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Best Guide for UK Capital Gains Tax for Expats and Non-Residents in 2024

UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) represents a significant aspect of tax liability for expats and non-residents. As 2024 approaches, understanding the intricacies of CGT becomes increasingly important for effective financial planning.

This tax is applied to the profit, often referred to as the financial gain, realized from the sale or disposal of an asset.

The total gain is typically calculated by subtracting the sale value from the original purchase value. For the tax year 2023/2024, the UK has set specific guidelines and rates for CGT.

One of the key elements to consider is the tax-free allowance, which, for the 2023/2024 tax year, stands at £12,300. This means that CGT is only payable on gains that exceed this amount.

Basic rate taxpayers pay a CGT of 10% on gains made above this annual exempt amount. However, looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, significant changes are on the horizon.

The annual CGT allowance will undergo a reduction, dropping from the current level of £6,000 for individuals to £3,000 in the 2024/2025 tax year.

This change means that total gains made in the tax year under this reduced value will not attract CGT, but any gains exceeding this allowance will be subject to CGT.

Another critical aspect to consider is the rate of CGT in relation to income levels. For individuals whose income levels are above £50,270, the gain less the exemption will be taxed at a rate of 28%.

Conversely, for those with income levels below £50,270, the gain less the exemption will be taxed at 18%, up to the threshold of £50,270.

These upcoming changes and existing rules underscore the importance for expats and non-residents to stay informed and plan accordingly.

Understanding the nuances of UK capital gains tax and how it applies to different income levels and assets can significantly impact financial decisions and tax liabilities for the 2024 tax year.

If you want to invest as an expat or high-net-worth individual, which is what i specialize in, you can email me (advice@adamfayed.com) or use WhatsApp (+44-7393-450-837).

This article isn’t formal tax, legal or financial advice, and is only written here for informational purposes.

The facts might have also changed since we wrote this article.

What is Capital Gains Tax?

UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax levied on the profit made from selling or disposing of an asset that has increased in value.

Essentially, it’s the gain you make that’s taxed, not the total amount of money you receive. Different rates of CGT apply depending on the type of asset and your income tax band. You may not need to pay CGT on offshore investments if you are not resident in the UK.

For instance, at higher and additional rates, taxpayers pay 28% on gains from residential property and 20% on other chargeable assets. Basic rate taxpayers face a more complex calculation that depends on the size of the gain, their taxable income, and the nature of the asset.

Distinction Between Short-term and Long-term Capital Gains in UK Capital Gains Tax

CGT in the UK does not explicitly differentiate between short-term and long-term capital gains in the way some other countries do.

Instead, the focus is more on the nature of the asset and the taxpayer’s income level. For instance, residential properties are taxed at different rates than other assets, and the rates vary based on whether you’re a basic rate or higher rate taxpayer.

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Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in the UK applies when a profit is made from selling property or other types of assets.

Who is Liable for UK CGT?

Expats and non-residents in the UK face specific CGT rules. For example, you must have been non-resident for at least five complete UK tax years to gain exemption from CGT on certain assets.

However, if you return to the UK within five years, certain gains made during your time away may be taxed in the year of your return. Interestingly, gains from assets acquired after leaving the UK, such as portfolio investments, are not subject to UK CGT if you are a non-resident.

Tax Residency Rules in the UK

UK tax residency is a critical factor in determining liability for CGT. Generally, if you’re considered a tax resident in the UK, you’re liable for CGT on your worldwide assets.

The specific rules can be complex, involving factors such as the number of days spent in the UK and ties to the country.

It’s also important to consider Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs), which might exempt capital gains from UK tax but subject them to tax in the country where you reside.

Assets Liable for UK CGT

CGT applies to various assets, including all forms of property (unless exempt), gifts, assets acquired by inheritance, shares, and assets transferred through divorce or the dissolution of civil partnerships.

CGT Reliefs and Exemptions

Several reliefs can reduce the CGT charge, like rollover/holdover relief, business incorporation relief, and entrepreneurs’ relief.

Additionally, there are exemptions, such as the sale of your main residence, transfers between spouses or civil partners, and certain personal assets.

Special Rules for Non-UK Residents with UK Property

For non-UK residents with UK property interests, CGT is calculated differently. Since April 6, 2015, such individuals can elect to have CGT assessed on the April 5, 2015, market value of the property if it was owned before this date.

CGT Declarations for Non-Residents

Non-residents selling UK property must declare the sale to HMRC, even if no CGT is due, within 30 days of the transfer of ownership.

Key Changes in CGT Regulations for 2024

For 2024, significant changes will impact the UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) for individuals, trustees, and personal representatives.

The annual exempt amount (AEA), which dictates the portion of capital gains that is not subject to taxation, will see a notable reduction.

For the tax year 2023–2024, the AEA stands at £6,000 for individuals and personal representatives and £3,000 for most trustees.

However, from the tax year 2024 to 2025 onwards, these amounts will be permanently fixed at a lower level: £3,000 for individuals and personal representatives, and £1,500 for most trustees. Additionally, the CGT proceeds reporting limit is now fixed at £50,000.

The impact of Brexit on CGT, particularly for EU expats, revolves mainly around the rules for non-UK residents with UK property interests.

For British expats and non-UK residents owning UK property, particularly those with buy-to-let agreements generating annual income, the rules introduced on April 6, 2015, continue to be relevant.

If the property was owned before this date, CGT can be calculated based on the market value as of 5 April 2015.

The tax must be paid within 60 days after the completion of the property sale. This change from the previous 30-day rule, introduced in April 2020, emphasizes the need for timely compliance.

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Finding an expert in UK expat taxation requires research. Look for advisors with specific experience in UK CGT, especially those familiar with the nuances of expat and non-resident taxation.

Double Taxation Agreements

Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) are crucial for expats to understand as they play a significant role in CGT calculations. DTAs are treaties between two countries that aim to prevent the same income from being taxed in both countries.

These agreements specify how different types of income, including capital gains, are taxed and which country has the taxing rights.

For expats, the distinction between “residence” and “domicile” is vital. While you might declare non-residence status in the UK, if your domicile remains British, it could affect where certain taxes, like inheritance tax, are paid.

If taxed in both countries for the same income, expats can often claim relief through either the exemption method (income taxed only in one country) or the credit method (income taxed in both, but one country gives credit for the tax paid in the other).

Expats must also consider the domicile of their investments. UK-based investments may still be liable for UK taxation, so exploring opportunities in the country of residence or international options might be more tax-efficient.

Owning UK property adds another layer of complexity, as rental income from such property will typically be taxed in the UK first but may also be taxed in the country of residence.

DTAs should prevent double taxation, but correct reporting in both countries is essential. Pension considerations under DTAs are also critical.

The DTA will determine where your pension is taxed, which can vary based on the type of pension and the specific agreement.

Even if not tax-resident in the UK, reporting obligations, particularly for UK-sourced income, remain crucial to avoid penalties.

Given the complexities of DTAs, consulting a tax expert, staying updated on tax rules, and keeping detailed records are key steps for effective planning.

Determining Your Capital Gains

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in the UK applies when a profit is made from selling property or other types of assets. To calculate CGT, you need to identify the profit, which is the difference between the selling price and the original purchase price, including any costs for improvements.

For instance, if you sell a property for £200,000 that was originally purchased for £150,000, CGT is payable on the £50,000 profit.

Examples of Common Assets Subject to CGT

Various assets can trigger CGT upon sale, including personal possessions sold over £6,000, such as art, sculptures, and shares (excluding ISA or PEP business assets).

Additionally, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, when sold for a profit, are subject to CGT. It’s crucial to consult a tax advisor to determine specific liabilities based on the type of asset sold.

Available Deductions and Reliefs

The UK CGT provides several reliefs and exemptions. For example, if your profit is less than £6,000, CGT does not apply. The Principle Private Residence (PPR) relief exempts CGT on sales of your main residence.

Wasting assets (lasting less than 50 years), gifts between spouses or civil partners, child trust funds, and assets in ISAs or PEPs are also exempt from CGT.

Strategies to Minimize CGT Liability

Effective CGT planning involves utilizing tax reliefs, optimizing tax brackets through the timing of sales, and considering tax-efficient investments like ISAs.

For instance, Business Asset Disposal Relief offers a lower rate of 10% for qualifying business assets, significantly reducing the tax liability.

Additionally, understanding the rules for trusts and capital gains tax can also help minimize your CGT liability. It’s advisable to work with a tax advisor or accountant for tailored strategies to minimize CGT.

Non-Resident CGT on UK Property

As of 6 April 2020, non-resident Capital Gains Tax (CGT) applies if you’ve sold or disposed of various types of UK property. This includes residential and non-residential properties as well as mixed-use properties.

Mixed-use properties are those with both residential and non-residential elements, like a flat connected to a commercial space. Additionally, the CGT applies to rights to assets deriving at least 75% of their value from UK land, known as indirect disposals.

You must determine if you’ve made a gain on such disposals and report it to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Recent changes impacting property-related CGT

One notable change from 6 April 2019 is that Corporation Tax, rather than Capital Gains Tax, is charged on gains from UK property or land for all non-resident companies.

This includes collective investment vehicles and life assurance companies, provided they haven’t opted for transparent or exempt treatment. If a non-resident company has not been submitting Corporation Tax returns, it is now required to register for Corporation Tax in these scenarios.

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Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) are crucial for expats to understand as they play a significant role in CGT calculations.

Reporting and Payment Guidelines

Non-residents who have disposed of UK residential property since 6 April 2015 must use the non-resident Capital Gains Tax calculator to determine their tax obligations.

The crucial timeline to remember is that the reporting and payment of tax due must occur within 60 days of the property conveyance. This rule is stringent and allows for amendments to returns if necessary later on.

For calculating gains, there are several methods:

  • Using the market value at 5 April 2015
  • Working out the gain over the entire period of ownership and then apportioning the gain since 5 April 2015
  • Calculating the gain over the whole period of ownership.

For disposals of UK residential properties owned before 6 April 2015, the standard approach involves ‘rebasing,’ which uses the market value at 5 April 2015. You calculate the difference between this value and the disposal value, deducting any improvement and legal selling costs incurred after 5 April 2015.

Similarly, for assets owned before 6 April 2019, the standard method uses the market value at 5 April 2019. The calculation involves establishing the asset’s value on this date and then assessing the difference upon disposal, deducting relevant costs incurred after 5 April 2019.

Penalties for non-compliance

Failure to report and pay CGT within the 60-day window can result in penalties. Therefore, it’s crucial for non-residents to adhere strictly to these deadlines.

The reporting process includes calculating the gain for each disposed property or land, deducting any unused allowable losses, and considering any remaining Annual Exempt Amount (AEA). The CGT rate is then determined, taking into account any rate band already used for earlier disposals in the year.

Effective CGT Planning for Expats and Non-Residents

UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) planning is essential for expats and non-residents, especially considering the significant changes coming in 2024.

One of the most critical changes is the reduction in the annual exempt amount (AEA). From 6 April 2024, the AEA will be permanently set at £3,000 for individuals and personal representatives, down from £6,000 in the previous year and a substantial decrease from £12,300 before 6 April 2023.

This reduction means that more of your capital gains will be taxable, making effective planning crucial. To reduce your CGT liability, consider these strategies:

  • Timing of Asset Disposal: If possible, plan the sale of assets to spread gains across multiple tax years. This approach can keep individual year gains below the AEA threshold.
  • Utilize Reliefs: Familiarize yourself with various reliefs such as Private Residence Relief for property and Entrepreneurs’ Relief for business assets.
  • Asset Allocation: Diversify your investment portfolio to include assets with different tax treatments.
  • Residence Planning: Your tax residency status significantly impacts your CGT liability. Seek advice on how changing your residency could affect your CGT obligations.

Seeking Professional Advice

Consult a tax advisor if: You are planning significant asset disposals:

  • You are planning significant asset disposals: A tax advisor can help you strategize to minimize CGT.
  • You are considering changing your residency status: This can have significant implications on your CGT liability.
  • You are unsure about your CGT obligations: Especially with the new changes effective from April 2024.
  • You want to understand specific reliefs and exemptions: Professional advice ensures you don’t miss out on any benefits.
UK Capital Gains Tax 5
For 2024, significant changes will impact the UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) for individuals, trustees, and personal representatives.

Finding a qualified expert in UK expat taxation

Finding an expert in UK expat taxation requires research. Look for advisors with specific experience in UK CGT, especially those familiar with the nuances of expat and non-resident taxation.

Consider seeking recommendations from other expats or using professional networks. Always verify the credentials and track record of the advisor.


In conclusion, understanding and preparing for the UK Capital Gains Tax is crucial for expats and non-residents, particularly with the significant changes coming in 2024.

Effective long-term planning and seeking professional advice are key to minimizing your CGT liability.

Stay informed about the latest tax regulations and comply with UK CGT laws to avoid unnecessary financial strain. Remember, with the right planning and advice, you can navigate these tax changes effectively.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 760.2 million answer views on Quora.com, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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