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Moving assets offshore in 2023: A comprehensive guide

Looking to move your funds and assets offshore? Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, understanding the process can seem overwhelming. We have you covered with our comprehensive guide to moving assets offshore.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of offshore investments, the benefits they can offer, and the important considerations to keep in mind.

Discover how offshore accounts can provide asset protection, confidentiality, and tax advantages. Learn about the various types of offshore structures available, such as trusts, foundations, and company formations.

Our guide will also explore the legal and regulatory aspects of offshore investing, as well as key factors to consider when selecting an offshore jurisdiction.

We’ll address questions about the potential risks and provide insights on how to mitigate them. By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of moving funds and assets offshore and be well-equipped to make informed decisions about your financial future.

If you want to invest as an expat or high-net-worth individual, which is what i specialize in, you can email me (advice@adamfayed.com) or use WhatsApp (+44-7393-450-837).

Reasons for moving assets offshore

Moving funds and assets offshore can offer various advantages that may not be available in your home country. One of the main reasons individuals choose to move their funds offshore is for asset protection.

Offshore accounts can provide a secure and confidential environment to safeguard your wealth from potential risks, such as lawsuits and creditors.

Additionally, offshore banking can offer tax benefits. Some offshore jurisdictions have favorable tax regimes, allowing you to reduce your tax liabilities legally. By moving your funds offshore, you can potentially minimize your tax burden and optimize your financial situation.

Furthermore, offshore investments provide diversification opportunities. By investing in different jurisdictions, you can spread your risk and reduce the impact of any localized economic or political instability.

This allows you to take advantage of global investment opportunities and increase the potential for higher returns.

Legal considerations for offshore banking

Before diving into offshore banking, it’s crucial to understand the legal aspects involved. Offshore banking is a legitimate and legal way to manage your funds and assets, as long as you comply with the laws and regulations of both your home country and the offshore jurisdiction.

It’s essential to consult with legal and tax professionals who specialize in offshore matters to ensure you comply with all necessary reporting and disclosure requirements.

They can guide you through the legal framework and help you navigate any potential pitfalls.

Additionally, it’s important to understand the implications of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), which aim to prevent tax evasion and promote transparency in global financial transactions.

Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and maintain a good standing within the international financial community.

Tax benefits of offshore funds and assets

One of the primary attractions of offshore banking is the potential tax benefits it offers. Many offshore jurisdictions have implemented tax-friendly policies to attract foreign investors. These policies include low or zero tax rates on income, capital gains, and inheritance.

By establishing offshore structures, such as trusts or companies, you can take advantage of these favorable tax regimes.

Offshore trusts, for example, can provide significant tax advantages, allowing you to legally minimize your tax liabilities. Through careful planning and structuring, you can optimize your tax position and retain more of your hard-earned wealth.

It’s important to note that while tax planning is a legitimate and common practice, engaging in illegal tax evasion schemes is illegal and can result in severe penalties. It’s crucial to consult with tax professionals who have expertise in offshore taxation to ensure you navigate the tax landscape legally and ethically.

Offshore fund structures and jurisdictions

When it comes to moving funds and assets offshore, you have various options for structuring your investments.

Offshore jurisdictions offer a range of structures, including trusts, foundations, and company formations. Each structure has its own advantages and considerations, depending on your specific needs and objectives.

Moving assets offshore can offer various advantages that may not be available in your home country. One of the main reasons individuals choose to move their funds offshore is for asset protection.
Moving assets offshore can offer various advantages that may not be available in your home country. One of the main reasons individuals choose to move their funds offshore is for asset protection.

Trusts are a popular choice for asset protection and estate planning. They allow you to transfer assets to a separate legal entity, managed by a trustee, who holds and administers the assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

Trusts provide confidentiality, flexibility, and control over the distribution and management of your assets.

Foundations, on the other hand, are similar to trusts but have a corporate legal structure. They offer similar benefits, including asset protection, privacy, and flexible control. Foundations are commonly used for philanthropic purposes, family wealth management, and succession planning.

Company formations, such as offshore corporations or limited liability companies (LLCs), provide a separate legal entity to hold and manage your assets.

They offer limited liability protection and can be beneficial for business ventures and investment purposes. Company formations can also provide enhanced privacy and asset protection features.

When selecting an offshore jurisdiction, it’s essential to consider factors such as political stability, legal framework, reputation, and the availability of banking and financial services.

Popular offshore jurisdictions include the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Switzerland, and Singapore. Each jurisdiction has its own advantages and considerations, so thorough research is necessary to make an informed decision.

How to move funds and assets offshore

Moving funds and assets offshore involves a series of steps to ensure a smooth and compliant transition. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • Define your objectives: Clearly articulate your goals and objectives for moving funds and assets offshore. This will help guide your decision-making process and ensure you choose the most suitable offshore structures and jurisdictions.
  • Seek professional advice: Engage with legal, tax, and financial professionals who specialize in offshore matters. They will provide expert guidance throughout the process and help you navigate the complexities of offshore banking.
  • Choose the right offshore jurisdiction: Research and evaluate different offshore jurisdictions based on your specific needs, such as tax advantages, legal framework, and reputation. Consider factors such as political stability, economic climate, and ease of doing business.
  • Establish the appropriate offshore structure: Depending on your objectives, work with professionals to establish the most suitable offshore structure, such as a trust, foundation, or company formation. Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Open an offshore bank account: Once the offshore structure is established, open an offshore bank account in the chosen jurisdiction. Select a reputable bank that offers the services and features you require, such as multi-currency accounts, online banking, and wealth management services.
  • Transfer funds and assets: Transfer your funds and assets from your domestic accounts to the newly established offshore bank account. Ensure compliance with all reporting and disclosure requirements, both in your home country and the offshore jurisdiction.
  • Monitor and manage your offshore investments: Regularly review and monitor your offshore investments to ensure they align with your goals and objectives. Stay informed about any changes in regulations or tax laws that may impact your investments.

By following these steps and seeking professional advice, you can navigate the process of moving funds and assets offshore with confidence and peace of mind.

Risks and challenges of offshore banking

While offshore banking offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and challenges involved. Some of the risks associated with offshore banking include:

  • Regulatory and legal risks: Different jurisdictions have varying levels of regulation and legal frameworks. It’s crucial to understand the rules and regulations of the chosen jurisdiction to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal issues.
  • Financial stability risks: Offshore jurisdictions may have different levels of financial stability and economic climates. It’s important to assess the stability and reputation of the chosen jurisdiction’s banking system to mitigate any potential financial risks.
  • Reputational risks: Some individuals may perceive offshore banking as a means to evade taxes or engage in illegal activities. It’s important to maintain transparency and comply with all legal and regulatory requirements to protect your reputation and avoid any negative associations.
  • Currency risks: Offshore investments often involve transactions in different currencies. Fluctuations in exchange rates can impact the value of your investments and potentially lead to financial losses. It’s crucial to consider currency risks and develop strategies to manage them effectively.

To mitigate these risks, thorough due diligence and proper planning are essential. Engaging with professionals who specialize in offshore banking can provide valuable insights and guidance to navigate potential challenges.

Offshore banking alternatives

While offshore banking can offer significant advantages, it may not be suitable for everyone. Fortunately, there are alternative options available for individuals who prefer to keep their funds and assets closer to home. Some alternatives to consider include:

  • Onshore investments: Explore investment opportunities within your home country that offer similar benefits to offshore investments, such as tax advantages, asset protection, and diversification. Consult with financial advisors who specialize in domestic investment strategies.
  • International investment funds: Invest in international investment funds that provide exposure to multiple jurisdictions and asset classes. These funds are managed by professionals and offer diversification without the need for direct offshore banking.
  • Financial planning and wealth management: Work with financial planners and wealth managers who can help optimize your financial situation and explore investment opportunities that align with your goals. They can provide guidance on tax planning, asset protection, and investment strategies.
  • Digital banking and fintech solutions: Take advantage of digital banking and fintech solutions that offer innovative and convenient banking services. These platforms often provide access to global markets and investment opportunities without the need for traditional offshore banking.

Offshore banking services and providers

When considering offshore banking, it’s crucial to choose reputable and reliable service providers. Reputable banks and financial institutions in offshore jurisdictions offer a wide range of services tailored to the needs of offshore investors. These services may include:

  • Private banking: Private banking services cater to high-net-worth individuals and provide personalized financial solutions, including wealth management, investment advisory, and estate planning.
  • Corporate banking: Corporate banking services are tailored to the needs of businesses and offer solutions such as multi-currency accounts, trade finance, and international payment services.
  • Trust and fiduciary services: Trust and fiduciary services assist in the establishment and administration of offshore structures, such as trusts and foundations. These services provide expertise in asset protection, estate planning, and succession planning.
  • Wealth management: Wealth management services focus on preserving and growing your wealth over the long term. They provide investment advisory, portfolio management, and financial planning services to help you achieve your financial goals.

When selecting offshore banking services and providers, consider factors such as reputation, track record, expertise, and the range of services offered. Thoroughly research and compare different options to ensure you choose the most suitable provider for your needs.

Offshore Banking Unit (OBU): What Is It?

The term “offshore banking unit” (OBU) describes a virtual branch of a bank that is physically situated in a different global financial hub.

An example of an offshore banking unit would be a bank headquartered in London that also has a branch in Delhi. In order to lend money in the Eurocurrency market, offshore banking units (OBUs) take deposits from other OBUs and foreign banks.

Money kept in banks outside of the country that issues the currency is simply referred to as Eurocurrency.

While OBUs are free to operate as they like, they are not permitted to take deposits from domestic customers or lend money to locals in the country where they are based. In general, OBUs have a lot more leeway when it comes to complying with national legislation.

Offshore Banking Units in context

In the decades following the 1970s, OBUs began to mushroom all over the world. You may find them all over the world, from Europe to Asia to the Caribbean and even the Middle East. Many U.S. offshore banking units are located in Singapore, Hong Kong, Panama, the Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas.

Offshore banking units (OBUs) can be either wholly-owned subsidiaries or branches of domestic or foreign banks; however, OBUs can also be completely autonomous entities.

In the first scenario, the OBU reports directly to the parent firm; in the second, the entity’s management and finances are distinct from those of the parent, even though the OBU may use the parent’s name.

In order to minimize taxes and maintain anonymity, some investors may think about transferring funds into OBUs. In particular, there are instances where activities like offshore borrowing are exempt from withholding tax and various relief packages are available.

Better interest rates may be attainable with OBUs in some instances. Additionally, currency limits are typically not enforced by offshore financial entities. More alternatives for international trade are often made available to them as a result of this ability to make loans and payments in several currencies.

Understanding Offshore Banking Units

Making a deposit or conducting business with an offshore banking unit requires the client to go through a number of processes.

In general, an investor’s unique requirements serve as the jumping off point for the offshore banking unit process. Considerations including political stability, banking rules, tax benefits, and legal framework are important when investors choose an offshore destination.

An investor can open a personal, business, investment, or trust account, among others, with an offshore banking unit after deciding on an offshore jurisdiction. They need to provide identification, proof of address, and evidence of funding, among other things, and go through a due diligence process.

The investor, like a domestic bank customer, must determine the breadth of services required. Accounts for deposits, wire transfers across international borders, currency exchange, investment goods, loans, credit cards, and wealth management are just some of the many banking services offered by offshore banking institutions.

Tax optimization, asset protection, anonymity, and access to worldwide markets are just a few of the benefits that offshore business units (OBUs) offer. These OBUs function under the regulatory framework of the offshore jurisdiction where they are founded.
Tax optimization, asset protection, anonymity, and access to worldwide markets are just a few of the benefits that offshore banking units (OBUs) offer. These OBUs function under the regulatory framework of the offshore jurisdiction where they are founded.

With the help of offshore banking units, investors can legally take advantage of favorable tax regimes and other tax optimization strategies, in addition to receiving banking services.

They may also provide entry to more investing options, such as alternative investments, commodities, mutual funds, overseas equities, and bonds.

To further prevent legal or regulatory problems, these offshore banking units may also offer legal advice to make sure they comply with the rules of both their home nation and the offshore jurisdiction.

 When conducting audits of foreign financial institutions with U.S. branches, the Federal Reserve has issued guidelines describing broad rules and processes to follow.

Supervision of Offshore Banking Units

In most offshore countries, the banking industry is overseen by a specific regulatory agency or financial authority. An offshore banking unit is under the purview of such regulatory body.

Offshore banking units (OBUs) are required to adhere to anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) standards, as well as meet particular criteria including capital adequacy and operational infrastructure, in order to get the necessary licensing and permission from the regulatory authority.

Financial system integrity, client protection, and the prevention of illegal activity are the goals of the regulatory framework.

Hence, OBUs are overseen by regulatory agencies to guarantee compliance through measures such as continuous monitoring, audits, and examinations of activities. The regulatory authority requires OBUs to produce financial accounts and reports on a periodic basis.

In the fight against financial crimes and for regulatory compliance, offshore jurisdictions frequently participate in international cooperation and information exchange agreements.

Some examples of this kind of cooperation include cooperating with international tax evasion efforts, sharing data with foreign regulatory agencies, and following international reporting requirements such as FATCA and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

Comparing Offshore Banking Units with Domestic Bank Sites

When compared to “normal” bank branches, offshore banking units differ in important ways. Location stands out as the primary distinction:

Common bank branches are usually located within a country’s domestic territory and are subject to the restrictions of that jurisdiction; on the other hand, offshore banking units (OBUs) are located in jurisdictions or offshore financial centers that have been specifically intended to attract international clientele.

The underlying regulatory systems also mark a significant distinction. OBUs have a reputation for having business-friendly cultures, favorable tax structures, and rules that protect secrecy.

At the same time, domestic bank branches follow the rules and regulations that are in place for domestic banks in the country where they are located. Because these regulations apply nationwide, they often do little to encourage the construction of certain types of shelters.

Not to mention, the two typically cater to vastly different demographics of customers. Individuals and corporations from throughout the world are the usual customers of offshore banking facilities.

Clients seeking to minimize tax obligations, safeguard assets, or gain access to global investment opportunities are common customers.

Traditional bank branches, on the other hand, cater mostly to locals and provide the same old financial services to people, companies, and small enterprises in the vicinity of the branch.

How do Offshore Banking Units maintain confidentiality and privacy?

The stringent restrictions and strong legal frameworks utilized by offshore banking institutions provide the utmost secrecy and privacy.

The severe punishments for violating confidentiality in offshore jurisdictions serve to deter unauthorized disclosures.

Because offshore banks must adhere to anti-money laundering laws and may be compelled to divulge information to pertinent authorities in specific situations, it is crucial to understand that privacy does not mean secrecy.

How Do Offshore Banking Units Provide Banking Services?

Similar to conventional banks, offshore banking units provide a full suite of banking services. Services such as international wire transfers, currency exchange, investment goods, loans, credit cards, and wealth management are all part of this category of services. Offshore trusts, investment funds, and enterprises can also be set up and administered with the help of offshore banking institutions.

Offshore banking units: what are the challenges and risks involved?

Certain dangers and obstacles are associated with offshore banking entities.

These include the dangers of noncompliance, heightened scrutiny from regulatory bodies, and the possible damage to one’s reputation that can result from doing business in an offshore country.

To mitigate the reputational, legal, and regulatory risks connected with offshore banking, investors should perform comprehensive due diligence to verify the institution complies with all relevant requirements.

How are Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulations handled by Offshore Banking Units?

To combat money laundering and illegal financing, offshore banking units manage anti-money-laundering and know-your-customer rules through strict procedures, careful client due diligence, transaction monitoring, suspicious activity reporting, and continuous compliance with regulatory requirements.

Banks with specialist branches or subsidiaries in offshore financial centers are known as offshore banking units. To individuals and businesses all across the world, they provide a full suite of financial services.

Tax optimization, asset protection, anonymity, and access to worldwide markets are just a few of the benefits that offshore banking units (OBUs) offer. These OBUs function under the regulatory framework of the offshore jurisdiction where they are founded.

Offshore Investing

A common media portrayal of offshore investing is a group of nefarious characters hiding their money on a remote Caribbean island in order to avoid paying taxes. Of course, there are some sketchy deals out there, but rest assured that most offshore investing is within the law.

A Primer on Offshore Investing

Diverse investment opportunities exist outside of an investor’s native country, and these opportunities are what make offshore investing so appealing. Offshore businesses that are legitimate, trustworthy, and have a solid financial foundation provide a plethora of investment prospects.

A number of benefits, such as privacy, asset protection, and reduced tax liability, may be available to you if you invest offshore. The exorbitant expenses of offshore accounts and the ever-increasing worldwide regulatory scrutiny are two disadvantages.

In spite of its shady reputation, offshore investing is a legitimate and efficient method to put your money into businesses that are not available in your own country.

Investing Offshore: The Benefits

Offshore investment is popular for many reasons:

Financial Benefits

Tax havens are places where foreign investors can take advantage of favorable tax policies.

The purpose of an offshore country’s low or nonexistent tax rates is to encourage investment and draw in money from outside the country. Attracting investors can significantly boost economic activity for a small country with little resources and a small population.

The formation of a corporation in a foreign country by offshore investors is the simplest way to describe offshore investment.

By registering their investments as corporations, the investors are able to avoid paying the higher taxes that are applicable in their own countries.

The company pays almost no taxes in its home jurisdiction since it does not conduct business there.

Investments made by foreign enterprises in U.S. markets can qualify them for tax exemptions. Therefore, there may be clear benefits to investing via foreign firms rather than as an individual.

Security of Assets

Asset reorganizations often take place at offshore hubs. Individuals can transfer their money through preexisting corporations, trusts, or foundations.

To protect themselves from creditors, foreclosing lenders, or lawsuits, many people choose to store part of their assets in an offshore entity rather than in their own names.

Individuals are shielded against confiscation and other domestic problems by executing these formal transfers of ownership.

Contributions to an offshore trust made by a U.S. resident trustor are exempt from income tax. Trust income (earnings from investments made under the trust company) is subject to taxation regardless of whether or not it has been transferred to the trustor of an offshore asset-protection fund.


The additional advantage of secrecy legislation is offered by numerous offshore jurisdictions. Laws mandating stringent business and banking secrecy have been passed by these nations.

There will be severe repercussions for whomever violates this confidentiality. Disclosure of client identities is an infringement of banking secrecy. In many countries, it is considered a violation of corporate secrecy to reveal stockholders.

The fact that offshore investors prefer to remain anonymous does not, however, prove that they are dishonest.

Offshore jurisdictions hold a disproportionate share of the world's assets and investments, and many illustrious corporations find investment opportunities in these locations.
Offshore jurisdictions hold a disproportionate share of the world’s assets and investments, and many illustrious corporations find investment opportunities in these locations.

Additionally, in cases when it is evident that someone is involved in drug trafficking, money laundering, or any other unlawful activity, identity disclosure may be permitted under offshore laws. But from the perspective of a prominent investor, there is a substantial financial (and legal) benefit to concealing information, including the investor’s identity, while amassing shares of a public firm.

Famous people who have a lot of money to invest prefer it kept secret. Investors with millions of dollars at their disposal would rather not have a swarm of small-scale buyers purchasing the same stocks as them. Prices are driven up by the tiny fry.

Offshore jurisdictions are often shielded from the laws that would be applicable where the investor lives since countries are not obligated to recognize the laws of another sovereign.

Assets situated within U.S. boundaries can be subject to jurisdiction by U.S. courts. As a result, investors should take precautions to ensure that their assets are not physically kept in the US. However, as mentioned further on, U.S. law still applies to assets held in overseas bank accounts.

Investment Diversification

Citizens’ ability to invest abroad is limited in some nations due to government regulations. Such a limitation, according to many investors, makes it harder to build a diversified portfolio.

The greater flexibility of offshore accounts allows investors unrestricted access to global markets and all major exchanges.

In addition, developing countries, particularly those that are starting to privatize industries that were formerly controlled by the government, offer a lot of chances. China is the biggest consumer market in the world, and investors are salivating over the country’s desire to privatize certain industries.

 Popular offshore jurisdictions that are seen to provide somewhat safe investment prospects include Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, and the Bahamas.41 Drawbacks of Investing Abroad

There are advantages and disadvantages to consider when deciding to domicile investments and assets in an offshore country.

Increased Oversight by Regulators

The United States government has passed stricter regulations to seal tax loopholes in response to the growing problem of offshore investment and the resulting loss of tax income. Tax laws and authorities are increasingly interested in offshore investment income.

An example would be the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). Annual reports on foreign account holdings are required of U.S. citizens both at home and abroad by FATCA.

All income earned by citizens and permanent residents of the United States is subject to taxation by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Consequently, investors can face tax evasion charges if they use offshore organizations to avoid paying capital gains taxes to the United States federal government.

Because of this, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) insists that American taxpayers cannot avoid paying their fair share of taxes by transferring their responsibility to a foreign organization, even when investors stand to benefit more from the reduced corporate expenses of offshore companies.

Additionally, the OECD and the WTO have regulations that mandate the reporting of information regarding international clients by financial institutions; however, the extent to which each nation abides by these regulations varies greatly.

Even though tax loopholes are still there, they are getting smaller and smaller each year.

Cost or Money Outlay

The setup cost of an offshore account is high. Legal fees, corporate registration fees, and account registration fees can add up quickly when an individual has to establish an offshore corporation, which depends on their investment objectives and the jurisdiction they choose.

Investors may be asked to prove residency in the nation where their offshore account or holding company is based.

In addition, a minimum investment of $100,000 to $1,000,000 is often required by offshore accounts. Offshore investment service providers charge exorbitant prices because they know their services are in great demand among the ultra-wealthy.

Special Factors to Think About

Offshore jurisdictions hold a disproportionate share of the world’s assets and investments, and many illustrious corporations find investment opportunities in these locations.

But, like with any investing decision, use caution and find a trustworthy investment firm. Also, it is smart to talk to a trustworthy accountant, lawyer, and investment advisor with experience in global investments.

In order to safeguard your assets through offshore investments or with estate planning, it is wise to consult an attorney or legal team that focuses on asset protection, wills, or business succession. The investments and their tax and legal ramifications should be your primary concerns. These experts do not, of course, come cheap. The exorbitant costs of professional fees, commissions, and travel expenses typically outweigh the advantages of investing abroad.

Stocks, bonds, savings and time deposits, mutual funds, real estate, foreign exchange, precious metals, private equity, and hedge funds are all examples of offshore investments.

Investing offshore comes with its fair share of difficulties and dangers:

  • Regulations’ intricacy
  • Extensive documentation and adherence
  • Problems with openness in offshore jurisdictions
  • The fluctuation of currencies and exchange rates
  • Investors are unprotected
  • Shockingly Expensive or Hidden Fees
  • Conflicts between offshore jurisdictions’ governments and economies
  • Dangers of fraud.

Investing Onshore vs. Offshore: How Are They Different?

When you invest “onshore,” all of your money and assets are physically located in your home country. Conversely, when investment activity takes place in a different nation, area, or jurisdiction, it is referred to as offshore investing.

Those with a lot of money to invest often choose to do it offshore so they may take advantage of tax breaks, hedge against market volatility, preserve their assets, and maintain their anonymity.

On the flip side, investors need to think about the difficulties and hazards of investing offshore, such as the high prices, tighter regulations, and the chance of negative currency fluctuations.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Moving funds and assets offshore can provide a range of benefits, including asset protection, confidentiality, tax advantages, and diversification opportunities. However, offshore banking is not without risks and challenges.

It requires careful planning, legal compliance, and ongoing monitoring to ensure a successful and compliant offshore strategy.

Before embarking on offshore banking, it’s crucial to assess your financial goals, risk tolerance, and legal obligations. Seek professional advice from experts who specialize in offshore matters to guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions.

Offshore banking is a powerful tool for those seeking to optimize their financial situation and explore global investment opportunities.

By understanding the fundamentals and working with trusted professionals, you can navigate the world of offshore investments with confidence and unlock new opportunities for financial growth.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 760.2 million answer views on Quora.com, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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