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Bank of Singapore Review 2022 part 2 – alternative investments

Bank of Singapore Review 2022 part 2 – Part one is here.

Learn about alternative investments in Bank of Singapore and the Friends Provident International Reserve Bond.

Bank of Singapore main products and services

Bank of Singapore Review 2022
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Your journey begins by knowing your unique priorities, needs, and goals. Based on your risk appetite and preference, we can discuss and bring you tailor-made solutions from our best-in-class product portfolio, based on independent tracking of a large number of funds, structured products, and insurance options.

Your private banker, backed by our team of portfolio managers and trading specialists, is always there to help you make informed financial decisions. Information gathered from our investment strategy and research teams will help you keep abreast of developments in the global market.

Asset creation and preservation

The bank’s long history of managing the wealth of entrepreneurial families has provided them with invaluable know-how to help you realize your investment goals, family management frameworks, and private trusts.

You can invest in several ways through the team of investment professionals; from completely discretionary to active counseling and even execution only. With the right investment plan and the proper management of your assets, you can keep your family wealth for future generations.

Investment products:

  • Cash and money markets
  • Investment grade bonds
  • High yield bonds
  • Stock
  • Foreign currency
  • Derivatives
  • Structured Products
  • Third mutual funds
  • Alternative assets

Investment services:

  • Discretionary Portfolio Management: Cash, Securities and Cash
  • Portfolio Management Advisory
  • Premium Consulting Services Premium Consulting Services for Stocks, Fixed Income and Foreign Currency, as well as direct dealing and 24/7 Forex trading will be fully available for your maximum convenience.
  • Available only for accounts registered in Singapore.

Asset preservation:

  • Real estate planning
  • Financial planning
  • Life insurance
  • Provided by external parties / insurance brokers contracted by the Bank

Alternative investments

Navigating the markets is even more challenging today as long-term expectations of returns on conventional assets are declining and investors around the world are having to look harder for returns.

The key characteristics of alternative assets mean that they provide greater portfolio diversification and generally generate higher returns than publicly traded assets. Reaping the benefits of alternative investments will become increasingly important for achieving key investment objectives.

At Bank of Singapore, they strive to provide clients with institutional access and global alternative investment opportunities in venture capital, private equity, private equity, hedge funds, real assets, and private equity.

What are alternative investments?

In simple terms, alternative investments are assets that do not belong to traditional asset classes such as stocks, ETFs, bonds, and cash.

Alternative investments include private equity, private equity, hedge funds, and real assets. They can provide you with unique opportunities and access to other growth zones to increase your wealth.

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Benefits of investing in alternatives

Alternative investments tend to behave differently than traditional assets and adding them to a portfolio can be beneficial.

Increase the impact

Alternative investments potentially offer alpha generation through alternative sources of income that are less affected by macroeconomic changes.

Low volatility

Many alternative investments are less volatile because they are less dependent on broad market sentiment and tend to show a lower correlation with traditional investments, making them a good choice for those looking for portfolio stability.

Broader diversification

Alternative investments have a low correlation with traditional asset classes and can help diversify a portfolio by offering access to a wide range of alternative sources of risk and return.

Access to unique investments

Alternative investments in private markets provide access to investments that are not publicly traded, such as being an early investor in a startup. With private market funds, co-investment, and private equity, you can include cutting-edge companies or unicorns at the forefront of technology, health, and sustainability in your portfolio.

Types of alternative investments

While alternative investments share key features in common, they also represent a diverse asset class. Here are some of the most common types of alternative investments.

Private equity

Private equity invests in non-public or private companies in exchange for shares or ownership. There are many subsets of private equity, including venture capital, growth capital, and buyouts.

Private loan

A private loan or private debt is an investment that is not funded by banks, traded or issued on the open market. Private loan lending includes direct lending, mezzanine, problem loans, and special financing.

Hedge funds

Hedge funds are pooled investment funds that use a range of unconventional strategies, such as long and short stocks, to maximize the overall potential for return and diversify the portfolio.

Real assets

Real assets are tangible assets such as real estate and infrastructure. Investments with such underlying assets can provide protection against macroeconomic factors such as inflation and currency fluctuations.

Direct investment

These alternative investments include direct investments in start-ups and private companies, making investments with high risk and high returns.

Credit solutions

The bank’s clients can benefit from their portfolio of mortgage and personalized financing options to increase profitability or increase liquidity.

You will also have the opportunity to choose the investment and commercial banking services of OCBC Bank – the parent company – to finance family businesses and start-ups.


  • Portfolio usage
  • Residential real estate financing
  • Financing insurance premiums
  • Corporate finance
  • Structured transactions
  • Provided by OCBC Bank or external parties

Wealth planning

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The bank’s tailor-made wealth planning solutions provide improved strategies for your specific succession needs, including serving beneficiaries and assets located in different parts of the world and creating charitable donation structures.

Preserving and passing on wealth to the next generation is important in every way. That’s why we provide industry-leading services through their skilled wealth planners who will work with the subsidiary BOS Trustee Limited to help you protect your family wealth and ensure it is passed on to future generations without hindrance.

Real estate planning

The wealth planners are committed to knowing your asset profile by understanding your country of residence, business structure, and asset location, and weighing your plans to preserve and transfer your wealth to those who matter most to you.

They will offer customized options – from a simple probate to a trust or private trust company – to provide you with a solution that protects your heritage and gives you peace of mind.

Family management

Drawing on the specialized skills of external experts (lawyers, accountants, trustees, and consultants in specific areas such as taxation, immigration, philanthropy, etc.) combined with the extensive professional planning experience for some of Asia’s richest families, the Bank of Singapore can help you create a robust management plan and family constitution that takes into account your family’s inheritance and charitable goals.

Charity Consulting

They can help your family connect with a shared vision of the continuity of her wealth, her values, and her business. If you feel obligated to support meritorious causes such as education, health care, or social entrepreneurship, they can provide you with access to professionals to guide you throughout the donation process so that you can achieve the most positive impact while staying in line with your values and resources.

Through forums and various programs, they provide platforms for collaborative philanthropy, creating networking opportunities for donors to connect with key influencers, community charities, and family business leaders to share best practices and experiences.

Trust services

Trust management

  • Acting as a trustee of Singapore, Jersey or other discretionary trusts in accordance with applicable law.
  • Act as trustee of Jersey law trusts and as administrator of private trust companies.
  • Acting as a trustee of charitable foundations
  • Through trust structures, BOS Trustee can hold:
  • Bank accounts with Bank of Singapore and third party banks
  • Life insurance policies
  • Residential Properties
  • Commercial real estate
  • Pre-IPO Shares
  • OTC company shares

Financial planning

By combining our loan solutions, life insurance, and wealth planning strategies, we can help you improve liquidity, manage risk, invest more efficiently and provide other benefits to your property to meet your family’s long-term expectations.

Sustainable Investing

If you are focused on environmental protection, gender equality, or other goals, the bank can work with you to align your investment strategy with your values ​​and financial goals. To help you build and manage your sustainable investment portfolio, the bank’s special team will guide you through a systematic process:

  • Understanding the latest investment trends and different ways to invest sustainably.
  • Determining the approaches that best suit your investment and sustainable preferences.
  • Portfolio managing based on your investment objectives and your expectations of risk and return.
  • Reviewing your portfolio regularly with you to ensure that your investment strategy is in line with your goals.

At Bank of Singapore, they integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analysis into our approach and assessment of investment opportunities. Looking through the ESG lens is one of the most powerful ways to determine your long-term ROI.

They take a forward-looking and transition-based approach that takes into account not only ESG’s current and past investment opportunity profile but also their assessment of its future trajectory.

Financial intermediaries

For independent asset managers, external financial advisors, and multi-family offices. Your goal is clear – to serve your customers in order to protect and increase their wealth. The bank’s goal is to help you achieve your goal.

At Bank of Singapore, the global teams are ready to help you bring innovative solutions to your customers. More importantly, they are committed to helping you build lasting, trusting relationships with your client.

Global Private Bank of Asia

Headquartered in Singapore, they operate in a strong and open economy. You are guaranteed unrivaled stability and security, as well as assistance from the only private bank in Asia to receive an Aa1 rating from Moody’s.

You get access to the unbiased views of our strong research team, best-in-class financial products delivered on an open architecture platform, and their own proprietary products. With the combined expertise of the global team of investment professionals, they will help you make informed investment decisions.

It is a subsidiary of OCBC Bank, the second-largest bank in Southeast Asia. The clients have access to a suite of OCBC Bank products and services.

Platform of choice: access to a comprehensive suite of asset management products and services:

  • Loan products and loan solutions
  • Managed investments: discretionary portfolio management, advisory portfolio management, mutual funds, hedge funds, and private equity.
  • Premium advisory and direct dealing services by asset class (foreign exchange, fixed income and stocks)
  • Structured Products and Derivatives (Multiple Asset Classes)
  • Wealth planning and trust
  • Access to digital services for you and your customers
  • Internal research publications
  • Access to exclusive events for learning and communication

Pained by financial indecision? Want to invest with Adam?

Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 354.9 million answers views on Quora.com and a widely sold book on Amazon

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