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5 Biggest Reasons Expats Fail to Save Overseas


Most expats first come overseas due to pay rises, especially for short-term assignments with multinationals.  So what are the biggest reasons why expats often fail to save? I list the most common reasons I have seen below. 1.Divorce  Let’s get this hot potato out of the way. When people move overseas, it puts a strain […]

Getting a mortgage in the UK when living abroad


The UK has a fairly liberal regime for foreign and expat buyers, compared to New Zealand and several other destinations.  More specifically, however, what is required to buy a property in the UK? Is a UK bank account needed by most lenders? Not always.  Several banks do look for proven income and a good credit […]

QROPS and SIPPS: British Expats and Pensions

final salary pension transfers nottingham bg riverfall financial

In my book on the 6 steps to financial freedom, I mentioned one often forgotten aspect of financial planning; tax minimization.  More specifically, I spoke about some often forgotten tax minimization strategies.   Everybody knows you don’t want a huge tax bills and many people living in the UK know about the benefits of investing […]

Changing financial advisors and 2 other quick wins in finance

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A lot of things take time.  All good things, compounded, will produce more than quick wins, but that demotivates people. Therefore, let’s look at some quick wins that will help you.  Hopefully these quick wins, or potential quick wins, will motivate you to get more long-term wins as well: 1. Spending habits Download a spending […]

6 Steps to Financial Freedom and Passive Income Investments

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During all my years overseas, I have been amazed at how few people are truly financial independent.  Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised, after all 98%+ of industries want to convince you to spend money on impressing people you don’t even like. Instagram and L’oreal, with their famous slogan, are probably two extreme examples of this […]

CNBC vs Bloomberg? Switch them both off


Most people who have read the evidence know that it is time in the markets, and not timing the markets, that matters.  Many don’t realize just how important that is, however, and just how profitable that can be.  Consider a startling statistic.  Professor H. Nejat Seyhun found that between 1963 and 1993 the stock market […]

Will the stock market crash soon?

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You have got to love the human mind.  Despite all the evidence to the contrary, so many people believe we can predict the future.  I often think to myself, if there is life outside of earth and they are looking down on us, they must think we are idiots for making the same mistakes over […]

How to Invest for Retirement at age 65?

1 million enough to retire

In the Centre for Retirement Research at Boston College, Alicia H. Munnell, Anthony Webb, and Wenliang Hou looked at how much people should save for retirement .  The paper is available here – https://crr.bc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/IB_14-111.pdf Before speaking about the finding I would say two things.  Firstly, retirement at 65 is outdated.  It is possible to retire […]

Can we predict future returns from the past?

can we predict the future

Can we forecast future returns from past results? The short answer is we can’t.  But there is a rational reason why equity markets outperform long-term. The S&P, Dow Jones and Nasdaq, as an example. is just the biggest stocks in America.  The biggest firms though, change over time.  There is a survival of the fittest […]

Financial Planning and Pensions for Expat Oil Workers

pension for an oil worker

If you have any questions about the above, my contact details are  adamfayed@iamgltd.com Oil and gas is one of the biggest expat sectors in the Middle and Far East, and beyond.  Quite a large amount of expats in this sector, from my experience, have complex financial and insurance needs which in some cases are specific […]

Stock Picking vs Index Funds: Is Stock Picking Ever Rational?

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Please contact me at advice@adamfayed.com if you have any questions about this article or questions in general. Consider something for a moment.  If you stock pick (individual stocks) rather than buying funds, you have an 80%+ chance of not beating the market over a 5 year period. That goes down to about 98%+ over a 40 […]

Asset Allocation Strategy

asset allocation strategy

Let us consider, for a moment, some facts. 1). There are many different asset classes such as property, bonds, commodities and equities. 2). Some of these asset classes are liquid and some are illiquid. 3). Nobody can, for certain, predict the movements of financial markets despite the fact that markets have historically risen over time. […]



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