Today, we will review Investors Trust Platinum Investment Bond to see the benefits and risks of such investment option. Before we do that, let’s first talk about Investors Trust and know its offerings.
For a comprehensive understanding of other options from the same provider, check out our detailed review of the Investors Trust Access Portfolio.
If you want to invest as an expat or high-net-worth individual, which is what I specialize in, you can email me ( or use WhatsApp (+44-7393-450-837).
This includes if you have a policy and aren’t happy.
Who is Investors Trust?
Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has issued Investors Trust with a license and is responsible for regulating the international insurance firm.
The company is also based in Malaysia and Puerto Rico, with admin offices in the US and Dubai. They are an A-rated company.
Investors Trust is a company that specializes in the supply of medium- to long-term investment-linked solutions that are customized to fit the requirements of investors all over the globe. The company supplies a variety of products, including regular and single premium annuities, that are intended to suit varying levels of income.
Investors Trust aims to give its plan members with alternatives by providing access to global financial markets. The company has service offices built to help plan participants globally, although none of these locations are located in the United Kingdom, the United States, or the European Union.
According to Investors Trust, the Platinum Investment Bond gives investors access to a variety of mutual funds. It is built to customize each investor’s investment basket to match their specific needs.
The Platinum Investment Bond is designed to provide investors the flexibility to make any necessary adjustments to their investment holdings whenever they see fit. The investment portfolio may be re-balanced to meet current requirements, and if the investors want, they can also make adjustments to their portfolio using an online portal.
Those investors who prefer to obtain a regular income might design their strategy in such a way that they will receive a predetermined income source from their holdings.
Borrowing against the value of an investor’s investment portfolio is an additional option provided by Investors Trust’s Platinum product.
How can investors access the Investors Trust Platinum Investment Bond offering?
Qualified investors can apply to this investment by choosing from Platinum Select and Platinum Plus investment product plans.
Let’s talk about the features and charges for each plan.
Platinum Select
Key Features
This plan is available to individuals who are 18 to 85 years old. It includes a guaranteed death benefit equal to 101% of the plan’s surrender value.
The Platinum Select plan offers investors the ability to choose from three different currency options: US dollars (USD), euros (EUR), or British pounds (GBP). This provides investors with flexibility on how they invest and manage their assets. The minimum contribution required to open an account is worth 10,000 in the currency selected.
One of the unique features of the Platinum Select plan is giving investors the ability to increase their investment amount in increments of 2,500 USD (or the equivalent in EUR or GBP) by attaching a rider to the plan.
The Platinum Select plan comes with certain charges that investors should know about. There is no policy fee associated with the plan. However, there is an administration charge of 0.4% per quarter or 1.6% per annum for the first five years, as well as a 0.3% quarterly structure fee which translates to 1.2% per year.
Fund transfers are free, but there are surrender charges that vary depending on the length of the plan. For instance, the surrender charge stands at 6.4% at the end of the first year and at 4.8% at the end of the second year. At the end of the third and fourth year, such charge is at 3.2% and 1.6%, respectively. At the end of the fifth year, meanwhile, there is no more surrender charge assessed.
The plan also allows for free partial withdrawals, but investors must maintain a cash surrender value worth at least 2,500 USD, euros, or pounds.
Platinum Plus
Key Features
Like the Platinum Select plan, this offering is available to investors who are aged 18 to 85, and is available in USD, euros, and pounds. It also bears a guaranteed death benefit equal to 101% of the surrender value.
A minimum investment of $100,000 (or its euro or GBP currency equivalent) is needed to purchase the Platinum Plus package. This minimum investment amount may be higher than some other investment products (like Platinum Select) but it also provides investors with the potential for higher returns and more investment options.
The plan is free of a policy fee, meaning investors won’t be charged an additional fee for purchasing the policy. However, there is a monthly or yearly structure fee of 0.125% or 1.5%, respectively.
The Platinum Plus plan also allows for free fund transfers up to 15 switches yearly. This means that investors can move their funds around without incurring any extra charges, so long as they don’t exceed the limit of 15 transfers per annum.
Do note that redemptions under this plan are subject to a structure fee of up to 1.5% during the first year.
What are the benefits of the Investors Trust Platinum Investment Bond?
Investors Trust Platinum Investment Bond offers different benefits to investors. One of the primary advantages of this investment product is the array of investment options available.
Another positive is the ability it gives to investors to access their account online. This allows them to see real-time information about their investments.
Additionally, the Bond offers safe and private custody of assets, which makes them protected and secure.
The Platinum Investment Bond is known for its liquidity as well, so investors can access their funds when they need to. Furthermore, the Bond features a tool that enables investors to re-balance their portfolio online with the assistance of their financial adviser. With this, investors can make sure that their investments remain aligned with their targets.
The Bond also offers the option to receive regular income from the investment portfolio. It is available in multiple currencies and investors can choose from different plans according to whatever their individual needs and preferences are.
However, the value of the investments held in the bond could still rise or fall, and there is a risk that the bond issuer may default on its obligations. The investment minimums are also high, so this only caters to those who can afford it. If you can, then this could be one of the investment alternatives you can have.
The main drawbacks is if the advisor in question has made the wrong investment decisions.
Overall, this isn’t a bad investment option for people, if you have the right advisor.
Better investment options might exist, but that depends on what you want to achieve and your individual situation.
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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters with over 827million answer views on Quora, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.