its citizens with a balanced life. As one of the leading countries for work-life balance, Germany ensures that its workforce remains productive without compromising leisure and personal time.

Strong Worker Representation

Germany’s work culture revolves around the principle of “Mitbestimmung” or co-determination. Workers in Germany have a say in companies’ decision-making processes, ensuring their interests remain protected.

This strong worker representation guarantees that everyone gets a fair share of work-life balance.

Value of Vacations

Germans hold their vacations in high regard. Extended vacation periods allow them to rejuvenate and return to work with renewed energy. This emphasis on breaks and relaxation ensures that Germany remains one of the top countries for work-life balance.

According to the OECD, countries prioritizing leisure and personal time often rank higher in work-life balance metrics, and Germany is no exception.

Efficient Work Culture

Efficiency runs in the veins of the German work culture. Tasks get done promptly, meetings remain concise, and productivity remains high. This efficiency ensures that work doesn’t spill over into personal time, allowing Germans to enjoy leisure.

With such a work culture, it’s no wonder that Germany consistently ranks among the best countries for work-life balance.

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Germans hold their vacations in high regard. Extended vacation periods allow them to rejuvenate and return to work with renewed energy.


Spain, with its unique siesta culture, distinguishes itself prominently among countries for work-life balance. The traditional afternoon nap siesta reflects the Spanish approach to rest and rejuvenation. This practice, deeply rooted in Spain’s history, allows workers a break during the hottest part of the day.

Siesta: A Cultural Phenomenon

The siesta showcases Spain’s emphasis on well-being and relaxation. While modern urban life has seen a decline in this practice, many smaller towns and businesses still uphold this tradition, closing shops and offices for a few hours in the afternoon.

Long Vacations: A Time to Unwind

Spain values its vacation time. Spaniards enjoy some of the longest vacation periods, ensuring ample time to relax and spend with family. These extended breaks contribute significantly to the country’s reputation for work-life balance.

Family-Centric Society

The family remains at the heart of Spanish culture. Regular family gatherings, festive celebrations, and communal meals highlight the importance of family bonds.

This focus on family ensures that, despite work commitments, family time remains a priority, further solidifying Spain’s position among the top countries for work-life balance.


France, known for its rich history and cultural heritage, also stands tall among countries for work-life balance, thanks to its 35-hour work week.

The 35-Hour Work Week: A Revolutionary Approach

France introduced the 35-hour work week in the early 2000s, aiming to reduce unemployment and improve work-life balance.

This move allowed workers more free time and encouraged companies to hire more staff to cover the same number of working hours.

Cultural Activities: Enriching the Soul

France offers many cultural activities, from art exhibitions to music festivals. Residents immerse themselves in these experiences, ensuring a fulfilling life outside of work.

This emphasis on cultural enrichment is pivotal in France’s reputation as one of the leading countries for work-life balance.

Valuing Leisure: The French Way

Leisure holds a special place in the French lifestyle. Whether enjoying a long lunch at a local bistro, strolling through scenic parks, or indulging in weekend getaways to the countryside, the French know how to make the most of their free time.

This approach to leisure, combined with favorable work policies, makes France a beacon for those seeking a balanced life.


Switzerland, often recognized for its diligent workforce, surprisingly boasts a robust work-life balance. This balance is not just a mere coincidence but a result of the country’s structured approach to work and leisure.

Punctuality and Efficiency

In Switzerland, punctuality isn’t just a virtue; it’s a way of life. Swiss people value time, whether it’s a business meeting or a casual lunch.

This respect for time extends to their work environment. The country promotes a flexible work culture, ensuring tasks get done efficiently and allowing employees to enjoy their leisure time without work-related worries.

A robust social security system, comprehensive health benefits, and top-notch infrastructure further support this efficiency. Combined with their generous vacation policies, such systems ensure a high quality of life for locals and expatriates.

Emphasis on Leisure

The Swiss don’t just work hard; they play hard, too. Lunch breaks are sacred, with many families reuniting for meals. Working at your desk during lunch is a rare sight and often discouraged.

Weekends and evenings are dedicated to hobbies, family, and enjoying Switzerland’s picturesque landscapes. Activities like family walks or hiking in the Alps are common leisure pursuits.

The Swiss are meticulous planners, ensuring they strike the right balance between their professional and personal lives. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the average Swiss employee works 1,557 hours annually.

This is significantly less than many countries, allowing them more personal time.

Factors to Consider When Relocating for Work-Life Balance

Relocating to a new country in pursuit of a better work-life balance is a significant decision. While many countries for work-life balance offer enticing lifestyles, it’s essential to consider various factors before moving. Here’s a detailed look at some of the critical aspects you should evaluate:

Cost of Living

One of the primary considerations when moving to countries for work-life balance is the cost of living. This factor encompasses various expenses that you’ll encounter in your daily life.


Housing costs can vary dramatically between countries. Whether you’re renting or buying, it’s essential to research property prices in your desired location. Some countries for work-life balance might have affordable lifestyles but high housing costs.


Evaluate the public transportation system and the costs associated with it. In some countries, for work-life balance, owning a car might be more of a luxury than a necessity due to efficient public transport.

Daily Expenses

This includes groceries, dining out, entertainment, and other miscellaneous expenses. Websites like Expatistan offer a comprehensive comparison of living costs between cities and can provide insights into daily expenses in various countries for work-life balance.

Cultural Adjustments

Every country has its unique cultural nuances. When considering countries for work-life balance, it’s not just about the number of working hours or vacation days.


While English might be widely spoken in many countries, learning the local language is beneficial. This not only helps in daily interactions but also in understanding and integrating into the local culture.

Social Norms and Etiquettes

From dining etiquette to business meeting protocols, understanding social norms is crucial. This ensures you don’t inadvertently offend anyone and can smoothly transition into the local community.

Local Festivals and Traditions

Participating in local festivals and traditions can be a rewarding experience. It offers a deeper understanding of the country’s culture and history, enhancing your connection to the place.

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Every country has its unique cultural nuances. When considering countries for work-life balance, it’s not just about the number of working hours or vacation days.

Employment Opportunities

While countries for work-life balance might offer a relaxed lifestyle, ensuring they also provide ample employment opportunities is essential.

Job Market Analysis

Research the job market of the country you’re considering. Look for industries that are booming and those that are in decline. This will give you a clearer picture of the employment landscape.

Skill Set Demand

Some countries might have a high demand for specific skill sets. For instance, tech professionals might find more opportunities in countries with a burgeoning tech industry.

Local Business Environment

Understand the local business culture. This includes the typical working hours, business etiquette, and the general approach to work. Some countries for work-life balance might have a more relaxed business environment, while others might be more formal.

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They also provide ample employment opportunities is essential.


The global shift towards work-life balance is evident. Countries for work-life balance are adapting to changing work dynamics post-pandemic. Technology plays a significant role in promoting balance, allowing remote work and flexible hours. The future promises a world where work and leisure coexist harmoniously, especially in countries for work-life balance.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 760.2 million answer views on Quora.com, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.



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