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Overview of Health Insurance Cost in the US

We’re here to explore the average health insurance cost in the US.

Whether you are single or have families, you surely have a fixed monthly budget. You’re responsible for paying the rent, amenities, food, automobile expenditures, credit card bills, and other expenses every month. Some of these obligations may be easier to estimate than medical costs. Having health insurance will save you from medical bills, especially those that are sudden and too costly.

Now that you know why health insurance is so crucial, let’s tackle how much it may cost and what it takes to make a plan accordingly.

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What’s the purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

The Affordable Care Act dubbed Obamacare provides subsidies to certain households. To qualify a family unit must have income of between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty threshold.

The Affordable Care Act is here to serve as people’s guidance or direction as they obtained their health insurance. Through this, you could be enlightened as to how much the real cost must be when intended for your health case.

It also maximizes opportunities for preventive care. Health outcomes and the slow rate of increase in healthcare spending could also be strengthened and analyzed thoroughly to achieve a fair healthcare system. This includes the assurance that they are treated fairly. It also stands as a barricade that stops insurance companies from charging women for their greater care.

So, before you get into the details of acquiring healthcare insurance, you must be enlightened by the Affordable Care Act because it greatly affects the cost and the long-term plan you’re considering.

Health Insurance Costs and Premiums

average Health Insurance Cost in the US
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

How to Calculate and Compare Health Insurance Cost in the US

Several distinguishing features of the American system are widely acknowledged. The term “health insurance”, therefore, has varied implications for different individuals throughout the globe. For others, it might include a high-cost relative, while others lack comprehensive coverage.

Just like in other countries, the cost of health insurance seemed to also be increasing. There are several factors to consider in a nation that spends about $4 trillion USD on healthcare yet finds that coverage differs greatly. Each person’s cost may differ significantly. While pre-existing medical issues or gender have no bearing on these prices, other criteria do because of the Affordable Care Act.

Other than that, you also need to determine your current health, which will also disclose your need for medical treatment in a year’s time. There are also types of features and advantages you desire.

Having advanced knowledge of additional costs when choosing a health insurance policy will surely help you. By selecting the premiums you contribute each month, you will only cover a portion of the overall cost of your medical treatment.


One thing you need to know is that it’s required that you pay your deductible first. This is a formal process before your health insurance begins paying for your medical expenses. Then, once your health insurance deductible has been met, you will be accountable for paying either a co-payment or coinsurance for the covered treatments.

To clear it all up, a deductible is the out-of-pocket expense you must bear. The full amount of the cost of your insurance-covered treatments will be on you until you hit this limit.

The variation of typical deductibles is contingent upon multiple factors, which encompass the specific type of coverage that an individual possesses. Here are some:

  • Employer-sponsored coverage: This is a health insurance plan that is provided by employers. These plans are typically offered to employees. The average cost is actually around $2,004 for an individual deductible. In terms of the family deductible, it amounts to $3,868.
  • Copays and coinsurance: The terms “copays” and “coinsurance” are commonly used in the context of healthcare expenses. Copays are fixed amounts that individuals are required to pay as intended for certain medical services. Copayments and coinsurance are financial contributions made towards healthcare expenses after the deductible has been met. Copayments are known to have fixed monetary values. It requires $25 that’s intended for a doctor’s visit.
  • Out-of-pocket maximums: This is how much you have to pay for covered services during the plan year, beyond your premiums. For the 2023 plan year, the maximum out-of-pocket costs for an individual covered under an Affordable Care Act-compliant health insurance plan is $9,100, and the maximum for a family is $18,200.
  • Marketplace plans: The marketplace is a hub where individuals and families may shop, compare, and ultimately purchase a wide range of health insurance plans.

How much is the average health insurance plan?

If you have a limited budget, choosing the best insurance company is still possible. Others somehow consider health insurance premiums These premiums necessitate monthly payments in order for you to maintain coverage. The variation in premiums is obvious. Any specific type of health insurance consists of unique coverage and methods. This is possible even if you’re under an employer’s umbrella or want to make an individual purchase instead.

Employer-sponsored plans, as they contain benefit programs provided by employers to their employees, are one of the highly recommended plans.

Employer-sponsored coverage amounted to $7,911 in 2022, which became the average yearly premium for individual policies. For family plans, the average annual premium was $22,463. The average contribution made by workers towards the premium for single coverage is 17%, while for family coverage it is 28%. The average annual employee contribution for the year 2022 for an individual plan somehow amounted to $1,32. On the other hand, a family plan was $6,106.

What is an individual plan?

Not everyone is in the private or government sector. If you are a freelancer or self-employed, then you might be worried about how to actually push this insurance plan. Since one doesn’t have such access to health insurance through their employer, the good news is that you are still left with the option to acquire an individual policy. This can be done through the health insurance exchange specific to their state.

Every state has a unique benchmark health insurance plan that is utilized for calculating premium subsidies and establishing essential benefits. The costs for benchmark plans exhibit variation across different states. However, as of 2023, the average benchmark premium nationwide stands at $456 per month or $5,472 per year.

What are the average health insurance premiums by tier?

Health insurance plans are separated into tiers based on the proportion of health care costs the insurance plan is expected to cover.

The silver plan falls around the middle, with moderate deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance. The catastrophic and bronze plans offer the smallest amount of coverage, while the platinum plans offer the greatest.

The average rates paid for health insurance plans and the amount of coverage are highly dependent on how much you provide. In this case, platinum plans are known for being the most expensive. Bronze plans are the cheapest.

Health Insurance Cost in the US guide
Image by Freepik

Why is healthcare in the US so expensive?

The country’s expense in health care accounts for about 8.15 percent on average of total consumer expenditure.

Reputedly challenging to navigate, the healthcare sector stands out. As the United States may attest, it can be rather pricey. A combination of variables significantly contributes to the high cost of healthcare in the US. You can include inefficient systems, pricey medications, high doctor pay, profit-focused hospitals, treatment plans, and rising healthcare expenses for a comprehensive picture.

To ensure accurate billing and reimbursements, specialized administrative support is crucial due to the extensive range of payment criteria. When looked at side by side, other advanced nations demonstrate a marked contrast in prescription drug expenses when compared to the United States.

The US experiences significantly higher hospital expenditure growth compared to physician and nurse incomes. In contrast, other countries allow governments greater control over medication and medical care costs, while in the US, these factors are determined by market forces.

By leveraging government intervention, most developed countries manage healthcare costs effectively. With fewer administrative costs, these governments can effectively negotiate more affordable prices for drugs, medical equipment, and hospital care. Patient treatment is subject to their control. The political absence of support in the US hinders the government’s ability to regulate healthcare costs, thereby pushing prices higher.

In light of this, it’s essential to conduct thorough research for the most suitable health insurance coverage.

Various Factors that Influence the Cost of Health Insurance

There are eventually features that might impact the price you have to pay to avail them. Here are the things you can keep in mind:

Health Plan Type: The Health Insurance Marketplace will present you with options that you could take into account. There are a selection of tiers to run your fingers through, actually. Again, you could choose between bronze, silver, gold, and platinum plans. You just have to remember that bronze plans have a lower monthly premium compared to other plans. However, they are just accompanied by higher deductibles.

Consequently, these plans are most suitable for individuals in good health seeking coverage primarily for unforeseen and severe medical situations. Platinum plans, situated at the opposite end of the spectrum, are characterized by their elevated premiums and significantly reduced deductibles. This suits well for individuals who have chronic health conditions.

Network Type: There will be restrictions when it comes to selecting healthcare providers and medical facilities. They will somehow limit the options available to policyholders.

The Health Management Organization (HMO): This plan is characterized by its high level of restriction. Under this plan, you will only be permitted to seek medical care from doctors who are part of the network.

In contrast, a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) provides increased flexibility and does not necessitate referrals. Due to their inherent flexibility, Preferred Provider Organization plans generally incur higher costs.

The network has a substantial influence on the premium. This network holds significance in rural areas where specific providers or facilities may be located several hours away. In general, opting for a narrower network, such as a health maintenance organization (HMO), can result in lower monthly premiums. However, you must assess whether this network will adequately fulfill your healthcare requirements.

Quantity of People Insured: One underlying factor is the number of individuals within your chosen coverage. Just take note that you must assume that the monthly health insurance premium will also be significantly higher compared to that of an individual.

Employer Contributions: You could acquire insurance through your employer. In such cases, employers typically assume a portion of the premiums. The average contribution made by workers towards single coverage premiums is 17%, while for family coverage, it is 28%.

Subsidies: In the event that you are procuring coverage via the Health Insurance Marketplace or your state’s exchange, it is possible that you meet the criteria for a tax credit that effectively lowers your monthly premiums. The tax credit estimation tool available on Healthcare.gov allows users to calculate their potential tax credit.

Location: The variation in premiums and other costs is dependent on the geographical location. The average comparison premium in Vermont was $841 per month, as an illustration. In contrast, the average monthly premium in New Hampshire amounts to a mere $323.

What does US health insurance cover?

Before the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare), the perks of health insurance plans were very different. Now, there is a level of standardization that makes sure all plans include the following “essential health benefits”:

  • Help for emergencies
  • Hospital stays, which will comprise treatment and longer stays
  • Drugs that need a prescription
  • Maternity and infant care
  • Services that aid mental health
  • Services and tools needed for rehabilitation and recovery
  • Care for people who aren’t in the hospital
  • Services from a laboratory
  • Services for health and safety
  • Services for children, including dental and eye care
  • Birth control and nursing support

It was mandated that all health insurance plans in the United States offer at least these features. In this way, plans may also offer extra perks, like assistance for dental care and eye care, and much more.

Does Health Insurance in the US cover all the costs of medical expenses?

In the United States, many health insurance options ask the person to pay some amount for their care and then fund the rest. Policies will have an “annual deductible,” which refers to the sum that a person has to pay toward their own healthcare expenses each year prior to the insurance company paying for their part.

What do you need to know before signing up for medical coverage?

Affording health insurance isn’t a one-time decision. It’s a long-term commitment. Therefore, choosing the perfect health insurance plan will surely not always be easy. It necessitates a thorough assessment to know if the company you’re considering will be able to provide what you’re looking for.

Insurance premiums have a way of mounting up rapidly. Hence, it’s important to do research. Finding out about the company’s reputation through its track record is one of the things you need to consider too.

This can absolutely be done before choosing one that provides affordable rates without breaking the bank. In fact, you can surely get the most out of your health insurance budget if you first try to understand how the system works.

It’s important to look into the company’s track record, compare pricing among providers, and avoid getting suckered in by flashy commercials.

Bottom Line

Overall, knowing the purpose and how you could benefit from the Affordable Care Act can usher you into a more practical but excellent plan. Also, knowing the extent that it covers will only be determined when you know how to calculate it. Every effort you will exert for this lifetime commitment will always be great guidance for you. You will be able to understand how it works effectively. Also, you could do it while monitoring your financial capabilities.

You must also know what average health insurance premiums by tier you will consider based on your financial capacity and priorities. You could determine the results if you understood the various factors that might influence the cost of health insurance. After all, anything related to your health will always be priceless.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters with over 827million answer views on Quora, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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