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How to Get Permanent Residency in New Zealand part 1

If you wish to obtain a permanent residency in New Zealand to be able to live, work, and study there, this article gives an overview to that topic.

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For expats looking for a welcoming atmosphere and outstanding career prospects near to nature, New Zealand is at the top of the list. The remoteness of the island, on the other hand, might be a hindrance. Moving and exporting your belongings necessitates meticulous preparation and forethought, as well as being costly.

Temporary and Permanent Residency in New Zealand

In general, all New Zealand visas are temporary and provide you residency for the period of the visa. If you wish to become a permanent resident of New Zealand, you must first apply for a temporary residence visa and then apply for permanent residency. Be aware that only few visas enable you to travel with your spouse and immediate relatives. New Zealand’s immigration rules does not provide a fiancée visa.

How to Get Permanent Residency in New Zealand - Part 1
New Zealand Immigration

Not all temporary visas, however, can lead to permanent residency; only certain visa categories can be renewed and eventually lead to permanent residence. These visas, as well as all of the relevant temporary residence permit criteria, stages, perks, and fees, are detailed below.

To become a permanent resident of New Zealand, you must be 55 years old or younger and have worked in the country on a temporary visa for two years.

How to Apply for Temporary Visas that Lead to Permanent Residence

Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

If you have the necessary abilities and experience, you may apply for this visa. You must be 55 years old or younger, a skilled worker, and eligible for 160 points on the INZ‘s point scale for Skilled Migrant Expression of Interest.

Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa

If your employer’s firm relocates to New Zealand, you may apply for this visa.

Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa

You must possess the necessary skills and abilities to work in New Zealand. You must be under 55 years old and have a work offer for a two-year full-time position paying 55.000 NZD (35.000 USD) each year. Immigration New Zealand must accredit your employer (INZ).

Entrepreneur Work Visa

This visa is for those who intend to acquire or start a business in New Zealand as an entrepreneur or innovator. To qualify, you must have put at least $100,000 NZD (65,000 USD) into your firm, you have 120 points on INZ’s entrepreneur point system, you have a business plan, and you can read, write, and speak English.

Long-Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa

This visa is for those with skills and abilities that are in demand in New Zealand. You must be 55 years old or younger, and your occupation must be on the list of skill shortages.

There is no option for a family visa with this visa.

Each temporary visa type has its own application process, but in general, you’ll need to submit an expression of interest that contains a score point depending on your age, work experience, education, and the job offer (if applicable). If you are chosen, you will be able to submit a full application. Only one application is picked each month.

Benefits of Permanent Residency in New Zealand

As a permanent resident, you enjoy the freedom to live, work, and study in New Zealand, as well as travel freely within the country. If your partner and dependent children were included in your original residency application, you can include them in your visa application as well.

The following are just a handful of the numerous advantages that come with a permanent residency in New Zealand:

  • You may live, work, travel, and study anywhere in New Zealand.
  • You can get discounted medical services as well as social security benefits.
  • Your children will be able to attend state-run schools and colleges for free.
  • If your relatives fulfill the residence and assurance of support standards, you can sponsor them to seek for permanent resident visas.
  • After remaining in New Zealand for several years, you can apply for citizenship, provided you meet all of the other requirements, such as a basic command of the English language, communication skills, good character, and a clear intention to stay in the nation.

How to Get a Permanent Residency in New Zealand?

What are the prerequisites for obtaining permanent residence in the United States? You must remain in New Zealand for two years on a resident visa to earn permanent status. The following conditions must also be met:

  • A valid ID and two approved pictures are required to prove your identity
  • Have good health and a good reputation
  • Show proof of meeting the requirements of your existing residence visa
  • Age is less than 55 years old
  • Fluency and knowledge in the English language are required
  • In possession of a job offer (in case you have applied for sponsored work visa)
  • Ability to demonstrate your intention to remain in New Zealand.

You may demonstrate your commitment and intention to remain in New Zealand in one of five ways:

  • You have been in New Zealand for a sufficient amount of time, and your travel records will be reviewed.
  • You have New Zealand tax residence status, and you’ll need an Inland Revenue statement and a completed confirmation of tax resident status to prove it.
  • You’ve made an investment in New Zealand, and you’ll need proof like bank statements or property papers.
  • You run a thriving firm in New Zealand that helps the country.
  • You have a base in the country by owning a home, creating employment, or being self-employed.
How to Get Permanent Residency in New Zealand - Part 1
An immigrant family arriving in New Zealand

As already mentioned above, one can apply for a PR visa under a variety of categories, including Partner Category, Skilled Migrant Category, and Business and Investment Category.

Permanent Residence Point System in New Zealand

New Zealand visas can be obtained by submitting an application directly to the New Zealand government. Compared to contacting agents or the visa bureau, this is a less expensive option. The government has established a PR points system in order to assess your eligibility, with points allocated in the following headings:

  • Employability: 60 points for existing competent workers who have been with the company for more than a year, 50 points for those seeking for employment or who have been with the company for less than a year.
  • Work Employment: Ranges from 10 to 30 points for 2 to 10 years of experience, with extra points for rewards and development assessments.
  • A Bachelor’s Degree or any other significant Diploma qualification will get you 50 points, while a Master’s or Doctorate Degree would earn you 55 points.
  • Family Ties: In New Zealand, 10 points are awarded for close relatives.
  • Age: Maximum of 30 points for those aged 20-29 years, with a minimum of 5 points for those aged 50-55 years.

Obtaining 160 points qualifies you for an ITA (Invitation to Apply) for a visa. 100-135, at a minimum, would be the submission requirement. However, there is no certainty that this will result in an ITA.

Application Process and Fees

The application procedure and fees for a Permanent Residence Visa may differ based on your home country and whether you apply in your home country or in New Zealand.

In general, you’ll need to complete an application for a Permanent Resident Visa and send it together with the necessary papers to the appropriate reception facility. You may find out by going to the official immigration website and inputting your nationality and residency country.

Permanent resident permits cost 210 NZD (140 USD) plus a regional immigration charge. If you are unable to pick up your passport, you may be required to pay the receiving centre fees and courier costs to have it returned to you.


Before you finally decide if you want to live and get a permanent residency in New Zealand, consider knowing first the cost of living in New Zealand, job opportunities for your line of profession, possible housing arrangements and investments. Talk to an expat advisor to plan it well.

Continue to How to Get Permanent Residency in New Zealand – Part 2 to learn about how to get a work visa as it is the first step, and one of the requirements, in obtaining a residence permit in New Zealand.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters with over 827million answer views on Quora, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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