’s content can be seen on Forbes online here.
It is a regular column, with another on coming soon.
The first column focused on digitalization in the financial services space, and why many clients prefer chats and voice calls over video conversations.
The next column will speak about the huge potential I see for businesses in Africa.
I am always keen for readers, subscribers and clients to give suggestions about which topics I should cover.
Therefore, if you have some topics you would find interesting for me to cover, such as something which confuses you about investing, please email your suggestions to
Previous media comments can be found on
- Business Insider (English)
- Business Insider (Japanese)
- The Kenyan Institute of Magazine
- Envsion Magazine
- Expat focus.
- Work from home show
- Business over beers.
- Laurent Notin.
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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters with over 827million answer views on Quora, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.