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BlueBox Global Technology Fund Best Review 2023

BlueBox Global Technology Fund, a standout in the technology investment realm, exhibits a strategic approach to tech-focused investing. Examine how BlueBox Global Technology Fund can enhance your global tech investments strategy.

This review delves into the core aspects of BlueBox Global Technology Fund, encompassing its fundamentals, performance, asset allocation, and investor suitability.

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Understanding the Fundamentals of BlueBox Global Technology

BlueBox Global Technology is a SICAV fund that showcases a significant presence in the technology investment landscape.

Launched on March 29, 2018, the fund is expertly managed by William De Gale and focuses on sector equity technology, emphasizing growth through accumulation.

As of October 31, 2023, BlueBox Global Technology’s size was an impressive 505.25 million GBP, with its share class size at 20.54 million GBP.

Operating under the legal framework of Luxembourg (ISIN LU1793347128) and priced in GBP, the fund demonstrates its international appeal by being available in Luxembourg and Switzerland.

The Inception and Evolution of BlueBox Global Technology

BlueBox Global Technology was established in partnership with Blue Box Wealth Management, a Geneva-based multi-family office, and William de Gale, a renowned Global Technology Portfolio Manager.

This collaboration led to the creation of BlueBox Asset Management SA. The fund represents a vision to provide clients with the best long-term thematic investment funds.

Since its launch, BlueBox Asset Management has grown considerably, diversifying into other thematic areas such as Islamic Global Technology and Precision Medicine, demonstrating the company’s dynamic and innovative approach.

BlueBox Global Technology
BlueBox Global Technology Fund caters to investors who seek to capitalize on the technological revolution.

Investment Strategy and Focus

The investment strategy of BlueBox Global Technology is centered around the concept of ‘Direct Connection’ – the seamless integration of computers with the real world.

This approach has fueled the technology revolution over the past 15 years, leading to accelerated tech adoption across various industry verticals.

BlueBox Global Technology invests in companies that are pivotal in enabling this Direct Connection, thus providing exposure to the most exciting developments in the technology sector.

This strategy avoids over-hyped themes and overvalued stocks, focusing instead on sustainable and innovative tech advances.

Fund’s Global Reach and Diversification

BlueBox Global Technology Fund’s international availability, specifically in Luxembourg and Switzerland, speaks to its global reach and appeal. Its investment style, focusing on large market cap growth stocks, aligns with its goal of capital accumulation and long-term growth in the technology sector.

The fund’s diverse portfolio and its strategic geographic positioning underscore its ability to attract a broad range of international investors, looking to capitalize on global technology trends and advancements.

Portfolio Composition and Asset Allocation of BlueBox Global Technology

Strategic Asset Concentration

BlueBox Global Technology Fund strategically allocates its assets, with its top five holdings comprising 23.22% of its portfolio.

This concentrated approach is evident in its significant investments in Microsoft Corp (5.69%), Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (4.66%), Lam Research Corp (4.54%), Applied Materials Inc (4.29%), and Synopsys Inc (4.03%).

These investments reflect the fund’s focus on leading and high-performing companies within the technology sector, balancing the pursuit of growth with a measure of stability.

Sector Diversification

While predominantly focused on technology, with 86.66% of its assets in this sector, BlueBox Global Technology Fund also diversifies into other sectors.

These include Consumer Cyclical (7.61%), Communication Services (2.61%), and Healthcare (2.52%). This diversification demonstrates the fund’s comprehensive approach to technology-related investment, acknowledging the interconnectedness of tech with various other sectors.

By spreading investments across different sectors, the fund mitigates risks associated with over-concentration in a single sector.

Geographical Diversification

Geographically, BlueBox Global Technology Fund maintains a strong focus on the United States, where 75.03% of its investments are located. However, the fund also ensures a global presence by investing in the Eurozone (8.52%), Asia – Developed (6.94%), Japan (5.39%), and Emerging Markets (3.51%).

This geographical spread not only taps into different technology markets worldwide but also provides a cushion against region-specific economic fluctuations.

Such a well-rounded global approach positions BlueBox Global Technology Fund to capitalize on global technology trends while managing geographical risks.

Performance Analysis: How BlueBox Global Technology Stands Out

Comprehensive Performance Overview

The BlueBox Global Technology Fund’s robust performance becomes evident when examining its growth trajectory. As of November 23, 2023, the fund’s year-to-date return stood at an impressive 38.71%, highlighting its strong position in the market.

This remarkable performance is further reinforced by its 3-year annualised return of 12.44%, showcasing its consistent growth and resilience in the competitive technology sector.

Comparative Market Performance

When compared to its category, the BlueBox Global Technology Fund demonstrates significant outperformance. The fund’s returns have notably exceeded the category average, indicating a strategic advantage in stock selection and portfolio management.

Such a comparative analysis underscores the fund’s ability to deliver superior returns against its peers, cementing its status as a leading option for technology-focused investors.

Detailed Returns Analysis

A closer look at the fund’s returns reveals a pattern of strategic investments and well-timed market entries. The fund’s trailing returns, as of November 23, 2023, indicate a strong year-to-date performance.

This is a testament to the fund’s adept handling of market fluctuations and its ability to capitalize on technological advancements and emerging market trends.

The 12-month yield, standing at 0.00%, further reflects the fund’s growth-focused approach, prioritizing capital appreciation over short-term income generation.

Navigating Market Volatility

BlueBox Global Technology Fund’s management team has demonstrated exceptional skill in navigating the inherently volatile technology market.

Their ability to adapt to market changes and capitalize on growth opportunities has been a key factor in the fund’s impressive performance. This adaptability is crucial in the technology sector, where rapid innovation and changing consumer trends can significantly impact market dynamics.

BlueBox Global Technology
Examining historical risk-adjusted returns, the fund has demonstrated its ability to navigate the volatility of the technology sector effectively.

Future Outlook and Growth Potential

Looking forward, the BlueBox Global Technology Fund is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory.

The fund’s strategic focus on companies with strong growth potential in the technology sector positions it to benefit from ongoing advancements and emerging market trends.

Investors in the BlueBox Global Technology Fund can anticipate continued strong performance, supported by the fund’s proactive management and deep understanding of the technology landscape.

Risk Management and Mitigation

BlueBox Global Technology Fund employs a robust risk management strategy that begins with diversification.

By investing across various technology sectors, including semiconductors, software, hardware, and communication services, the fund spreads risk and reduces exposure to sector-specific fluctuations.

This diversified approach ensures that the fund is not overly reliant on the performance of a single sector, enhancing stability in its portfolio.

In-Depth Due Diligence

The fund’s risk mitigation extends to thorough due diligence before making investment decisions. BlueBox Global Technology Fund meticulously evaluates potential investments, assessing factors like a company’s competitive advantage, financial health, and growth prospects.

This in-depth analysis helps identify businesses that are well-positioned to weather market volatility.

Active Portfolio Monitoring

Risk management isn’t a one-time endeavor; it’s an ongoing process. The fund actively monitors its portfolio, regularly reviewing the performance of holdings and their alignment with the fund’s investment thesis.

If a company’s fundamentals deteriorate or its risk profile changes significantly, the fund may take corrective actions to mitigate potential losses.

Leveraging Direct Connection

BlueBox Global Technology Fund leverages its investment philosophy around the Direct Connection trend as a risk mitigation strategy.

This focus on companies that interact directly with the real world aligns with the fund’s belief in sustainable value creation. By investing in businesses integral to this trend, the fund reduces the risk of being caught off-guard by technological shifts.

Risk-Aware Investment Approach

While seeking growth opportunities, the fund maintains a risk-aware approach. It avoids overly speculative investments and maintains a disciplined investment strategy.

By carefully balancing risk and return, BlueBox Global Technology Fund aims to provide investors with a steady and sustainable growth trajectory.

Historical Risk-Adjusted Returns

Examining historical risk-adjusted returns, the fund has demonstrated its ability to navigate the volatility of the technology sector effectively.

Its consistent performance in relation to its risk profile underscores the success of its risk management strategies. This track record provides investors with confidence in the fund’s ability to manage risk while pursuing growth opportunities in the tech sector.

BlueBox Global Technology
BlueBox Global Technology is a SICAV fund that showcases a significant presence in the technology investment landscape.

Fees and Expenses: What Investors Need to Know

The BlueBox Global Technology Fund’s fee structure is a crucial aspect for investors to understand as it directly impacts their net returns. This fund maintains a competitive and transparent fee policy.

Detailed Fee Breakdown of BlueBox Global Technology

  • Initial Charge: The fund imposes an initial charge of 5.00%. This fee is typically deducted from the investment amount at the time of purchase, reducing the actual amount invested initially in the fund.
  • Ongoing Charges: As of January 2, 2023, the ongoing charge for the fund is 1.35%. This fee, lower than many peers, includes expenses like the fund manager’s fee, trustee fee, auditor fee, and other operational expenses.
  • Annual Management Fee: The maximum annual charge is set at 1.00%. This fee is crucial for investors to note as it is recurrent and impacts the long-term growth of their investment.
  • Exit Charges: Encouragingly, the BlueBox Global Technology Fund does not levy any exit charges, making it more accessible for investors who may need to withdraw their funds.

Comparing Fees with Industry Standards

The ongoing charge of 1.35% for BlueBox Global Technology is competitive when compared with similar technology-focused funds. This fee is crucial for maintaining high-quality fund management and operational efficiency.

BlueBox Global Technology
BlueBox Global Technology Fund employs a robust risk management strategy that begins with diversification.

While fees are a necessary part of fund management, it’s important for investors to understand their impact on net returns. Lower fees can significantly enhance long-term investment returns, making the BlueBox Global Technology Fund an attractive option for cost-conscious investors.

Understanding Minimum Investment Requirements

The fund requires a minimum initial investment of 8,241.00 GBP, a figure that is accessible to a wide range of investors, balancing professionalism with accessibility.

The fund also stipulates a minimum for additional investments, set at the same amount as the initial investment. This policy allows for systematic investment planning, suitable for both seasoned and new investors.

Fee Transparency and Investor Confidence

BlueBox Global Technology is transparent about its fee structure, which builds investor confidence. Understanding these fees helps investors make informed decisions about their investment strategy.

While fees are a necessary aspect of fund management, their role should be evaluated in the context of overall fund performance. The BlueBox Global Technology Fund’s competitive fee structure coupled with its strong performance history makes it a compelling choice for technology sector investors.

Investor Suitability and Risk Profile

BlueBox Global Technology Fund caters to investors who seek to capitalize on the technological revolution.

The fund targets individuals with a medium to long-term investment horizon, aligning well with those who understand and are comfortable with the inherent volatility of the tech sector.

This suitability stems from the fund’s focus on technology businesses that are profitable and create shareholder value, rather than chasing after the latest market disruptors.

Risk Considerations in Technology Investments

Investing in BlueBox Global Technology involves navigating the dynamic and often unpredictable technology market. The fund’s risk profile is shaped by its investment strategy, which involves holding 30 to 40 positions, mainly in companies with a market cap between $10 billion and $300 billion.

This diversification strategy, combined with a focus on companies that provide stable value and have strong barriers to entry, helps mitigate some of the inherent risks associated with technology investments.

The Role of Technology in Modern Portfolios

BlueBox Global Technology Fund leverages what it terms the “Direct Connection” – the shift in computing from digital isolation to directly impacting the analog world.

This fundamental change in computing characterizes the fund’s investment approach, focusing on companies that are at the forefront of this transition and are likely to benefit from it for decades.

Investment Philosophy: Creating Value for Investors

BlueBox Global Technology Fund’s investment philosophy is rooted in identifying technology businesses that can create substantial value for investors.

The fund looks for companies benefiting from strong underlying technology trends, especially the Direct Connection trend, that have the ability to create value from these trends, possess strong barriers to entry, and ensure a fair distribution of generated value among stakeholders, including outside investors.

BlueBox Global Technology
BlueBox Global Technology Fund’s management team has demonstrated exceptional skill in navigating the inherently volatile technology market.

Long-Term Investment Focus

The investment approach of BlueBox Global Technology is centered around a long-term perspective. The fund’s strategy involves selecting companies that can be held for 3-5 years, focusing on those that provide stable value creation and have high barriers to entry.

This approach is distinct from other technology investors who might prioritize short-term growth or competitive product offerings.


In summary, the BlueBox Global Technology Fund presents a compelling investment option for those interested in the technology sector. Its unique investment strategy, focus on Direct Connection, and diversified portfolio composition make it a standout fund in its category.

The fund’s robust performance, strategic asset allocation, and forward-looking investment philosophy position it as an attractive choice for investors looking to capitalize on the evolving technology landscape.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 760.2 million answer views on Quora.com, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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