If you are a high net worth individual or an expat with money to invest, you might be looking through this website wondering about a specific investment fund and if it is right for you.
Choosing an investment fund is tricky business, especially when there are options abound and decisions you make can carry significant financial implications. Finding the best, most efficient, and lucrative funds becomes a paramount concern for wealthy expats and high net worth individuals.
It is increasingly crucial to navigate this complex financial landscape with precision and insight, and guiding clients towards funds that align with their goals and maximize their wealth potential is what we do best.
In this series of pillar articles, of which this is the first, we delve deep into the realm of investment funds, dissecting and reviewing various options to provide a comprehensive resource for those seeking to make informed decisions.
Whether you are a seasoned investor or just beginning to explore the possibilities, the information we prove will unravel the intricacies of different investment funds, unveiling their strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth.
With our expertise as your guide, you will gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to navigate this dynamic market and secure the financial future you desire.
Take note, however, that all of this is for educational purposes only, and do not qualify as professional financial advice nor are they a recommendation of certain funds.
We always suggest that you consult us, or the services of a financial planner you trust if you want to invest with any investment product to see if they are appropriate for you and your goals.
The Basics: How should you choose the best investment fund for you?
Before we get into different investment funds on the market, we must first discuss the investment strategy that goes into selecting one.
Among the most basic of strategies is understanding asset allocation. We have talked about the topic extensively in this article, but essentially it boils down to the fact that maintaining stability in an investment strategy requires exposure to multiple asset categories.
The saying “do not put all your eggs in one basket” is an apt analogy for the asset allocation concept, which is equally applicable to mutual fund investments.
Allocating a portfolio’s assets in a way that strikes an appropriate balance between risk and potential profit takes into account the investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon for making investments.
All three primary asset classes—equities, fixed income, and cash and equivalents—behave in their own distinctive ways throughout time due to the different risks and returns associated with each.
The direction in which distinct asset types move varies. Performance across asset types is typically dispersed. It could be tempting to think that the best way to time the market is to put money into mutual funds that are doing very well right now.
However, it can be quite challenging for anyone to foresee the future direction of any asset class. For instance, gold investments may fall in value when stock markets are doing well and vice versa. Therefore, diversifying holdings across a range of asset classes is prudent.
By spreading your money over multiple asset categories, you can reduce the impact of any one’s underperformance. Putting all of one’s money into a single asset class or mutual fund strategy is a very dangerous move.
However, diversifying one’s investment portfolio across different types of assets often results in higher returns.
How does asset allocation help you choose better investment funds?
In order to reduce portfolio volatility, financial advisors typically recommend that their clients diversify their holdings among a variety of asset classes.
This simple reasoning explains why asset allocation is a common technique in portfolio management: different asset classes will always have different returns. This will provide protection for investors against the potential loss of their capital.
The goal of an asset allocation fund is to provide investors with exposure to a wide variety of asset classes through a single investment instrument.
The fund’s asset allocation may be either static (consistent with a predetermined percentage of holdings in each asset class) or dynamic (changing in response to market conditions), depending on the investor’s preferences.
One of the most common asset allocation rules of thumb states that the percentage of your portfolio invested in equities should be equal to 100 minus your age. So, if you are 40 years old, you can put 60% of your money into equity and 40% into debt. There is also a Rule of 110, which serves a similar purpose.
However, they are only suggestions. When investing, one must take one’s risk tolerance into account.
You should think about your goals, net worth, earning potential, and obligations while making a financial decision, in addition to your age. You should also think about how long you intend to maintain investing for.
Mutual funds are the easiest approach to diversify your holdings and fulfill your asset allocation goals.
You can diversify your portfolio even further by investing in many asset classes, such as equities through a mutual fund that holds shares in both large and small and medium-sized businesses.
Choosing the right asset allocation for your portfolio is a highly individual process. An investor’s investment horizon, risk tolerance, and personal financial goals and objectives all have a role in the asset allocation selections they make.
Consider the following factors:
How long an investor plans to keep their money in the market impacts the time horizon factor. The answer is highly dependent on the reason for the investment. Risk aversion correlates differently with distinct time frames.
A long-term investing plan, for example, may encourage an investor to invest in a more volatility or high-risk portfolio due to the uncertain nature of economic dynamics and the likelihood that they could alter in the investor’s favor.
However, investors with a shorter time horizon may be hesitant to put their money into more volatile investments.
Risk Tolerance
Investors’ risk tolerance refers to their comfort level with the possibility of a loss of some or all of their initial investment in pursuit of greater future gains.
Those with a high risk tolerance or appetite are more likely to invest the majority of their capital in high-risk ventures in search of higher returns. Conversely, investors who fear loss of their money are more likely to put their money into safe, low-risk investments.
Exposure and Payoff
When it comes to investing, risk and return go hand in hand. You have probably heard the adage “no pain, no gain” before, which sums up the relationship between risk and reward nicely. No one has the right to try to change your mind.
All investments carry some degree of danger. You should be aware of the risk of complete financial loss if you invest in assets like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.
The payoff for taking calculated risks is the opportunity to earn a better return on investment. Carefully selecting riskier asset classes like stocks or bonds would likely produce a larger return than limiting your investments to safer assets like cash equivalents if you have a lengthy time horizon for your financial objective.
However, investing just in cash assets may be reasonable for short-term monetary goals.
Why is understanding asset allocation important for choosing investment funds?
Asset allocation has many advantages. Diversification is a key part of asset allocation since it helps to reduce risks associated with investing across many classes.
Since market forces and the economy have varied effects on different asset classes, you will not be significantly harmed by risks linked to a single risk category.
If you had all of your money invested in the stock market and it plummeted like it did in 2008, you would lose everything. If you had invested in debt or fixed income instead of equities, you could have avoided the volatility that comes with stock market investing while still reaping the benefits of such assets.
When you spread your money around into different investments, you spread your risk. If you diversify your investments carefully, you may be able to reduce the volatility of your returns and limit your exposure to loss without giving up too much potential gain.

In addition, the probability of reaching your financial goals is significantly impacted by how you allocate your assets. If you do not take enough risk with your portfolio, your investments may not provide a high enough return to get you where you need to go.
If you are investing for a long-term goal, like retirement or college, the majority of financial experts agree that you should have some exposure to the stock market through individual equities or stock mutual funds.
However, if your portfolio is excessively risky, you run the risk of not having access to the necessary funds when you need them to achieve your goal.
To save for a family summer vacation, for instance, is a good example of a short-term goal that would be poorly served by a portfolio heavily weighted in stocks or stock mutual funds.
Capital Spending
Asset allocation allows you to take the long view and not let short-term market fluctuations dictate your investment strategy. Your portfolio’s adherence to the asset allocation concept reduces the impact of market changes on your investments.
When you have a diversified portfolio, you will have shown some self-control in your investment strategy, as seen by your diversified and long-term outlook. Asset allocation facilitates a sharper concentration on both long-term objectives and the investments most likely to bring them to fruition.
Higher Profits
Exposure to many asset classes increases the probability that your portfolio will outperform one with only that asset class over the long term. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to diversify your holdings so that your portfolio is less vulnerable to losses in any one asset class.
It is challenging to select an appropriate asset allocation approach that will help you achieve your financial goals.
You are looking for an asset allocation that maximizes your likelihood of success within the bounds of your comfort zone. As you get closer to your target, you will need the flexibility to adjust the asset mix.
If you have some investing expertise and a firm grasp on your own time horizon and risk tolerance, you could feel comfortable building your own asset allocation model.
Many books and websites provide basic “rules of thumb” for investing, and you may also find this information in “how to” publications.
For instance, while the SEC is unable to endorse a particular asset allocation formula or technique, the Iowa Public Employees Retirement System offers an online asset allocation calculator.
You will settle on a course of action that is uniquely yours. Asset allocation strategies vary in their suitability for different financial goals. You should go with the option that works best for you.
Experts in the field of personal finance may tell you that deciding on your asset allocation is more important than deciding on which investments to buy individually.
Because of this, you may want to consider consulting a financial advisor for help with determining your starting asset allocation and making any necessary revisions in the future.
However, before hiring someone to help you make such important choices, make sure to investigate their credentials and disciplinary record thoroughly.
What types of funds are good for asset diversification?
Stocks and stock mutual funds, bond mutual funds, corporate and municipal bonds, lifecycle funds, money market funds, exchange-traded funds, and U.S. federal government debt are just some of the many investment options available.
Some financial goals may be best served by a portfolio that includes stocks, bonds, and cash. The characteristics of the three primary types of assets will be discussed at length today.
Stocks, the most volatile and lucrative of the three major asset classes, also carry the greatest inherent risk. Stocks have the greatest potential for growth, making them the “heavy hitter” of the asset classes in a portfolio.
Stocks have the potential to both tank and soar. The short-term volatility of stocks makes investing in them extremely dangerous. For example, around once every three years, investors in large-cap companies have suffered a loss.
And the losses were substantial in a few instances. Those willing to own stocks for long periods of time despite their unpredictable returns have historically done well.
Bonds are often less volatile than stocks, but offer lower returns. An investor who is getting close to their financial goal may increase their bond holdings relative to their stock holdings due to the lower risk of owning more bonds despite their lesser potential for growth.
Keep in mind that there are bond varieties that offer returns on par with equities. These bonds have a greater yield, but they also have a larger risk of default.
Savings deposits, treasury bills, certificates of deposit, money market funds, and money market deposit accounts are all examples of cash and cash equivalents.
Unfortunately, the returns on these assets are the lowest of the three major asset classes. There is an exceptionally minimal risk of loss while investing in this category of assets. The federal government guarantees a wide variety of cash equivalent investments.
Investment losses in non-guaranteed cash equivalents are possible but uncommon. Investors’ primary concern when purchasing cash equivalents is the possibility of inflation. This refers to the possibility that inflation will eventually eat away at investment returns.
Stocks, bonds, and cash tend to be the most widely held assets. When deciding what to put money into for a 529 plan for college or a 401(k) for retirement, these are the options you are most likely to consider.
However, some investors may choose to diversify their portfolios by including assets from other classes, such as precious metals, real estate, and other commodities, and private equity.
Investment risks in these areas are often unique to the specific asset class in question. It is important to weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks of every investment before making one.
How should you diversify and allocate your assets?
Each financial advisor will have their unique approach to asset allocation investing. The top two approaches of swaying financial decisions are as follows.
- Distribution of Assets by Age: Investment decisions in age-based asset allocation are made with the investors’ age brackets in mind. Therefore, most financial consultants recommend that customers choose a stock portfolio based on their age minus 100. The sum is calculated using the investor’s projected longevity. When people live longer, they are more likely to put their money into riskier investments like the stock market.
- Life-Cycle Funds Asset Allocation or Targeted Date: Life-cycle funds allocation and targeted-date techniques help investors maximize return on investment (ROI) in accordance with their investment aims, risk aversion, and age. This is a complex portfolio structure because of standardization issues. In reality, these three components will vary for each investment.
- Tactical Asset Allocation: Tactical asset allocation is a solution to the problems that occur from strategic asset allocation in the context of long-term investment policies. Therefore, the goal of tactical asset allocation is to improve short-term investment techniques. It provides greater leeway in responding to changes in the market, allowing investors to put their money to better use.
- Constant Weight Allocation: The constant-weight asset allocation approach relies on a “buy and hold” strategy. Investors tend to increase their holdings of a stock as its price falls. However, if the price goes up, they will sell more. The goal is to ensure that the proportions never change by more than five percent from the initial configuration.
- Dynamic Asset Allocation: Among investment strategies, dynamic asset allocation is by far the most well-known. Investors can vary the amount of money they put into various asset classes in response to market fluctuations and economic growth or contraction.
- Insured Asset Allocation: For investors who prefer to minimize their exposure to risk, the insured asset allocation is the best option. Setting a minimum asset value from which the portfolio should not deviate is a part of this strategy. The prudent investor prepares for market downturns by making backup plans. If not, they are free to buy, keep, or sell at any time so long as they realize a profit over the asset’s cost basis.
How does asset allocation benefits from diversification?
Investors often employ asset allocation to spread their money around among various markets. However, there are investors who choose not to.
In some cases, a 100% stock portfolio may make sense for a 25-year-old preparing for retirement, while a 100% cash equivalent portfolio may make sense for a family saving for a down payment on a house.
Neither approach, however, attempts to mitigate danger by spreading its bets across a wide range of investments. Consequently, it is not possible to provide portfolio diversification just by selecting an asset allocation strategy.
Whether or if your portfolio is diversified depends on how you allocate your money among numerous investment options.
A diversified portfolio needs to be diversified both within and across asset groups. So, you will need to allocate your investments not just between stocks, bonds, cash equivalents, and other possible asset classes, but also within each class.
The key is to identify subgroups of investments within each asset class that might exhibit variable behavior depending on the status of the market.
One way to diversify your investments within a given asset class is to seek out and put money into enterprises in a wide variety of fields. For example, if you just buy four or five different stocks, that is not a very diverse stock portfolio. True diversification requires owning at least a dozen unique equities.

Some investors may find it easier to diversify within each asset class by owning mutual funds rather than making individual investments from each asset class due to the complexity of diversification.
A mutual fund is a company that pools the resources of several investors in order to purchase and hold securities like stocks, bonds, and other financial assets. Mutual funds make it simple for investors to hold a fractional share in a wide range of investments.
For instance, a market-capitalization-weighted index fund would include thousands of different companies. There is a great deal of diversity in just one investment.
Although mutual funds can provide diversification, this is not always the case, especially if the fund is focused on a single industry. If you want to diversify your portfolio but only want to invest in narrowly specialized mutual funds, you may need to invest in several different funds.
This may necessitate weighing the merits of large-company stock funds with those of small- and international-company stock funds. That can include thinking about different types of investment vehicles, such as money market funds, bond funds, and stock funds.
Of course, the more investments you have in your portfolio, the more likely it is that you will pay more in fees and expenses, cutting into your earnings. Therefore, you need to factor in these expenses while deciding how to diversify your portfolio.
When should you rebalance your portfolio?
Changing your asset allocation is most commonly done because your time horizon has shifted. In other words, as you get closer to your investing goal, you should probably make some changes to your asset allocation.
For example, when people near retirement age, their portfolios typically consist of less stocks and more bonds and cash equivalents.
You may need to rebalance your portfolio if your risk tolerance, your resources, or your financial aim shifts.
However, savvy investors rarely make adjustments to their asset allocation based on the relative performance of different asset classes, such as increasing their stock holdings during a bull market. Instead, at that time they “rebalance” their holdings.
The term “rebalancing” refers to the process of bringing a portfolio back to its original asset allocation. This is crucial since at some point your investments may no longer be able to help you reach your financial goals.
Some of your investments could produce faster returns than others. You can restore your portfolio to an acceptable level of risk and make sure that no single asset type is overrepresented by rebalancing it.
For example, suppose you have determined that stocks should constitute 60% of your portfolio. After a recent stock market increase, however, your portfolio is now 80 percent made up of stock assets.
To rebalance your portfolio to its original allocation, you may need to liquidate some stock holdings or increase your exposure to an underweighted asset class by purchasing securities.
When rebalancing, it is also important to review the holdings within each asset class. If any of your holdings within a certain asset class are not performing in accordance with your expectations, you will need to make modifications.
There are essentially three techniques to rebalance a portfolio:
- Overexposed investments can be liquidated and the proceeds used to offset underexposure in other areas.
- It is possible to purchase additional investments in underweighted asset classes.
- If you are regularly adding to the portfolio, you can shift the allocation of those funds so that more of them are invested in underweighted asset classes.
Before deciding to rebalance your portfolio, you should consider if doing so will incur any transaction fees or have any tax implications. With the help of a tax or financial planner, you can develop solutions to minimize these possible expenditures.
How often should you rebalance your investment portfolio?
Rebalancing your portfolio can be done either by using your investments or by using the calendar. Many experts in the field of finance recommend that investors rebalance their holdings at least once every six to twelve months.
The calendar might serve as a helpful reminder of when you should consider rebalancing your portfolio.
Some experts suggest rebalancing only after a certain percentage of assets changes hands (be it up or down).
The investments you choose will help you determine when it is time to rebalance your portfolio. Rebalancing is most effective when performed rarely in both cases.
Asset allocation is not a problem that can be solved with a “one size fits all” solution. Each person needs a unique approach because their financial position is unique.
Investors should routinely assess whether or not their current investment approach is consistent with their long-term goals, level of risk tolerance, and time horizon.
Keep in mind that the market is often outperformed by portfolios that have a good product selection and consistent asset allocation. If you need help determining your asset allocation strategy, a professional may be worth the cost.
Which investment funds suit you best?
Hopefully, you now have a general understanding of what you should consider when evaluating your investment portfolio and choosing the right fund that will help you reach your financial objectives.
Next, we will explore and review different investment funds, evaluating their efficiency and value. From mutual funds to exchange-traded funds (ETFs), index funds to real estate investment trusts, we will delve into the characteristics, performance, and risk profiles of each fund type.
There are countless investment funds available in the world, and we will try our best to highlight the most prominent and relevant ones in a series of articles for your benefit. This will be the first.
Feel free to skip to the end of the article for an overview and comparison of all the investment funds on this list.
Tritax Big Box REIT
As a real estate investment trust (REIT) founded in the United Kingdom, Tritax Big Box REIT focuses on purchasing and overseeing large logistical facilities, also known as “big boxes.”
Warehouse and distribution facilities like these are commonly utilized by major retailers, online marketplaces, and logistics firms.
Tritax Big Box REIT invests in state-of-the-art warehouses in prime locations around the United Kingdom.
Investing in Tritax Big Box REIT could be enticing for a number of reasons:
- One of the main reasons to put your money into real estate investment trusts is the steady income they provide.
- Dividends are paid out of the rental revenue generated by Tritax Big Box REIt is portfolio of properties. Investors who need a steady stream of money may find this enticing.
- Tritax Big Box REIT has an impressive roster of tenants, including household names like Amazon, DHL, and Tesco. These renters sign long-term agreements with the REIT, guaranteeing a steady stream of income for the company.
- Exposure to the expansion of online shopping: As e-commerce has grown, so has the need for massive logistical properties to handle the warehousing and shipping of products.
- Tritax Big Box REIT is set up to reap the benefits of this development because the company’s holdings include retail spaces ideal for online retailers.
- Tritax Big Box REIT is a portfolio diversifier since it gives investors access to the UK real estate sector without requiring them to own individual buildings. Rather of taking on the risk of owning a single building, the REIT spreads its investments across a wide range of locations and tenants.
- Tritax Big Box REIT is a potentially lucrative investment, but it is crucial to do your research before committing. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- The success of Tritax Big Box REIT, like that of any other investment, is subject to market fluctuations. Before investing, it is essential to evaluate the state of the economy as a whole, as well as the demand and supply dynamics of the logistics property market.
- Investing in Tritax Big Box REIT carries with it the normal risks involved with any financial transaction. Tenant defaults, changes in interest rates, and market volatility are all examples of such dangers. Before putting up money, you should learn about and evaluate these dangers.
- It is recommended to perform a comprehensive financial study of Tritax Big Box REIT before to making any investments. Some things to check include the REIt is dividend history, debt levels, and financial records.
If you want to capitalize on the rise of online shopping in the UK by investing in the logistics property industry, Tritax Big Box REIT may be a good choice.
The real estate investment trust provides stable income, solid tenants, and portfolio diversity. However, before making any investing decisions, it is essential to do extensive research and consult with a professional financial counselor.
Tritax Big Box REIT, being the leading investor in large-scale logistics warehouses and the owner of the UK’s largest logistics focused land-portfolio, has a prime potential to capitalize on the UK logistics sector.
Tritax Big Box REIT plans to acquire high-quality, resilient customers and keep them engaged through active asset management and the implementation of insight-led development from its land portfolio in order to improve and protect income and capital values.
Tritax Big Box REIt is sector experience, excellent teamwork, and extensive connections allow it to identify opportunities and carry them out with pinpoint accuracy.
Tritax Big Box REIT is utilizing the UK’s largest logistics-focused land platform, which has created a pipeline of internally-generated possibilities for long-term phased delivery, to reach its attractive return on cost target of 6-8%.
Tritax Big Box REIT has established a portfolio of high-quality buildings in prime locations, which they have leased to successful businesses.
The portfolio has proven that it can generate steady income despite market uncertainty. Tritax Big Box owns assets of varying sizes and in diverse countries, allowing them to put their asset management talents to good use and create greater returns.
All of Tritax Big Box REIt is decisions are made with ESG factors in mind. Asset management techniques include ESG activities, such as the development of net-zero carbon buildings or the implementation of Green Finance, to lessen the negative impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks and make the most of associated possibilities over the long term.
The Group’s loan-to-value ratio is at a healthy 30.3%, and it has a strong balance sheet, considerable opportunities for growth, and numerous funding sources to support its efforts to increase shareholder value.
According to Tritax Big Box REIT, the logistics industry is where commercial real estate is expected to see the highest growth in the near future.
The demand for large-scale logistics assets is being driven by long-term structural shifts in the labor market and the investment community. These trends, which have been supported and accelerated by recent events like Covid-19 and Brexit, will persist for some time.
How is its recent performance?
According to the company’s most recent financial report, for the six months ending in August 2023, Tritax’s net rental income was £109.3m, an increase of 3.6% year over year due to organic growth. The annual rent roll did not change as a result of asset sales and new tenancies canceling each other out.
At £5.1 billion in value, with a rent collection percentage of 100% and a vacancy rate of 1.9%, the portfolio maintained a steady performance.
The decline in operating costs of 9.8 percent can mostly be attributed to a decrease in management fees. As a result, the company’s underlying operating profit rose by 7.5% to £95.5m.

The net debt of £1.5bn is a result of the portfolio loan to value ratio falling from 31.2% to 30.3%.
According to Tritax Big Box REIT plc Chairman Aubrey Adams, “we continue to successfully implement our strategy to drive operational performance delivering positive growth in rents, earnings, and dividends” in the most recent fiscal year ending in 2023.
Customers’ need for high-quality, strategically situated, and environmentally friendly logistics space persists despite the continued difficulty of the macroeconomic situation.
Strong demand in our development sites is helping to secure our future rental income and capital value growth as supply remains tight. Our continued efforts to boost operational efficiency are centered on “crystallizing value” through asset sales and “recycling capital” into “higher-returning opportunities.”
This includes making strategic acquisitions in favorable markets so that we can increase our product selection for customers and accelerate our revenue development in the near term through asset management. Tritax Big Box has a solid financial foundation, a manageable cost of debt, and ample cash on hand, providing the company the room to implement its growth strategy.
To capitalize on the attractive fundamentals of our sector and deliver long-term value for shareholders, we believe that the size and quality of our portfolio and operations set us apart. We are the largest listed investor in UK logistics real estate and the owner of the biggest logistics-focused development platform.
Tritax Big Box generates revenue through the leasing of its enormous warehouse space. These so-called ‘Big Boxes’ play a crucial role in the logistics and e-commerce of the modern world, from the largest, fully automated fulfillment centers to the smallest, urban or last-journey warehouses.
Although Tritax’s retail clients operate in a difficult economic situation, they should not postpone building a reliable logistics network. Because of this, the group’s rent revenues have gone up, giving them more funds with which to invest in its future growth.
According to the company’s most recent financial report, for the six months ending in August 2023, Tritax’s net rental income was £109.3m, an increase of 3.6% year over year due to organic growth.
The annual rent roll did not change as a result of asset sales and new tenancies canceling each other out.
Like other real estate investment trusts, Tritax must pay out the vast majority of its profits to shareholders.
The majority of a portfolio may be comprised of “big box” properties, but there is a progressive shift toward investing in “last mile” properties, which are typically smaller. The strategy flex allows Tritax to serve a wider variety of customers and is now being implemented on a deal-by-deal basis, which we fully support.
Adapting to the ever-increasing demand for online shopping and the ensuing distribution demands is crucial to progress. That creates brand-new risks.
It can be expensive to establish a logistics center, and if it is not utilized, it can become a drain on resources. Customers are purchasing apartments before they are finished being built, therefore the lack of completed buildings has not been a problem.
The rental income distribution further complicates expansion plans. When Tritax was in need of funds in the past, it would liquidate its non-core holdings and invest the proceeds in promising new business opportunities.
Asset sales, which had been put on hold for a while, have resumed, with five non-essential assets sold during the half at very favorable prices. There has been an easing of build-side cost constraints, but we still expect progress to fall short of projections.
Concerns about the UK economy’s health and the fallout that could have on Tritax’s clientele have dampened spirits. The company is still inexpensive compared to its current market price, notwithstanding the recent increase.
We still think this could be a good opportunity for individuals who are ready to ride out the short-term volatility. Investments of any kind are never without risk.
Rudolf Wolff Global Income Fund
The primary goal of the Rudolf Wolff Global Income Fund, which was established in Ireland in July 2017, is to generate income for shareholders while also seeking long-term capital growth. Debt securities provide a reliable and sufficient coupon income, hence they make up the bulk of the Fund’s holdings.
The Fund’s target annual (gross) income is 5.5% before taxes and investment gains. Fund earnings can be reinvested by investors or distributed twice yearly.
The majority of the Fund’s diverse portfolio consists of high yield corporate bonds, preference shares issued mostly by big size public firms, and asset backed securities. The Fund only invests in securities that are traded on a major exchange.
Assets in the Fund are denominated primarily in GBP, USD, and EUR. Non-GBP share classes have their base currency converted back into GBP every month, and any exposure to non-GBP assets is hedged back into GBP.
Although derivatives are not currently being used to increase the Fund’s leverage, they could be in the future. The Fund could also potentially consider investing in high-yielding stocks of large-cap companies.
A subsidiary of RW Multi-Strategy UCITS ICAV, the Rudolf Wolff Global Income Fund manages investments.
The minimum investment to take part in this offering is 3,000 GBP.
The Fund’s trustee is the Dublin branch of Societe Generale. Any day the markets are open in Dublin, shareholders can buy or sell their shares. The Fund allows you to exchange your shares for other eligible shares in the Fund at any time.
How is its recent performance?
July’s net return for the Rudolf Wolff Global Income Fund was 0.84%, down from 1.02% in June. The fund’s annual performance showed a loss of 7.01% in 2023, continuing a downward trend that began with a loss of 8.38% the year before.
Rudolf Wolff claims that the Fund’s performance was mediocre, with only little increases in its Net Asset Value (NAV).
After the Credit Suisse fiasco in March, the AT1 market began to revive, and now most major bank issuers are calling their bonds at the first call date rather than allowing them to stretch for a further 5 years, the business stated.
The firm added that was confident the area of the corporate bond market the Fund serves has significant unrealized potential.
What are the charges?
The marketing and distribution costs of the Fund are covered by the investment fees investors pay.
The Fund has a 1.5% AMC (annual management fee). It is also possible that there will be one-time charges, either before or after you invest.
The entry fee that the distributor might charge is up to 0.50% of the net asset value per share. This upfront sales levy is optional and can be waived by the directors or their delegates. It is worth noting that this Fund does not impose any fees for withdrawing money.
Annual expenses for this Fund are 2.27 percent, 2.7 percent, or 2.99 percent, depending on the fund’s asset allocation. If a shareholder makes more than two changes to their Fund shares within a 12-month period, they may be subject to a 1% switching tax.
You can see above the maximum fees that could be taken out of your investment before it is contributed to the Fund or returned to you. Talk to your distributor or financial advisor for further information on the exact fees.
Keep in mind that these charges could slow the growth of your investment.
What are the risks?
The Fund primarily invests in foreign markets whose currencies are not pegged to the British pound.
This raises the possibility that your investment will lose money because of currency fluctuations. To hedge against fluctuations in the exchange rate between their share class currency and the Fund’s base currency, investors in other represented classes may employ leveraged foreign direct investments (FDIs), even though this share class is denominated in GBP.
However, this hedging strategy does bring variability and the potential for capital losses. Even if this strategy did completely eliminate currency risk, there would still be transaction costs to think about.
Gains from the appreciation of the Fund’s underlying currency may likewise be unavailable to investors in this share class.
Sub-investment grade bonds are more vulnerable to credit risk since defaulting issuers could result in huge losses for bondholders.
Moreover, if interest rates rise, the value of the Fund’s fixed income instruments should fall. If the counterparty to the Fund’s OTC derivatives fails to fulfill its commitments under the contract, the Fund could suffer losses due to counter party risk.
The Fund may hold assets that are difficult to sell, especially in volatile market situations, which poses a liquidity risk. This risk threatens the Fund’s ability to meet redemption demands from investors.
Due to its focus on investing in companies with a middle market value or higher, the Fund is also exposed to the possibility of experiencing a loss. Especially in times of sustained economic growth, these larger organizations may struggle to achieve the same high growth rates as smaller, more adaptable ones.
Hanson Income Fund
Hanson Income Fund is a diversified stock portfolio that is actively managed by financial experts. Payments are made semiannually, in January and July, with an annual yield target of 4% to 4.5%.
The majority of the fund’s holdings would be invested in British companies with promising futures and high dividend yields, while foreign enterprises will make up the remainder.
The goal of this strategy is to outperform the market by investing in companies that are expected to increase their dividends at a rate higher than inflation.
The Hanson Income Fund primarily invests in industrial companies and is recognized by bond issuers, tax shelters, and investment exchanges.
As the investment market trades once a week, many investors have access to it because it can be easily incorporated into a wide variety of financial products and investment accounts. This fund is suitable for investors with a medium to long time horizon.
Distribution and accumulation shares of Hanson Income Fund can be purchased in GBP, USD, or EUR.
Accumulation units and distribution units are the most typical types of share classes in an investment vehicle. The distribution of investment earnings is the key differentiator between the different types of shares.
What are the charges?
The investment is subject to a 2% annual management fee charged by Hanson Trust. Class A investors are subject to a preliminary charge of 5.5% at the time of purchase, while class B shareholders may be subject to a deferred sales charge of the same percentage at the time of redemption.
Any investment in a share class must be a minimum of one thousand of the base currency.
How is its recent performance?
Class B accumulating shares priced in British pounds have showed a YTD fall of 1.13% in 2023, less steep than the YTD drop of 4.77% in 2022.
Compared to a steep drop of 14.67% in the previous year, the same share class denominated in US dollars has shown considerable improvement, generating a gain of 2.44% in 2023.
Class B Euro Accumulation Units have shown a similar upward performance pattern, with a yearly increase of 3.84% compared to a decline of 9.75% in 2022.
VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund
In February 2009, VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund introduced its accumulating share class A denominated in British pounds. In July 2012 and December 2020, respectively, the identical share classes were introduced valued in euros and US dollars.
The 43 short positions in the Argonaut Absolute Return Fund provide positive returns when the underlying equities fall in value and negative returns when their value rises.
The Fund also has 35 long positions, which gain value as their underlying equities rise in price but lose money when their prices drop.
As a result, the fund splits its assets between two types of stocks: those with strong profits growth potential (its long book) and those with weaker prospects (its short book).
The plan entails buying potentially successful equities and selling potentially unsuccessful ones.
Adaptive market exposure management helps keep the fund stable by limiting its exposure to market fluctuations while maximizing returns.
The total amount of money managed by the VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund is 97.9 million pounds.
What are the charges?
There is no initial outlay required to contribute to the fund. Costs associated with holding shares in the accumulation class Management fees for Class A shares are 1.50% each year, or 1.56% of the share price.
In addition, a 20% performance fee will be charged if the annualized returns are higher than the agreed-upon hurdle rate of 5%. The performance fee is only applied if the fund’s price increases over the threshold, protecting investors from paying for gains they did not generate.
Initial investments of 500 GBP are required for A Class Shares in this fund, with subsequent investments in the same class requiring only 250 GBP.
Investors can gain access to their money in the fund through a variety of vehicles, including a traditional savings plan and a tax-free Individual Savings Account (ISA).
In order to participate in this Fund, only accredited investors and reliable counterparties will be allowed. This Fund may not be suitable for private investors with a time horizon of less than five years. People who want to start investing their own money should learn more.
How is its recent performance?
There was a loss of 0.08% in July for the VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund. Long positions benefited from investing in companies expected to experience robust profit growth.
These gains, however, were more than cancelled out by the persistently high demand for riskier investments. As a result of the resulting “short squeeze,” the fund’s short positions were negatively affected by this increase.
Pros and Cons
Absolute return funds give investors access to a wide range of securities across many asset classes, allowing them to diversify their portfolios beyond the traditional bond and stock markets.
Due to its low historical correlation with equity markets, this investment option is a useful diversifier. This feature could increase the portfolio’s expected rate of return on risk. The fact that it exclusively invests in individual stocks (long and short) is indicative of the simplicity and openness of its strategy.
Positive returns were created even in months when equity markets were in fall, and downside volatility was well reduced, demonstrating the strategy’s strong track record.
The actions required to convert foreign currency back into local currency share classes will mitigate the impact of currency fluctuations on your earnings.
It is expected that the Fund’s returns will differ from the general stock markets since the manager takes strategic long and short positions in the market. The Fund could do well in bear markets, but it could also do poorly in bull markets. When market sentiment is up, it typically performs poorly.
However, there are astronomical costs associated with purchasing such things. Furthermore, merely investing in an absolute return fund does not ensure superior performance compared to the market.
Due to the potential for loss due to market changes, you should always conduct comprehensive research and avoid investing or trading with money you can not afford to lose.
The catch is this. There is no guarantee that the VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund, or the absolute return industry in general, will generate a profit or help you reach your financial goals any more than any other investment.
Actually, four years ago, Morningstar wrote, “Absolute return funds have gone from being a darling of the investment world to one of the most unloved sectors in the past 18 months, as some of the most overhyped strategies failed to deliver during a volatile 2018.”
As a result of failing to safeguard client assets during the market collapse, the absolute returns sector lost $2.2 billion (£1.2 billion) that year.
The attempt at sophistication on the part of several of these funds has backfired. Morningstar cited Ben Yearsley, director of Shore Financial Planning, as saying that as a result, investors who are not familiar with the vocabulary of these strategies have shied away.
Because of this, it is possible that investing in an absolute return fund like Argonaut’s would be a waste of money.
Morningstar did note, however, that some absolute return funds did offer protection from the market downturn. Therefore, you still have the choice to go this route. Just make sure to have a thorough conversation about it with your financial planner.
Alquity Funds
All Alquity funds are long-only equities funds that trade daily in accordance with UCITS V rules. The primary goal of the fund managers is to maximize returns by identifying and investing in the best opportunities in each market.
In addition, they use the same high-conviction, fundamentals-driven process with all of their funds. The goal of this tactic is to identify companies with compelling structural growth stories and strong potential for long-term shareholder returns over the next three to five years.
Alquity Global Impact Fund
The Alquity Global Impact Fund was established with the intention of providing investors with reliable long-term returns. Companies who demonstrate excellence in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals will be given preference.
The Fund will not invest in companies that produce or distribute tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, adult entertainment, gambling, civilian firearms or weapons, fossil fuels, non-renewable utilities, or resource-intensive construction materials.
The Fund employs cutting-edge data analytics to construct a portfolio that outperforms the market as a whole and contributes to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Strong equity and country-level macroeconomic features are given preference.
Therefore, the fund’s goal is to achieve UN SDGs in a more calculated and quantifiable manner while maintaining a risk profile and return rate that are both consistent with the fund’s benchmark.
The company donates 10% of its profits to the Transforming Lives initiative. Providing those with less economic prospects with a reliable source of income is consistent with the company’s greater social and environmental goals.
The largest chunk of the fund’s holdings are in Microsoft and Nvidia, which makes sense considering that the fund has allocated 32% of its total holdings to the technology sector. Nearly 60% of investments are destined for the United States.
The total value of assets under management by the Alquity Global Impact Fund is US$10.1 million. The fund is a diversified portfolio comprising 122 separate assets.
An initial investment of US$2,000 is needed to join the Luxembourg-based Fund.
There will be a yearly fee of 1.60 percent added as management costs. Additionally, a 15% performance fee is charged, subject to a hurdle rate and a high watermark system to ensure that performance fees are only applied when predetermined performance benchmarks are reached.
How is its recent performance?
The Alquity Global Impact Fund has done quite well recently, posting a gain of 6.82% from January to March on top of a return of 18.39% for the last six months through March. When looking at the Fund’s performance over a longer time frame of one year, however, the results were negative.
The fund as a whole has lost 5.64 percent of its value since its debut date on January 29, 2021.
The Alquity Future World Fund
On May 6, 2014, Alquity established the Alquity Future World Fund to manage its $43.4 million in assets. The fund’s holdings include 67 different types of securities and assets. Investors are requested to make a $2,000 minimum contribution.
Fund management costs are charged at 1.90% annually, with an additional 20% performance fee added if specified performance thresholds, such as the hurdle rate and the high watermark, are reached.
How is its recent performance?
The Alquity Future World Fund recorded a 1.4% quarterly gain and an 11.5% gain over the prior six months ending in March. After a year, the fund was down 14.3 percent as of March.
The Fund has lost 21.6% of its value since inception. The fund’s turnover rate on March 31 was 19.7 percent, which was consistent with its average annual holdings turnover since the fund’s inception.
The discretionary consumer goods market and China make up the bulk of this fund’s investment focus.
TSMC and Tencent Holdings are two of the largest investments. Small-cap equities (those with a market cap of less than $10 billion) account for 46% of the total.
Alquity Indian SC Fund
The Alquity Indian SC Fund was established on April 30, 2014, and it currently owns 35 assets with a total value of $22.2 million. All investors must have a minimum net worth of $2,000 to participate.
The fund incurs an annual management cost of 1.60%, in addition to a performance fee of 15%, payable only if predetermined performance goals are attained.
How is its recent performance?
For the three and six months ending in March, the Alquity Indian SC Fund was down 3.9% and 3.7%, respectively. Also, it dropped by 9.8 percent in just a year.
Taking into account the entire existence of the Fund, it has generated a positive return of 79.4 percent. In addition, as of March 31st, the Fund’s average turnover rate was 13%.
The Fund has mostly invested in the Indian banking industry, with ICICI Bank as its largest position. The largest segment of the portfolio (46.9%) is made up of small cap equities.
Investors’ principal may be lost if the Fund’s holdings in developing market equities perform poorly.
Kensington Funds
Kensington Diversified Growth Fund A GBP Accumulation
Investments in the Kensington Diversified Growth Fund A GBP Accumulation (ISIN IE00BD71CH72) are offered in the form of Accumulation Shares, which are intended to provide investors with long-term capital growth and appreciation of their principal.
Dividends, interest, and capital gains are treated differently in accumulation shares than in other types of fund shares. Investors are not obliged to take any action in order to reinvest the fund’s earnings.
The value of a mutual fund grows when investors spend their money to buy more units. If you are looking to save money and increase your profits, the Kensington Diversified Growth Fund A GBP Accumulation may be a good choice.
As of July 31, 2023, the entire value of this Kensington fund was 27.32 million pounds. Fund-wide, the total number of shares is currently 15.31 billion British pounds, as of the same date. A fraction of the total fund is represented by this share class.
The maximum annual charge for this fund is 0.50%, therefore potential investors should be aware of this figure. In addition, UK ISA (Individual Savings Account) investors cannot purchase shares in this fund. Guernsey, Ireland, the Isle of Man, and Malta are just few of the places you can get to it from.
Kensington Diversified Growth Fund A GBP Accumulation includes Microsoft as one of its top five holdings, accounting for 17.03% of the portfolio.
The majority (71.25%) of the fund’s holdings are invested in foreign stock markets outside the United Kingdom. It primarily invests in industrials and financial services, and over half of its holdings are in the United States.
The fund follows a Blend investment approach and places a primary emphasis on Large Market Cap equities.
How is its recent performance?
The Kensington Diversified Growth Fund A GBP Accumulation posted a negative return of 0.07% annually over the past five years and a tiny gain of 0.48% annually during the past year, as measured by the daily trailing total returns.
Over a six-month period, the fund lost 0.28% of its value. Gain of 0.86 percent during the past 30 days.
The fund’s total annualized trailing return was 4.76 percent in 2021. However, in 2022, there was a sharp decline of 19.64%. As of the most recent available data (September 7), the fund was up 3.12% for the year.
Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund B USD Accumulation Hedged
The Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund B USD Acc Hedged (ISIN IE00BD71C009) invests across asset classes with the goal of striking a healthy trade-off between risk and return.
The Accumulation Hedged Shares reinvest the fund’s income and dividends (the “accumulation feature”) and benefit from the fund’s use of currency hedging measures.
Exchange rate risk can be mitigated by using a currency hedge in the case of mutual funds. Both the asset performance and the exchange rate between the foreign currency and the investor’s base currency can have an impact on funds that invest in such assets.
Forward contracts, options, and currency swaps are all used in currency hedging.
The Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund B USD Acc Hedged takes a balanced approach to investing, with an emphasis on large-cap equities, utilizing a variety of strategies. It went live on April 11, 2018, is priced daily, and is settled in U.S. dollars.
The fund’s total size as of July 31 is 34.54 million pounds, and the total number of shares outstanding is 5.93 million. This fund does not accept investments from UK ISAs and has a maximum annual charge of 0.50%. It can be purchased in Malta, the Isle of Man, Guernsey, and Ireland.
The top five holdings in this Kensington fund’s portfolio account for 81.75 percent of the fund’s total value, with a sizable chunk of that being a position in Fujitec Co Ltd.
The vast majority of the fund’s assets are invested in companies located in countries outside than the United Kingdom. The industrial (45.31%) and technology (37.82%) sectors make up the bulk of this fund’s holdings.
This fund clearly has a strong preference for the Japanese market, since 75.53 percent of its entire assets are placed there.
How is its recent performance?
Daily performance analysis shows that Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund B USD Acc Hedged has underperformed its benchmark during the past year (-0.08%) and the previous five years (-11.64%). The most recent month had an increase of 2.98%, however the previous six months saw a decrease of 7.21%.
In 2021, the fund had a positive return of 4.82 percent based on its yearly trailing performance. However, the decline in value was 5.33 percent in 2022, and the negative return year to date was 5.4 seven percent as of September 7th.
Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund B USD Accumulation Hedged
The investing strategy of the Kensington Diversified Growth Fund Class BI USD Acc Hedged (ISIN IE00BMYLNM56), which specializes in large-cap equities, is unique. The fund’s inception date was December 23, 2021, and it is priced daily in British pounds.
There are a total of 26.43 million British pounds in the fund as of August 31; there are 1.03 million British pounds in each share class. A maximum annual fee of 0.12% is assessed.
This fund requires a minimum investment of 789 GBP at inception, with subsequent investments at the same level. This fund is accessible for purchase in Ireland but is not suitable for ISA investments in the United Kingdom.
This fund’s allocation prioritizes its top 5 holdings, which together account for 17.03% of the portfolio, with Microsoft as the largest single position. About 71.25 percent of the portfolio is invested in foreign equity markets.
The industrial sector accounts for 15.02 percent of the fund’s assets, followed by the financial services sector with 14.88 percent. The fund’s asset allocation shows that more than 48.50% of its total value is invested in the United States.
How is its recent performance?
Taking into account the daily trailing returns, the most recent year had a decline of 8.06%. There was a decline of 5.62% in the fund’s value during the previous six months. Over the past month, however, it has shown a rising trend, increasing by 3.20 percent.
In 2022, the fund’s yearly returns were down 9.80 percent. The fund is down 2.66% for the year as of September 7th.
Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund BL USD Accumulation
Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund BL USD Acc (ISIN IE00BMYLN928) invests mostly in large-cap companies using a diversified portfolio strategy. This fund was introduced on December 29, 2021, and its daily pricing is determined in US dollars.
The value of the entire fund as of August 31, 2023, is 33 million British pounds, and each share class is valued 127,790 British pounds. It has a cap of 0.30% per year on the amount that can be charged. This fund is exclusively sold in Ireland and is therefore ineligible for UK Individual Savings Account deposits.
The top five holdings account for 81.75 percent of the fund’s total assets, with Fujitec Co Ltd standing out among them. 91.71% of the portfolio is invested in securities based in countries other than the United Kingdom.
Industrials account for 45.31 percent of the fund’s holdings, while technology has 37.82 percent of the portfolio. The majority of the portfolio’s regional allocation is made up of Japanese holdings (75.53% to be exact).
How is its recent performance?
Yearly trailing returns were negative 10.80 percent. The return has decreased 6.83% over the past six months, while the most recent month has shown a positive return of 3.03%.
Looking at the fund’s annual trailing total returns, it dropped 6.67 percent for the entire year of 2022, and it dropped 4.94 percent year-to-date through the end of September.
The Kensington Diversified Balanced A GBP Acc
The Kensington Diversified Balanced A GBP Acc (ISIN IE00BD71BZ89) is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests mostly in large-cap stocks using a variety of strategies. The fund was introduced on April 11, 2018, and its daily pricing is done in British pounds. It uses an accumulation income treatment method.
The total amount of the fund is a massive 34.54 million pounds as of July 31, 2023, with each share class totaling 24.59 million pounds. This fund does not accept investments from UK ISAs and has an annual fee cap of 0.50%. You can get your hands on some in Guernsey, Ireland, the Isle of Man, and Malta.
Fujitec Co., Ltd. is the largest position in the fund’s portfolio.
The vast majority (91.71%) of Kensington Diversified Balanced A GBP Acc’s assets are invested in companies based in countries outside than the United Kingdom.
Industrials account for 45.31 percent of the fund’s allocation, while technology accounts for 38.182 percent. The majority of the fund’s assets are invested in the Japanese market (75.53%) and the American market (9.98%).
How is its recent performance?
According to its daily trailing total returns, the Kensington Diversified Balanced Fund has achieved returns of -0.58% over the last five years, -1.88% over the previous year, -1.38% over the previous six months, and +0.81% over the previous month.
The overall returns of the fund over the past 12 months were 5.21 percent in 2021. However, it had a decline of 14.48% in 2022. The return for the year to date through September is 0.98%, which is favorable.
Kensington Diversified Growth Fund Class BL USD Acc Hedged
Blend in terms of investment style, the Kensington Diversified Growth Fund Class BL USD Acc Hedged (ISIN IE00BMYLNJ28) focuses mostly on large-cap firms. It was first introduced on October 4, 2021, with daily price thereafter.
The overall value of the fund as of July 31, 2023, was 27.32 million GBP, while the value of this share class was 368,170 GBP. The fund is only available to Irish investors and has a maximum annual charge of 0.50%; it is not eligible for UK ISA investing.
When looking at the fund’s holdings one can see that Microsoft Corp accounts for 4.18 percent of the fund’s entire portfolio value. 71.25% of the portfolio is invested in stocks from outside the United Kingdom.
Industrials account for 15.02% of the portfolio, followed by Financial Services at 14.88%. In addition, about half of the fund’s holdings are located in the United States.
How is its recent performance?
The fund has lost 8.48% over the past year, as measured by its daily trailing total return. If we narrow our focus to the last half a year, we see that it has dropped by 5.75 percent. The last month, however, saw a significant uptick in performance, with a return of 3.16%.
In terms of annual trailing total returns, the fund underperformed the market by 10.21% in 2022. Year-to-date results showed a decline of 3.54%.
The Kensington Diversified Growth Fund Class AI GBP Acc
The Kensington Diversified Growth Fund Class AI GBP Acc (ISIN IE00BMYLNL40) is a large-cap mutual fund that uses a diversified portfolio to pursue its investing objectives.
It became live on January 19th, 2022 and uses a treatment for accumulated income. Daily updates are made to the fund’s pricing in British pounds.
The fund has a total value of 26.43 million GBP as of August 31st, 2023, with a share class value of 699,800 GBP.
An initial investment of 1,000 GBP is required, with subsequent investments of the same amount also required; the maximum annual charge is 0.12%. Investors with UK Individual Savings Accounts will need to look elsewhere because this product is available only in Ireland.
The fund’s largest holding is in Microsoft Corp, and outside of the United Kingdom stocks make up the bulk of its portfolio, at 71.25 percent. The Industrials and Financial Services combined account for 15.02 percent of the company’s assets.
The United States is the fund’s largest geographical exposure, with 48.50% of total assets invested there.
How is its recent performance?
Three-month daily trailing total returns performance was positive at 1.73 percent. The performance over the past month also shows a favorable return of 1%.
Kensington Diversified Growth Fund Class AL GBP Acc
This Kensington fund (ISIN IE00BMYLNH04) follows a more diversified approach to investing, with a primary emphasis on large market cap companies. This investment will begin accruing income on October 4, 2021, and the currency will be British pounds.

This fund trades on a daily basis and has a total value of 27.32 million GBP as of July 31, 2023, with a share class value of 325,280 GBP as of the same date. This fund is not eligible for UK Individual Savings Accounts and has a maximum annual management fee of 0.50%. Sales of the fund have begun in Ireland.
It is also worth noting that Microsoft is the fund’s largest holding and that 71.25 percent of the fund’s non-UK stock investments are in the United States. Both the Industrials (15.02%) and Financial Services (14.88%) sectors contribute significantly to the fund’s overall exposure.
How is its recent performance?
Over the past year, the Kensington Diversified Growth Fund Class AL GBP Acc has up by 0.98%, while over the previous six months, it has decreased by 0.02% for the daily sector. There was a 0.91 percent increase when looking at the most recent month.
The annual trailing total returns for 2022 showed a decline of 19.48% when looking at the bigger picture. Year-to-date performance, as of September 7th, however, shows a 4.23 percent gain.
Kensington Diversified Growth Fund B USD Acc Hedged
The stocks in this fund (ISIN IE00BD71CJ96) are all very substantial ones. This investment’s earnings are being saved for the future. The fund’s inception date is April 10, 2018, and it is priced in US dollars.
The fund’s total size as of August 31, 2023, is 26.43 million GBP, and the share class size is 7.15 million GBP. Pricing occurs daily. The fund’s yearly management fee is limited to 0.50%. It can be purchased in Guernsey, Ireland, the Isle of Man, and Malta, but not in the UK ISA.
About 71.25% of its assets are invested in companies outside the United Kingdom. Industrials account for 15.02 percent of the fund’s holdings, followed closely by Financial Services at 14.88 percent. The United States is the largest single geographical allocation of the fund’s assets (48.50%).
How is its recent performance?
The Kensington Diversified Growth Fund B USD Acc Hedged has only returned 0.55% annually over the past five years. The fund lost 9.11% in the 12 months leading up to September. Over the same time period, the fund has decreased by 5.97% while increasing by 3.10% in Au.
From a yearly perspective, 2021’s trailing total returns of 4.36 percent showed positive performance. In contrast, there was a drop of 10.44% in 2022. The fund’s performance this year is down 3.29% from where it started.
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class CI EUR Accumulation
The accumulation approach is utilized by the large market cap fund (ISIN IE000NE5RY35). The fund’s inception date is February 7, 2022, and its currency is the euro.
The daily pricing for this fund is based on the total fund size of 8.11 million GBP as of August 31, 2023, and the share class size of 12,800 GBP.
There will be no more than a 0.30% annual charge for the management of this fund. It can only be acquired in Ireland, like the other Kensington funds, and is not eligible for UK ISA.
Sony Group is the portfolio’s largest investment, accounting for a whopping 41.40% of the entire value. The majority of the fund’s assets are invested in companies outside the United Kingdom (90.32%).
The technology sector accounts for 44.13 percent of the economy, with the industrial sector not far behind at 35.59 percent. Geographically, the fund’s primary focus is on Japan, which accounts for 71.64 percent of its holdings.
How is its recent performance?
Annual trailing total returns for this investment are down 4.30 percent, six-month returns are down 6.22 percent, and one-month returns are down 0.42 percent.
Annual trailing total returns down 3.39 percent year-to-date as of September 7 is a sign of bad performance.
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class A GBP Acc
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class A GBP Acc (ISIN IE000HOD9SX4) employs a mixed approach to investing, with a bias for large-cap equities. Earnings can be saved and grown through such investment. The fund’s launch date is October 4, 2021, and its currency is British pounds.
As of August 31, 2023 (pricing is done daily), the fund’s share class size was 1.20 million GBP, and the fund’s total size was 8.11 million GBP.
This plan has a maximum annual management charge of 0.30%. Initially, you must put down 1,000 GBP, and subsequent payments must also be at least that much. This fund is not accessible for purchase with a UK ISA, although it can be bought in Ireland.
The Sony Group is the fund’s largest holding. The vast majority of its holdings (90.32%) are invested in foreign stock markets rather than the United Kingdom’s.
When sorted by economic sector, the technology sector accounts for 44.13 percent, followed by the manufacturing sector at 35.59 percent. The fund allocates a whopping 71.64% of its total assets to Japan, more than any other single country.
How is its recent performance?
Looking at the investment’s daily trailing total returns over the past year, it has demonstrated a small gain of 0.82%. There was a tiny drop of 0.72% over the course of six months, but there was a slight gain of 0.24% in August.
Total trailing returns for 2022 fell by 15.38% annually. In contrast, it has shown a positive return of 3.40% so far this year.
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class AI GBP Acc
The goal of the Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class AI GBP Acc (ISIN IE000RH3A303) is to provide investors with a regular and reliable income stream through investments in large-cap stocks.
It began collecting revenue on October 4, 2021, and its initial public offering (IPO) set its price in British pounds. A daily price is set for the fund.
Fund amount as of August 31, 2023: 8.11 million GBP; share class size: 2.92 million GBP. Minimum initial and additional investments are 1,000 GBP, and the highest yearly charge is restricted at 0.30%. This fund can be purchased in Ireland but is not eligible for Individual Retirement Accounts.
Sony Group is the largest holding in the fund’s portfolio. 90.32% of the portfolio is invested in stocks from outside the United Kingdom. Its largest allocations are to the technology sector (44.13%) and the industrials sector (35.59%). The largest single country allocation is to Japan (at a whopping 71.64%).
How is its recent performance?
Through September 7th, the fund has increased by 1.20% in a year. Over the past half year, however, it dropped by 0.34 percent. There was a slight increase of 0.37 percent in August.
In 2022, annualized trailing total returns decreased by 15.38%. However, its year-to-date performance has shown a positive return of 3.63%.
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class AL GBP Acc
In accordance with its ISIN (IE000RQQC5G3), this October 4, 2021-issued investment vehicle favors large-cap equities through a blend investment strategy. This fund’s earnings are accrued; it is priced daily in British pounds and is denominated in that currency.
The overall size of the fund as of July 31, 2023, is 8.53 million GBP, and the size of the share class is 907,990 GBP.
The minimum initial investment for this fund is 1,000 GBP, and the highest annual charge for management is 0.30%. Repeated replenishments begin at 1,000 GBP as well. The Irish market is open for this fund.
The fund’s biggest position is in Sony Group, and it has a significant amount (90.32%) invested in equities from countries other than the United Kingdom.
Technology has the largest share of investments at 44.13 percent, followed by Industrials at 35.59 percent. The largest single country allocation in the fund is to Japan (at a whopping 71.64 percent).
How is its recent performance?
Daily cumulative trailing returns for the past year show a yearlyized increase of 0.95% in performance. The fund has lost 0.60 percent over the past six months, while it has gained 0.28 percent in the most recent month.
Annually, the trailing total returns dropped by 15.38% in 2022, but the situation has improved with a positive return of 3.47% Year-to-Date (YTD).
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class B USD Acc
The majority of holdings in the Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class B USD Acc (ISIN IE000PO4OC39) are in stocks with substantial market caps. It was first offered to the public on October 3, 2021, with British pounds serving as the unit of money.
The daily pricing for this fund is based on the total fund size of 8.53 million GBP as of July 31, 2023 and the share class size of 480,810 GBP.
This fund’s yearly management fee is capped at 0.30 percent. All new investors must put down a minimum of 777 GBP, and future investors must do so in increments of the same amount. It can be bought there if you happen to be in Ireland.
In this fund’s portfolio, Sony Group is the most valuable holding, and a whopping 90.32 percent of the assets are invested in companies outside the United Kingdom.
At 44.13 percent, Technology is the sector with the most attention, followed by Industrials at 35.59 percent. When broken down by country, Japan makes up a huge proportion (71.64%) of the fund’s holdings.
How is its recent performance?
Daily trailing total returns for the past year reveal a drop of 8.76% in terms of performance. A 2.44 percent gain was seen in August, after a 6.42 percent drop from January through July. Meanwhile, total yearly returns have fallen by 5.83% in 2022 and 4.34% so far this year.
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class BI USD Acc
This fund’s (ISIN IE000YX8IRP9) strategy puts an emphasis on large-market-cap stocks and uses a blend of investment styles to accumulate both capital and income. On its first release date of October 4, 2021, prices were listed in British pounds. The price of this investment can change on a daily basis.
It has a total fund amount of 8.53 million GBP as of July 31, 2023, with a share class size of 2.37 million GBP. The minimum first investment into the fund is 777 GBP, and further investments in the same amount are permissible, with the maximum annual charge for managing the fund set at 0.30%. This Kensington fund is not obtainable through a UK ISA, but it is on the Irish ISA market.
The fund’s largest investment is in Sony Group, and a whopping 90.32 percent of its holdings are in companies based in countries other than the United Kingdom.
Technology has the largest allocation, at 44.13 percent, followed by Industrials, at 35.59 percent. Japan accounts for a disproportionately large 71.64% of the portfolio’s value and is hence the country of primary focus.
How is its recent performance?
The daily trailing total returns reflect a loss of 8.85% in performance over the past year. While the fund was down 6.19 percent over the past six months, it was up 2.54 percent in the prior month.
Annualized trailing total returns in 2022 were 6.40 percent, but performance through September 7 was 3.4 percent lower.
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class BL USD Acc
Income accumulation is the primary goal of the October 4, 2021 debut of the Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class BL USD Acc (ISIN IE000GB9M9Z9), which invests primarily in large-cap equities using a diversified investing strategy.
This fund trades daily and, as of August 31, 2023, will have a total of 8.11 million GBP and a share class size of 684,740 GBP.
An initial commitment of 789 GBP is required, with subsequent donations also beginning at this level. The fund’s yearly management fee is limited to 0.30%. You can buy shares of this fund in Ireland, but UK Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) cannot.

Sony Group is the fund’s largest holding, and a whopping 90.32 percent of the fund’s assets are invested in companies headquartered in countries other than the United Kingdom.
The figures show that the industrial sector receives 35.59 percent, while the technology sector receives 44.13 percent. The Japanese stock market accounts for the bulk of the fund’s holdings (71.64%).
How is its recent performance?
The daily trailing total returns over the past year reveal a performance loss of 9.08%. The fund lost 6.49 percent during the past six months, but it gained 2.47 percent in the most recent month.
The trailing twelve-month total returns for 2022 increased by 6.23 percent annually, while the results for this year are down 3.81 percent.
Kensington Diversified Income Fund Class C EUR Acc
This fund’s (ISIN IE000UMGBVL9) investment strategy prioritizes large-cap companies, uses a diverse set of investment techniques, and prioritizes income generation over growth. The fund’s daily price is provided in British pounds.
The fund has a total value of 8.11 million GBP as of August 31st, 2023, with the share class size reaching 33,490 GBP.
The fund requires an initial investment of 856 GBP and regular top-ups at the same level, both of which are subject to an annual charge of 0.30%. The fund can only be purchased in Ireland, however, and is not available for UK ISA.
This fund’s crown jewel investment is Sony Group, and it invests almost all of its money (90.32%) in companies based in countries other than the United Kingdom.
When looking at sector allocation, the Technology sector accounts for 44.13 percent, followed by the Industrials sector at 35.59 percent. The majority of the fund’s 71.64% holdings are located in Japan.
How is its recent performance?
The daily trailing total returns have dropped by 4.70 percent over the past year. The fund saw a loss of 6.62% over the previous six months and a slight loss of 0.58% over the previous month. The trailing total returns for 2022 fell by 14.18% annually and by 2.72% so far this year.
Hansard International Universal Personal Portfolio
The Universal Personal Portfolio is a unit-linked insurance policy that can be funded with a single lump sum payment and provides lifetime protection for the policyholder.
Hansard International Limited, third-party investment managers, or a discretionary managed account will invest your payments in various assets with the goal of increasing their value over the contract’s term.
Your contract’s net worth, after deduction of all applicable fees and taxes, will fluctuate based on the returns generated by the assets you select.
Universal Personal Portfolio only works with clients who are 18 or older and who have a significant sum of money available to invest over the course of the medium to long term.
This contract is drafted specifically for international clients. Without being limited to what is accessible in your native nation, you have access to a plethora of other markets and currencies in which to invest.
You will have more leeway to adjust your portfolio when your circumstances shift. There is a higher potential for loss, but far higher potential reward if you go this path.
A Universal Personal Portfolio can have a maximum of two contract holders. Unless otherwise specified, Hansard shall comply with the instructions of either party under the terms of the Agreement.
There must be at least one and no more than two lives assured in this agreement. You will not be allowed to make any changes to the terms of your contract after it has already commenced.
Payment of the death benefit and termination of the contract take place upon the demise of the life assured (or, in the event of joint lives assured, upon the first death in the case of joint-life first-death and upon the second death in the case of joint-life last-survivor, respectively).
If the life assured is over the age of 75, the standard death benefit sum assured will be reduced to 101% of the surrender value (or if either life assured is over the age of 75, for a joint-life first-death contract, or if both lives assured are over the age of 75, for a joint-life last-survivor contract).
Whole-of-life insurance policies, like Universal Personal Portfolio, stay in force as long as the lives insured continue to pay premiums or the policy is terminated.
You can make your first payment to the contract by depositing cash into a specified bank account, moving existing assets in kind into the new contract, or some combination of the two.
It is possible to make extra payments at any time. The minimum amount you must contribute varies with the type of payment plan you select.
What are the risks?
Universal Personal Portfolio does not provide any form of guarantee or capital protection, thus you may not get back the whole value of your payments.
Investment options with varied levels of risk and, thus, volatility are included in this agreement. The value of these things may change drastically from day to day.
During a specified grace period, you may terminate the contract free of charge; but, you may still lose money if the contract’s value has decreased.
When deciding where to put your money, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of your potential investments as well as any investor protection regulations that may be relevant.
Hansard provides no guarantees or promises with respect to the assets chosen by the contract holder.
As one of Hansard’s flagship unit-linked insurance products, the Universal Personal Portfolio is just one example of the unit-linked insurance products that are the backbone of Hansard’s operations.
If the asset you have chosen is restricted to a certain category of investors or is subject to certain limitations or restrictions, your instruction to invest in this asset will be interpreted as a representation that you meet these criteria.
Assets held by investors in a Universal Personal Portfolio are actually owned by Insurance Company Hansard International, making them the responsibility of the investor to report as “institutional investor” owned.
This contract is governed by the Isle of Man Life Assurance (Compensation of Policyholder) Regulations 1991 (‘the scheme’). Up to 90% of Hansard’s liabilities to its policyholders will be covered by the scheme in the case of the company’s insolvency.
If the Scheme applies a levy on us in the event that any other life assurance business on the Isle of Man becomes insolvent, you understand and agree that Hansard may charge you a levy of up to 2% of the value of your contract in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of your contract.
This does not cover losses from a bad investment. To learn more about how policyholders are protected, visit https://www.iomfsa.im/regulated-sectors/life-insurance/. if you would like to learn more about the program that is being overseen by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.
The possible investment return and the level of risk are both dependent on the assets chosen. You should read up on the fund and make sure you are aware of the risks before investing. Determine which investments have the least risk for you and your financial planner.
Currency risk arises when the value of your contract, donations, or assets is denominated in a currency other than the one in which you expect to get the benefit in the future.
What are the considerations?
Universal Personal Portfolio is a long-term investing strategy, and depending on the chosen billing method, early cancellation may result in additional fees.
Investors should be aware that they may obtain back less than the value of the fund as represented or even their initial investment if they withdraw money or renounce their contract during a charge period.
After the beginning of a new contract, there is normally a cooling off period during which you can cancel free of charge.
You have 30 days from the moment you receive the revised contract documents from Hansard International to request a cancellation, per the guidelines included in the package. If you decide to cancel before receiving your contract papers, please contact us or your independent financial advisor.
If you cancel your subscription to Hansard, you will receive a full refund of your initial payment unless the value of the assets you purchased has declined, in which case you will receive a refund equal to the current market value of your investment.
In addition to the transaction costs and asset-specific administration fees, such as entrance and exit fees, there will be no further fees or penalties deducted from your payout.
Any further payments you make after the allocation date will also be subject to the same cancellation policies.
The annual management charge for the quarter remaining after the withdrawal is complete, as well as the discontinuance cost, may be assessed.
You can cash in the contract at any moment for its value in the underlying assets, but you may have to pay a surrender fee.
Hansard will add the discontinuance fee to the annual management fee and the service fee for the elapsed time in the quarter before to the surrender in order to arrive at the total surrender charge.
How does it perform?
An example of a unit-linked, whole-life insurance policy is the Hansard Universal Personal Portfolio. One-time payments are accepted, and the investor is free to allocate their funds as they see right.
Hansard International, independent investment managers, or you yourself can choose to invest the money you put into the contract over a wide range of asset classes in the hopes of a return on your investment over the contract’s term.
Universal Personal Portfolio is aimed at high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) with at least $100,000 to invest over the course of several years.
Currency of value, default charging account, and minimum contributions are all determined by the contract’s underlying currency.
A Universal Personal Portfolio can have a maximum of two contract holders. They will do what the party with the most current contract tells them to do.
Payment of the death benefit and termination of the contract take place upon the demise of the life assured (or, in the event of joint lives assured, upon the first death in the case of joint-life first-death and upon the second death in the case of joint-life last-survivor, respectively).
The standard death benefit sum assured will be reduced to 101% of the surrender value if the life assured is over the age of 75 (or if either life assured is over the age of 75 for a joint-life, first-death contract, or if both lives assured are over the age of 75 for a joint-life, last-survivor contract).
Whole-of-life insurance policies, like Universal Personal Portfolio, stay in force as long as the lives insured continue to pay premiums or the policy is terminated.
Hansard Universal Personal Portfolio is a unit-linked insurance plan that combines insurance protection with investment growth. Before putting money into a ULIP, however, you should think long and hard about the risks involved.
We do not think highly of Hansard’s reputation for collaborating with legitimate third parties. This is because advisers’ fees are sometimes paid through hefty, hidden product charges, so the benefits you obtain may not be what you expected.
Expats and working professionals should use the Universal Personal Portfolio with caution because it is a relatively rigorous instrument. There are other investment options available to you that are superior in quality, lower in cost, more adaptable, and more beneficial.
Causeway Securities
Causeway Securities is a securities brokerage that caters to both retail and institutional investors by providing them with structured investment options.
It has been granted permission by the Financial Conduct Authority and operates out of Dublin, London, Cape Town, and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.
The product distribution and structuring team at Causeway Securities has extensive experience and consistently increases profits. The company places a premium on openness, efficiency, and the cultivation of lasting relationships with its clientele.
Since its founding in April 2016, the company has worked with more than 500 partner institutions to arrange investments totaling roughly $750 million across more than 500 Structured Products.
Currency options in GBP, USD, EUR, JPY, AUD, and ZAR have been provided based on global stock markets and bespoke indexes.
Causeway Securities aims to create innovative investment techniques to disrupt the established UK structured product market. The UK Plan Administrator, James Brearley & Sons Ltd, has been chosen to provide reliable management and safekeeping for the scheme’s assets.
All products go through an exhaustive Product Governance process before being made available to the general public. Client money is not stored with Causeway Securities.
Most structured product returns and fund repayments are tied to some combination of a stock market index, the financial stability of the issuer and the counterparty bank.
Before investing in a structured investment, it is important to familiarize yourself with the plan’s brochure and key information sheet and to discuss your options with a financial advisor.
Structured products can help investors achieve their goals if they are part of a diversified and well-balanced portfolio.
Causeway Securities FTSE 100 4 year Defensive Deposit Plan
The expected return on this four-year deposit investment is 100%, with a fixed interest payment of 28% of the principal invested.
At maturity, they will be paid out only if the underlying asset (the FTSE 100) is worth at least 90% more than it did when the investment term began. If the valuation is lower than 90%, no additional growth payment will be made to investors.
Assuming your investment bank is solvent, you will get back 100% of your principal when the investment matures.
Since this is a growth investment, the hope is that the principal would rise over time.
This investment’s deposit is being accepted by the Royal Bank of Canada. RBC is one of the world’s largest banks by market capitalization.
There will be two application deadlines in 2023: August 30 for paper checks and September 1 for electronic bank transactions. After August 18th, no more withdrawal requests could be processed from ISAs.
Causeway Securities S&P 500 3 Year Defensive Deposit Plan
This deposit plan has a duration of three years and promises a return of 20.35% upon maturity. The potential gain works out to an annualized rate of 6.78 percent.
The dividend is also linked to the performance of the underlying index, in this case the S&P 500, as was the case with the investment described above. At the end of the investment period, the value of the underlying asset must be at least 90% of its value at the beginning.
This growth-oriented investment product accepts deposits through Barclays Bank plc.
This structured investment product is offered on a discretionary basis. To put it another way, a financial counselor is necessary to purchase this item.
Causeway Securities UK/US Defensive Step Down Kick-Out Plan
The maximum time frame for this investment opportunity is six years, and the annualized return is estimated to be 10% (paid in full and without any deductions). However, the predicted earnings are tied to the indices’ performance (specifically the FTSE 100 and S&P 500).
Both the capital at risk and growth/kick-out categories are met by the structured product. The plan’s counter party is Credit Agricole CIB.
The plan’s kick-out provision will go into effect if, on any observation date after the end of the second year, the closing value of both indices is at or above a set kick out level.
If this occurs, backers will receive their initial investment (capital) plus 10% per year for the duration of the plan. Early maturity may be observed as early as September 2, 2025, just two years after the first investment.
If the worst-performing index ends up being worth less than its starting point at the end of the observation period, your original capital will be decreased by 1% for every 1% by which it is below its starting point (representing a decline of over 35% from the start).
No matter how the indices do, your money could still be at risk if the deposit taker has financial issues or goes bankrupt.
Furthermore, any profits gained by investing directly in this plan may be liable to capital gains tax under existing law and known HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) procedures. That is something you should discuss with your financial planner or tax expert.
Causeway Securities S&P 500 Kick-Out Deposit Plan
This structured instrument allows investments with terms of up to six years. The annualized rate of return on the plan’s investments is 7.30%, however participants will only receive this amount if the plan terminates.
When the closing value of the underlying asset is greater than or equal to 100% of its initial value on any observation date, the plan is designed to trigger a kick-out.
In other words, the plan will be terminated and the cash delivered early if the investment yields the expected rate of return or more. The date that the plan’s kick-out clause goes into force is September 7, 2027, which is four years following the plan’s introduction.
As with the other structured products we have covered, if the underlying asset’s value at maturity is lower than its price at plan start, no extra returns will be given.
However, regardless of the indexes’ performance, all invested capital will be returned at maturity. This depends on the deposit taker being solvent.
Causeway Securities FTSE 100 Fixed Monthly Income Deposit Plan
This investment pays out a guaranteed 0.3958% every month for five years, or 4.75% annually. This return is paid out during the life of the investment and is independent of the performance of the FTSE 100.
This strategy aims to generate income in the form of periodic payments rather than increase in capital.
Causeway will send the first payment to the plan administrator on November 13, 2023, and then monthly afterwards. Please be aware that you cannot make a contribution to this plan without the assistance of a financial advisor.
You will get back the full amount you invested regardless of how the investment performs over the time. As long as your money is in a secure financial institution, you should not have to worry about it.
Royal Bank of Canada acts as the counter party and is responsible for the investment execution and results.
A contingent return of 0.50% will be paid out if the value of the underlying asset rises to at least 100% of its initial level on the final valuation date. If the value falls below the rate specified, no return will be made.
Income generated by individuals or trusts directly from this investment may be subject to income tax under current law.
Key Takeaways: Analysis and Comparisons
Remember that this is not a comprehensive review of all investment funds in existence, only those discussed in this article.
If you are interested in any of them, then this might help you make a decision regarding your investment.
Kensington Funds:
- Focuses on property investments.
- Offers a diversified portfolio of properties.
- Targets long-term capital growth and income generation.
Alquity Funds:
- Emphasizes sustainable and responsible investments.
- Offers a range of funds targeting different regions and sectors.
- Aims to deliver competitive returns while making a positive impact.
VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund:
- Aims to achieve positive returns regardless of market conditions.
- Employs a long/short equity strategy.
- Focuses on European equities.
Hanson Income Fund:
- Targets income generation.
- Invests in a diversified portfolio of assets.
- Seeks to provide regular income distributions to investors.
Rudolf Wolff Global Income Fund:
- Focuses on global income opportunities.
- Diversified across geographies and asset classes.
- Aims to provide consistent income and capital growth.
Tritax Big Box REIT:
- Real Estate Investment Trust focusing on “big box” logistics properties.
- Targets capital appreciation and income generation.
- Benefits from the growth of e-commerce and changing retail landscape.
Hansard International Universal Personal Portfolio:
- A life insurance-based investment product.
- Offers a range of underlying investment options.
- Provides potential tax benefits and estate planning features.
Causeway Securities Structured Products:
- Offers a range of structured investment products tied to various indices.
- Potential for high returns based on specific market conditions.
- Some products offer capital protection, while others carry higher risks.
When considering an investment, it’s crucial to align the product with your financial goals, risk tolerance, investment horizon, and overall portfolio strategy. Here’s a general recommendation based on the overview:
For Capital Growth: Consider the Kensington Funds for property investments or the VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund for a more aggressive strategy in European equities.
For Income Generation: The Hanson Income Fund and Rudolf Wolff Global Income Fund are solid choices, with the former offering a diversified approach and the latter focusing on global opportunities.
For Diversification: Alquity Funds provides a unique approach with its emphasis on sustainable investments across different regions and sectors.
For Real Estate Exposure: Tritax Big Box REIT offers a niche focus on logistics properties, benefiting from the e-commerce boom.
For Structured Investments: Causeway Securities Structured Products offer a range of options, but it’s essential to understand the specific risks and rewards of each product.
For Tax and Estate Planning: The Hansard International Universal Personal Portfolio can be considered, but it’s crucial to consult with a financial advisor to understand its benefits and implications fully.
Final Note: Always consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The right choice depends on individual circumstances, and what might be suitable for one person might not be for another.
Interested in a fund that we have not yet discussed? We will continue to release similar articles collating and comparing investment funds in the future. If you want personalized investment advice today, don’t hesitate to contact us!