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A List of the Best International Schools in Monaco

Find out the best international schools in Monaco through this article.

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Living in Monaco comes with a long list of advantages. Some of which are its status as a tax haven, a safe and secure environment, high-quality healthcare, and a high standard of living. Moving to the country with children puts forward the question of where they can get the best education there is. The quality of education in Monaco is generally high. But international schools provide a vast array of benefits, especially to children of expatriate parents.

Background on the Education System in Monaco

Children in Monaco are required to attend school by law. This is applicable once they turn 6 years old up until the age of 16. However, they can already attend nursery school by the time they are 3 years old. 

Every school in Monaco, whether state-run or private, is recognized as a French educational establishment worldwide. In line with this, the different aspects of the school, such as timetable, program, and examinations, abide by the standards of the French national educational authority.

The medium of instruction is French. However, English is taught at the young age of 3. There are also some educational institutions that teach French under their Foreign Language section. This can help students who do not speak the native language cope with the demands of schooling.

In general, schools in Monaco teach religion, the history of the country, and the Monegasque language. There are 36 weeks in a school year, which spans from the months of September to July. But there are four holiday periods in between them. 

Best International Schools in Monaco

The international schools listed below are located within Monaco and nearby areas.

1. International School of Monaco

The International School of Monaco (ISM) was founded in 1994. It is an accredited educational institution by the Council of International Schools (CIS). They offer early years (3 to 8 years old), primary school (8 to 11 years old), and secondary school (11 to 18 years old). 

Learning at ISM is guided by six principles, which are as follows: practical and theoretical learning; engagement; a learning-focused environment; what, how, and why they are learning; collaboration; and feedback. These principles are based on best practices across the globe. And, they are upheld by administrators, teachers, and students in all their undertakings.

A bilingual program in the Early Years and Primary School is currently being implemented. This means that students learn both English and French concurrently and with equal importance. By the time students reach secondary school, English is the main medium of instruction. But a third foreign language, either Spanish or Italian, is introduced. They also offer a mother tongue curriculum to a minimum number of students who are native speakers of German, Italian, and Russian.

best international schools in Monaco: the International School of Monaco
ISM offers a diverse extracurricular program.

ISM develops competent students who consistently pass the IB examinations. With an average of 39.7 points, it is well and beyond the average for IB schools worldwide. 

But ISM goes beyond academic rigor. They also have a far-reaching extracurricular and enrichment program. This includes science competitions, free diving, culture and field trips, and clubs and societies, among many others.  

At the center of all these efforts are the children themselves. ISM practices an Integrated Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum throughout all the years of schooling. This gives importance to the wellbeing of the students, not just within the sphere of academics, but also as individuals.

The annual fees at ISM range between 7,700 EUR and 28,350 EUR. They are located at 12 Quai Antoine 1er, Monaco.

2. Mougins British International School 

Mougins British International School was founded in 1964. It is accredited by the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) and the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). They offer early years (3 to 5 years old), primary school (5 to 11 years old), and secondary school (11 to 18 years old). 

The institution is guided by the principles of respect, learning, integrity, and community. They adopt the English National Curriculum but contextualize it within the international environment. At the same time, this is further enriched by the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) approach to learning. As such, students are encouraged to go beyond theoretical learning. They are given the opportunity to apply it to the world outside their books.

The campus is located in the Sophia Antipolis technology park. 

All the students of Mougins British International School pass the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and Advanced Level Qualification (A-Level). And they obtain results that are consistently higher than the average. This gives them the competitive edge to pursue higher education at well-known universities in the UK, France, and other countries across the world.

Academic programs are complemented with extracurricular activities. Students are given the opportunity to engage in music, drama, sports, language courses, and special events.

The annual tuition fees range between 14,175 EUR and 20,055 EUR. They are located at 615 Avenue Maurice Donat CS 12180, Mougins, France. This is around a 45-minute drive from Monaco.

3. International School of Nice

The International School of Nice (ISN) was founded in 1977. It is accredited by the CIS, the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS), and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Organization. They offer primary school, middle school, and high school. 

ISN implements an IB curriculum, using English as the medium of instruction. With a student-centered learning approach, children are at the forefront of the school’s efforts. Children can attain their own learning goals using their unique ways of learning. Throughout this journey, well-skilled teachers are with them to provide appropriate support. Given this, they become empowered, develop their potential, and thrive as well-rounded individuals.

Students at ISN have access to a theatre, a gymnasium, recreational areas, and other facilities.

Similarly, ISN never compromises on the students’ lives outside the field of academics. Rather, there are many opportunities for them to pursue their interests and develop their skills in the fields of art, music, theater, and sports, among others.

Students from the International School of Nice consistently perform better than the average in the IB Diploma Examinations. Many of them eventually enter top universities worldwide in the program of their choice.  

The annual tuition fees range between 11,400 EUR and 20,685 EUR. They are located at 15 Avenue Claude Debussy, Nice, France. It will take around a 31-minute drive to get there from Monaco.

4. ICS Côte d’Azur

ICS Côte d’Azur, formerly known as EBICA Ecole Bilingue Internationale Côte d’Azur (Côte d’Azur Bilingual International School), was founded in 2006. It was created for local and expat families who sought to bring their children to a bilingual international school. The institution is accredited by the IB organization. They offer early years, primary years, and post-primary education. 

They implement an IB curriculum using both English and French as their medium of instruction. Students are taught alternately in both languages on a ten-day cycle. This is regardless of the subject matter being taught. Because of this, children learn their subjects, such as mathematics, science, and social studies, in two different languages. 

Students are well-supported so that they can develop the necessary fluency to learn and communicate in both languages. With this, students will not be hindered from going through the curriculum.  

ICS Cote dAzur
ICS Côte d’Azur is a bilingual international school.

A student’s school life at ICS Côte d’Azur includes arts, sports, and extracurricular activities. This provides them with opportunities to participate in visual arts classes, judo lessons, academic olympics, and international music festivals.

The annual tuition fees range between 10,645 EUR and 14,235 EUR. They are located at 245 Route des Lucioles, Valbonne, France. It will take a 42-minute car ride from Monaco to get there.

5. The British School of Monaco

The British School of Monaco is yet to open by September 2022. However, this does not mean that students will get a substandard learning experience. Rather, it was founded by two outstanding individuals in the fields of education, law, and youth development. At the same time, the educational institution is accredited and recognized by Pearson/Edexcel and Cambridge. They offer primary school and A-Level Program. 

Their approach to learning involves the integration of well-established principles and practices with innovative teaching methods. Using the National Curriculum for England and the A-Level Curriculum through Cambridge, students are honed to become the best version of themselves.  

british school of monaco 1
The British School of Monaco will open its doors in a few months.

The medium of instruction for all subjects and year levels is English. However, there are mandatory French classes from Year 1 to Year 6, which are divided into non-native French speakers and native French speakers. More than the lessons inside the classroom, students are provided with opportunities to become involved in poetry recitations, assemblies, and French clubs. 

Students also get to enjoy extra-curricular activities, summer camps, regional and international trips, and other activities outside the classroom.  

The annual tuition fee is 35,000 EUR. They are located at 2 Rue du Gabian/5 bis Rue de l’Industrie, 8ème étage, Monaco. This makes it convenient and easily accessible for families residing in the country.


Given this list of the best international schools in Monaco, the International School of Monaco and the British School of Monaco are the most accessible since they are within the country itself. However, there are more options to choose from, which are less than an hour away. Nevertheless, the best international school will ultimately depend on each and every child.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 760.2 million answer views on Quora.com, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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