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Expat financial advisors in Mozambique part 2 – what are the benefits of an online advisor?

Expat financial advisor in Mozambique part 2 – Part one is here.

How you can invest in property in Mozambique?

Expat financial advisor in Mozambique
Expat financial advisors in Mozambique part 2 - what are the benefits of an online advisor? 3

Real estate in Mozambique is of great interest to the citizens of the Russian Federation. The country’s economic success clearly affects the number of investors who want to buy real estate in this state.

Note that the Mozambican real estate market has not yet been fully explored, so some parts of it remain a mystery to many foreign citizens.

Almost one-fifth of the country’s territory is occupied by national parks. They are amazingly beautiful. The park area is inhabited by lions, antelopes, elephants, buffaloes, rhinos, and other African animals, including feathered representatives of the fauna.

Numerous international funds help to preserve and maintain park infrastructure. For example, the Carr Foundation began rebuilding Gorongos Park, which was badly damaged during the civil war.

If we talk about the housing sector, then there are no clear price characteristics for the cost of “squares” in this country. In addition, the usual statistics and trend analysis are lacking. A plot of land or a house cost as much as the buyers are willing to give for them, and the tax on the transaction is 2.2% of the total cost.

Prices for city apartments are especially high, particularly in Maputo. For example, a two or three-room apartment in the most “proletarian” area will cost 50 thousand dollars. In Altu Mae (low middle class) such an apartment will cost 75 thousand dollars, such an apartment in the Polana zone (this is the upper-middle class) will cost about 100 thousand dollars. Note that in this country the number of rooms is considered differently: a 2-room apartment or a 3-room apartment will correspond to T1 and T2 (the hall is not counted when counting rooms).

Almost all buildings in Maputo were built before 1976, that is, during the Portuguese period. After the citizenship of the war (after 1992), practically no objects were built. The construction of new buildings began only in the new millennium, and, as a rule, they began to build not multi-storey buildings, but villas and condominiums (these are closed guarded complexes). Therefore, the country lacks housing (especially new).

The main buyers of real estate are above-average civil servants, as well as managers and businessmen. This category of people, as a rule, cannot immediately “layout” the entire amount of money for the object. Therefore, they are forced to take out a loan from mortgage banks in Portugal, since there is practically no local mortgage market.

Foreigners pay attention to business premises and city apartments (large in size), but most of all foreign citizens are interested in villas with land plots in an area provided with modern infrastructure. For example, a villa in Matola costs about 100 thousand dollars, a villa with a garage and a swimming pool – 200 thousand euros.

Online financial advisors

Expat financial advisor in Mozambique
Expat financial advisors in Mozambique part 2 - what are the benefits of an online advisor? 4

Here is the main service, where we are specialized – you can apply here.

Financial planners or online consultants are people with the experience and knowledge to help their clients achieve specific financial goals.

They strive to understand your current personal financial circumstances and future goals, and then develop financial strategies to help you achieve them.

These professionals are now assisted by the addition of a range of digital financial planning tools that help minimize risk and automate critical financial and accounting processes such as Know Your Customer, portfolio recommendations, portfolio rebalancing, and dividend reinvestment.

In other words, financial planners on the Internet are using new technologies to better transport you from where you are (financially) to where you want to be. This allows them to cut costs that will ultimately affect your income and shorten the time it takes to acquire customers. Time is an important commodity when investing: the earlier you start, the more time your money will work for you.

This approach to the profession creates a technology-driven financial dimension around important life decisions that help plan actions and achieve personal goals, whether it’s early retirement, a new business, a new home, or a dream vacation.

Below are some of the benefits that you will get by working with an online financial advisor.

Save your time and money

You never have to interrupt your day or travel to get to a meeting. Everything online, from weekly meetings to documentation. Of course, all of this will be confidential and secure. This means not printing documents or written meeting notes.

Communication is easier

In a stuffy office, you might be hesitant to tell your financial planner that you want to save money on a car or whatever. It’s hard to beat slang when looking at a suit in a conference room.

Joining a virtual meeting from a familiar location allows you to be honest about your situation, goals, and things you don’t know about. And to be successful in your financial game plan, you must be honest with your financial planner. With us, every online financial planning meeting is non-judgmental and simple advice is our bread and butter.

Online communication is suitable

A virtual tip should also not be confused with a high-end call center or low-cost customer service center. This is not a digital edition. Rather, it is a continuous financial consulting model that replaces the personal consultant and offers a different value proposition for a specific segment of consumers.

In fact, the ideal experience is pretty simple – you want to feel like you’re chatting with a good friend who’s simply talented in money. There is no need for a large conference room.

They are on your side, they are fun to talk to, and they tell you everything you need to know in easy-to-understand language. Because if you are truly an expert, can’t you drop the jargon and just explain things?

A virtual tip should also not be confused with a quality call center or service center for low-value customers.

Pained by financial indecision? Want to invest with Adam?

Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 336.6 million answers views on Quora.com and a widely sold book on Amazon

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