Expat financial advisor in Belize – that will be the topic of today’s article.
I will compare some of the options available locally, alongside more portable, online, and international options like what we offer.
For any questions, or if you are looking to invest as an expat, you can contact me using this form, or via the WhatsApp function below.
It makes sense to have a portable option as an expat, as opposed to a localized one, and that is something we specialize in.
In Central America, there is a mysterious country in which, as legends say, there are almost no taxes, the best ecotourism on the planet, the second largest coral reef in the world and almost no government interference in the affairs of foreigners.
In Central America, Belize is the one, that is English-speaking and probably is the most stable country in the region. It is an ecological wonder with endless beaches, organic farms, hundreds of rivers and mysterious jungle of unexplored wildlife.
Belize is a chic vacation spot. The population density is only 17.2 people per square kilometer, which means that it is one of the least densely populated countries on the planet. You can be practically alone on the beach.
Plus, Belize is one of the least known offshore tax havens on the planet. It is the last lucrative stronghold for offshore investment, banking and tax planning.
Belize is heaven on earth. You can enjoy long morning walks along the beaches of San Pedro, and on weekends we can drink exotic cocktails, meet people from all over the world, and snorkel along the coral reefs in Belize.
Sometimes you can miss the big city vibe, so we hop on a boat and head to Chetumal on the Mexican side of the border. It is a small town, but it has excellent shopping malls and restaurants. You can enjoy a few days of mind-blowing shopping at lower prices than in Europe, full seafood dining at incredible prices, and access to the cultural wealth of Mayan ruins in the city.
And if you want something even more, you can hop on a plane and be in Miami or Panama City in less than two hours.
In terms of security, the main problem in Belize is drug trafficking. This means that the city of Belize is a hotspot for organized crime and we do not recommend spending too much time there unless you are going to the airport or have to travel to the state. institution.
In addition to this city, the territory of the country is incredibly safe. San Pedro is an island west of mainland Belize that is not only physically separated from the continent but also lacks its problems: poverty and crime. The island is a summer tourist destination and is home to a sizable expat community, which means there are so few security concerns.
But the best thing about Belize is its freedom, especially in places like San Pedro. You will not be bothered by the government and tax authorities, there is almost no police, and your freedoms will not be subject to any restrictions. You came to Belize to relax and the government will not change that. No foreign exchange controls, taxes, government interference, or major restrictions on business.
Plus, you have some of the best offshore banks in Latin America at your disposal, offering wealth management services to foreigners.
So, if you are reading this article, this means you already are planning your life in Belize and thinking about your financial activity in there. Belize is not yet a frolicking country. Independent Belize is only 30 years old. Belize’s small towns, tourist centers and hotels are mostly okay. You can safely come to Belize with children and relax.
But in the larger cities of Belize, such as San Pedro, there are chances you may get robbed, especially at night, if you’re walking alone in the wrong place. Walking at night in Belize’s any city can be safer if you’ll be in a group, by car or taxi. Belize, like any developing country, has its own criminal world, with which it is better not to intersect.
There are also drug gangs, despite the fact that crimes in this area are severely punished in Belize. A few years ago, a tourist police appeared in Belize, but they are not yet ubiquitous to talk about complete and round-the-clock security for tourists in Belize.
As for road safety, that is, there are roads along which it is not possible to drive during the rainy season, or it is possible, but only on an SUV. Despite the lack of traffic lights, cars are rented in Belize. All you need is a credit card and international driving license. What products of the offshore industry can be found in Belize?
Hurricanes do happen in Belize during the rainy season and a 24-hour Belize business registration during the rainy season can never really be fully guaranteed.
Hurricanes can result to the loss of the communication in Belize for 3-4 days. If you want to avoid threats to your safety from the weather, then it is better to actually come to Belize between November and May. The hotels may cost more expensive, but you will see Belize in all its glory.
In any case, you have to get your insurance before moving to Belize, especially if you are an extreme lover and want to explore the caves in Belize or climb the rocks – you found that place. In case, something happens to you in the mountains, but you have insurance, the country will provide you with free treatment.
But in this article, we will try to understand how you can work with you funds in Belize, manage, save or invest them, or simply send the funds abroad.
Those mentioned financial activities can be successfully done with a help of a financial advisor, likely with someone who is aware of the country’s legislation, rules, and other essentials.
Let’s see who is a financial advisor and how he can help you in Belize, after discuss two most popular types of financial advisors, which are local and online.
Who is a financial advisor?
A financial advisor (or financial advisor in some countries) is a certified investment professional who provides financial advice to clients to help them achieve their long-term financial goals for a fee. Financial advisors provide many different services such as investment management, tax planning, insurance, mortgages, retirement planning and more. Some financial advisors may be paid a fixed fee while others are paid a commission on the amount invested, depending on the applicable laws of the country in which they work.
A financial advisor helps clients set realistic financial goals and provides objective advice to help them achieve their goals. They help organize financial assets in a way that enhances the client’s financial well-being.
The term financial advisor is used in a broader context to refer to different types of financial professionals such as stockbrokers, insurance agents, real estate managers, risk managers, tax and financial planners. A financial advisor can also be called an investment advisor, financial planner, or investment advisor.
What does a financial advisor do?
Financial advisors assess the financial needs of their clients and provide them with professional investment advice in the short and long term. The financial advisor discusses investment options with the couple.
Personal financial advisors typically do the following:
- Arrange meetings with clients in person to discuss their financial goals.
- Answer and educate clients about investment options and potential risks
- Help clients plan for specific circumstances, such as spending on education or retirement.
- Track customer accounts and determine if changes are needed to improve account performance or adapt to life changes such as marriage or having children.
- Research investment opportunities
While most financial advisors offer advice on a wide range of topics, some specialize in areas such as retirement or risk management.
After they have invested, the client should receive regular investment reports prepared by his financial advisor. They monitor the client’s investment and meet with each client at least once a year to inform them of potential investments. They may adjust the financial plan during this time due to changed circumstances of the client or due to changes in investment options.
Some financial consultants are licensed to directly buy and sell financial products such as stocks, bonds, insurance and other securities. Depending on the agreement they have with their clients, consultants may have the clients’ permission to make decisions about buying and selling stocks and bonds.
What services can a financial advisor offer?
Professional financial advisors conduct “fact-finding” by asking you detailed questions about your circumstances, your goals, and how and to what extent you are willing and able to risk your investments. They can then recommend suitable and affordable financial products for you.
What are the benefits of getting advice?
If you buy an investment product based on financial advice and guidance, you should get a product that suits your needs and specific circumstances.
Depending on the type of advisor you are using, you may also have access to a wider range of options than you could realistically evaluate on your own.
You also have more protection in case something goes wrong if you buy on the advice. For example, protection will be granted if inappropriate advice is given or if it turns out that your advisor was not acting in your best interest. Likewise, investors who are not consulted will also be protected if they are misled or mis-sold a product.
So when do you need financial advice?
The answer depends partly on the product and partly on other factors.
Cash savings products
Whether you are looking to deposit money into savings accounts, intermediaries, or fixed rate savings bonds, you can confidently evaluate your options using comparison sites and spreadsheets. Since these products are relatively easy to understand, you might think you don’t need financial advice and can easily buy them directly from suppliers.
If you are thinking of investing in stocks, mutual funds and other investments, you can be sure to buy them directly from a broker or fund without heeding the advice. However, these products are more difficult to understand than money-saving products, and without asking advice, you won’t be able to consider all the options available to you.
There is also a risk that you will buy a product that does not suit you, because you do not understand it.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Can you afford to lose money?
- Do you have time to research?
- Do you have a lot of experience, knowledge or skills when it comes to investing?
- If something goes wrong, are you comfortable with taking responsibility for the wrong investment decisions?
If the answer to any of these questions is “No,” then the best option may be to seek financial advice.
When making a decision, also keep in mind the cost of commission versus the financial and emotional cost of making a mistake if you make a purchase without advice.
Insurance or mortgage
Some insurance products and mortgages can be purchased from price comparison sites or directly from vendors.
However, you can also talk to specialized brokers who will tell you about the different options and may be able to get you a better deal. It’s up to you whether you buy with or without advice.
If your employer offers a workplace retirement pension, they may also offer you access to advice or guidance on joining their scheme.
Local financial advisors
The difference between a local financial advisor and other types of financial advisors actually lies in the difference between the approach to professional services and the approach to a specific product. Of course, a wealth of local experience is an asset.
Hiring a local consultant has one key advantage: you can meet with someone who will advise you according to the rules of a particular place, in this case according to the rules of Belize.
Many firms cannot afford this. Whether or not you agree with virtual business, there are bound to be situations where you feel the need to meet and talk to someone who will give you valuable strategies and advice.
Other financial consulting companies usually distribute their workload to separate departments. Your “advisor” is most likely an account manager who acts as a buffer between you and some of the other people in the back office who are actually doing the work.
Your “planning” probably comes from the planning department; your investment analysis most likely comes from an analyst who is far from what really matters in your life, and those who actually implement the strategy usually see you as just a bunch of “purchases” and “sales” that they make each shopping day. You simply won’t be able to meet with a real “advisor” because these responsibilities have been divided among several people in different offices.
On the other hand, you should be able to meet with a consultant if you choose an independent service-oriented consulting firm. Again, hiring a local financial advisor is optional, but for most, face-to-face meetings bring a host of benefits.
Most consultants to large financial companies, such as banks, will receive some or all of the compensation for selling you a product, be it stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurance policies, or annuities.
This creates an inevitable conflict of interest. The securities laws in this country recognize this fact and require these “advisors” to be at a lower level. This is called the “suitability” standard, which means they only need to consider whether the products they sell are suitable for your broad investment profile.
The highest standard is the “fiduciary” standard. An independent consultant, whether online or local, who agrees to abide by this standard must by law always put your best interests first.
These consultants never sell products, take commissions, or do anything else that might cause a conflict of interest. They weigh all the factors in your situation before making any recommendations. Their advice is 100% objective. Regardless of whether you are hiring a local consultant or not, remember that they are objective and always prioritize their clients. Speaking of online financial advisors, let’s talk a little about them.
Online financial advisor
Don’t be afraid of the word “online”, the fact that you and your consultant are communicating through online platforms does not change anything but adds comfort. Hiring a financial advisor online is a new concept. Ever since technology and the Internet have become global, all goods and services have settled in the digital space, and financial management is no exception.
However, there are advantages to having a financial advisor online, and here we present some of them:
100% comfort
Hiring a financial advisor does not necessarily mean that you have to meet with him and speak with him in person. Thanks to technology, you can talk to your consultant online, even if you live 1,000 miles.
The convenience of an online finance consultant cannot be overstated. You don’t need to drive to work or travel to the nearest bank or finance company to speak with a professional. Plus, you can easily send or share documents by email or in the cloud and get the answers you want much faster.
Individual approach to your business
An online financial advisor is not the same as a robot advisor or even a bank advisor in many ways. First, you will receive real and personalized advice from a real expert who is well versed in finance and investment, not someone who wants to sell you banking products.
This is important for those who want to look at their finances in a healthy way and give advice like a professional. Sometimes the software or algorithm doesn’t work, especially if your problems are a little more complex.
Relatively low commissions
Of course, the cost will come down if you choose to hire an online financial consultant as it does not have a luxury office and other trappings that will affect the cost. What he needs is a computer, the internet, and a good experienced brain.
They also cost less than conventional companies or financial institutions that provide financial advice. It’s also a smarter choice if you want to save money and spend less, but still understand if you really need a financial advisor. The benefits that you get from this will multiply when you decide to have a second or third session.
Hire only a reliable online financial advisor to get the best service. After all, your money is hard-earned and you will definitely need someone to show you how to maintain and grow your fortune to new heights.
Online documentation
Financial planning really requires a lot of different documents. Those receiving basic financial planning advice will easily find hundreds of pages of advice documentation.
There will be many documents that will also require your signature. As an online finance consultant, we are taking advantage of technological advances as there are many clouds and secure platforms that will store your financial data. Therefore, we can safely send you all these documents online by email.
But the most incredible thing is the opportunity to put an electronic signature! Use a few clicks to sign documents to flip your superuser, customize attachments, and implement Plan B.
All of these documents will be securely posted on an online portal that only you and your online financial advisor have access to.
Many people can approach this with skepticism, which also has its own explanation. This is a relatively new concept and it is difficult for people to get used to some of the things that can also be done on an online platform, but it is a great tool that saves you time and benefits in the first place.
This is all the information you need to know about how to find a financial advisor in Belize, how you can benefit from them, and what they can do for you. We hope this article was informative and will help you with further solutions, and now you know exactly what you want.
Pained by financial indecision? Want to invest with Adam?

Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 320.1 million answers views on Quora.com and a widely sold book on Amazon