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Investors Trust Evolution Review

In this Investors Trust Evolution review, we’ll look at the features of the savings plan from the investment provider. We’ll also offer some benefits and risks for this investment opportunity.

The Investors Trust Evolution Savings Plan can be used for education or retirement savings with USD, EUR, and GBP currencies. Higher commitment increases savings potential. Extra allocations are made throughout the plan when annual contributions exceed criteria, helping achieve future investment goals.

If you are looking to invest as an expat or high-net-worth individual, which is what I specialize in, you can email me (advice@adamfayed.com) or use WhatsApp (+44-7393-450-837).

This includes if you are looking for alternatives or a second opinion.

Different investors have different tolerances for risk, and Investors Trust offers a variety of lump sum products to meet those needs, including alternative investments and capital-protected fixed income portfolios.

The firm prioritizes creative investing strategies that safeguard money, generate regular income, and, in some cases, capitalize on capital market fluctuations.

Investors Trust provides a range of unit-link investment solutions with an emphasis on helping foreign investors gain access to global markets.

They have insurance companies in the Cayman Islands, Malaysia, and Puerto Rico, and investors globally.

Investors Trust Evolution Savings Plan Features and Types

Investors Trust Evolution Savings Plan

Investors Trust Evolution Savings Plan is a flexible USD, EUR, and GBP investment. Standard plans require a minimum annual investment of USD/EUR/GBP 1,200 (doubled for 5-year plans), with a minimum yearly increase of 600 USD/EUR/GBP.

Investors can pick from yearly, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly payments.

The plan has terms of 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 years with a 1.9% annual administration fee for the first 10 years, then 0.35%. The structure charge is 0.125% of the account value, and policy costs are 7 USD/EUR or 4.5 GBP monthly. There are no bid/offer spreads.

Death benefits of 101% of the account value and free fund transfers are guaranteed. Based on remaining contract years’ yearly administration expenses, surrender fees apply.

After the initial term, partial withdrawals are allowed with a USD/EUR/GBP 1,200 surrender value. Issue age for 5-year terms is 18–80, declining with longer terms.

Investors Trust Evolution Plus Savings Plan

International Investment, a renowned publication for independent financial advisors and wealth management professionals, named the Evolution Plus Plan Best International Savings Plan.

Investors Trust Evolution Savings Plan is also available in the three major currencies. Plan contributions must be 12,000 USD/EUR/GBP a year. Riders for 2,500 USD/EUR/GBP lump sum minimum contributions are also available.

In addition, investors can increase their contributions per annum by a minimum of 12,000 USD/EUR/GBP to progressively grow their investment. Investment management is easier with annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly modal premium payments.

Investors Trust Evolution Plus Savings Plan
Investors Trust Evolution Review 3

Investors save money since the plan has no annual administration fee or bid/offer spread. However, insurance fees are 10 USD/EUR or 7 GBP 7 monthly and structure fees are 0.16% of the account value (1.92% annually). Investors should also consider a 3.5% credit card fee.

Free fund transfers improve plan accessibility and management. A guaranteed death benefit assures 101% of account value to recipients. However, surrender charges are low, with 1.92% in the first year and none after.

Partial withdrawals are allowed at any time with a minimum surrender value of 10,000 USD/EUR/GBP, giving investors liquidity and flexibility as their financial demands change. Ages 18–85 can use the plan.

Investors Trust Evolution Select

Investments Trust Evolution Select accepts USD, EUR, or GBP contributions with a minimum of 12,000 USD/EUR/GBP annually. The plan offers riders for 2,500 USD/EUR/GBP lump sum minimum contributions and 12,000 USD/EUR/GBP annual increases. Modal premiums are the same as the two previous savings plans.

No bid/offer spread and 1% administration charge over the annual original premium for the first 5 years. It also includes a policy fee of 10 USD/EUR or 7 GBP a month, a structure fee of 0.125% per month of the account value equal to 1.5% per year, and a 3.5% credit card fee.

Fund transfers are free, and a guaranteed death benefit guarantees 101% of account value upon death. With a minimum surrender value of 10,000 USD/EUR/GBP, partial withdrawals are allowed at any time.

Surrender charges reduce annually from 4% at year 1 to 0% at year 5.

Plan is available to 18-85-year-olds.

Pros and Cons of Investors Trust Evolution Savings Plan

Benefits of Savings Plan

  • Loyalty and additional allocations
  • Diverse selection of mutual funds
  • Extensive range of choices from asset managers
  • Online portfolio monitoring
  • Minimal initial investment requirement
  • Complimentary fund transfers
  • Cheaper than most plans like this on the market

Disadvantages of Savings Plan

  • Investors with enough money to do a lump sum might find those products are better for their needs.
  • Investors who need access to their funds before the policy matures may be affected by surrender charges that are tied to the policy’s term if they cash out their policies early.
  • Unlike the S&P500 account, the returns aren’t guaranteed.


This is a cheaper and more flexible plan than most of the competitors. There are some great fund choices.

However, it is only good for people in certain situations, and you should seek guidance to make sure the plan is aligned to what you want to achieve.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters with over 827million answer views on Quora, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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