A pawnshop or a Lombard is a specialized commercial organization, the main activities of which are the provision of short-term loans secured by the movable property of citizens and the storage of things.
The borrower, by handing over his thing to the pawnshop, can redeem it within the period established by law or agreement. In this case, the redemption price is determined as the amount issued by the pawnshop plus interest. A thing that is not bought out by the owner from a pawnshop on time is put up for auction and sold through an auction.
The practice of using pawnshops as centers for the purchase of precious metals is also widespread in the world, while the combination of the main pawnshop activity with any other (for example, the purchase of valuables directly, without a pledge form) is prohibited in some countries. Interest rates in such pawnshops, in fact, are protective, reducing the likelihood of redemption back by the owner of the leased item.
Lombard loans are still very popular, especially among individuals. Clients appreciate the fact that pawnshops do not check the borrower’s creditworthiness when applying for a loan.
What is a lombard loan?

Payday pawn loans have a short maturity. Most often, they are provided for a maximum of 30 days, during which a specific object is laid in a pawnshop.
It is important that the pawnshop is obliged to store the pledged item in such conditions so that after a certain period of time and the loan is repaid, it can be returned to the owner safe and sound. A pawnshop loan can be taken by collateral, for example, jewelry, artwork, or electronic equipment.
Lombard loans are the perfect solution for people who need quick money but don’t want to get rid of certain items entirely. It often happens that we have a valuable thing – a family souvenir. Therefore, we are very attached to her and do not want her to disappear from our home. In such a situation, it is worth using a pawnshop loan.
We can also get a pawn loan from a bank. In this situation, it can be secured by books, treasury bills or blocking funds on a personal account. It is worth knowing that banks also allow you to pledge jewelry or gold as a form of collateral.
Lombard loans – under what conditions are they provided?
At a pawnshop, you can take your smartphone to a pawnshop, for which you need a collateral loan agreement. This agreement must contain basic information such as customer details, the amount of the loan received, the form of collateral and a detailed description of the collateral, the date of the loan repayment, additional service fees, the value of the collateral, and the signatures of both parties to the contract.
If you want to take out pawn loans without risk, you must sign a contract. This is a kind of security for both the client and the pawnshop.
In the document, both parties agree to abide by certain conditions. The client declares that in a certain period he will repay the loan. The pawnshop, however, claims that he will provide the client with financial assistance based on the collateral.
If the borrower is unable to repay the debt within the specified time or does not inform the pawnshop about the extension of the repayment period, the collateral automatically becomes the property of the pawnshop. Based on this, it can go on sale.
Secured Lombard Loans
We already know that for this we need pawnshop loans, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with the question of under what collateral pawnshop loans are issued. It can be real estate or:
– gold and precious coins;
– household appliances and electronics;
– electronic equipment – laptops, computers, tablets;
– jewelry;
– antiques, works of art;
– sports equipment – for example, a bicycle;
– gaming consoles.
It is worth knowing that appraisers in pawnshops often underestimate the value of the pledged items and offer customers cash in the amount of about 50% of the value of the pledged item.
The initial appraisal of the property is based on photographs of the property, documents and a detailed description. The legal status is also checked.
In this case, the loan agreement is signed in the notary’s office in the form of an act, and all costs associated with such a service are borne by the borrower.
Some pawnshops include secured loans in their offerings. Most often, this type of service allows you to borrow up to 1,500 rubles for up to 30 days. To receive such a loan, you must be at least 18 years old, have the current country’s citizenship and a valid ID.
The borrower must also have a valid phone number and an account with a local bank. To get a secured loan, simply fill out the form in which you enter your personal data. Lombard loans are an alternative to parabanks, which can reject a loan application. The interest rate on a pawn loan usually reaches a maximum of 10%. However, it is worth knowing that this is not the only cost of the loan!
Many pawnshops charge additional commissions, collateral insurance premiums, and many other fees. Therefore, before signing the contract, you should familiarize yourself with all the conditions for granting a loan.
Advantages of Lombard loans:
1. Minimum formalities.
2. Fast implementation time of the loan.
3. A wide range of items that we can lay.
4. Short maturity – usually no more than 30 days.
How to get a loan at a lombard?

1. You bring valuable property to the pawnshop.
2. The pawnshop estimates its value free of charge and gives you money within this amount.
3. You receive a security ticket, which consists of two parts: individual loan conditions and information about the security. The tabular form must indicate the size of the loan, the period of its repayment, the interest rate, the name and description of the pledged thing, the amount of its assessment.
4. To get the mortgaged property back, you must return the loan amount and pay interest for each day you use it.
Some pawnshops issue a security ticket in electronic form and place it in the borrower’s personal account on their website or send it by e-mail. In this case, the analogue of the client’s signature can be, for example, a code from an SMS message.
An online security ticket is always at hand, there are fewer risks of losing it. In addition, it will be easier for you to make changes to the agreement – if you need, for example, to extend or restructure the loan. You don’t have to go to a pawnshop to do this.
Can you get a loan without going to a lombard?
Yes, but it is important to consider how you will transfer the bond. Some pawnshops send their employees to the clients’ home or office.
The main thing: sign the security deposit before the item goes to the pawnshop. You must be given a paper document or sent an electronic one. Additionally, you need to conclude an agreement with a pawnshop representative on full responsibility for the shortage of entrusted property – this will protect you if the collateral is lost or damaged.
Large pawnshops are now testing pawnshops, which work on the principle of vending machines. They will automatically assess the property and immediately print a security ticket or send it electronically to the borrower.
However, so far most pawnshops work in an old-fashioned way, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without visiting the office.
What can be taken to a pawnshop?
Any valuable property, except real estate, can be pledged into a pawnshop – from a gold ring to a car. Pawnshops will not accept apartments, summer cottages, and other real estate on bail, they are even prohibited from advertising such services.
For how long can you take a loan?
A loan at a pawnshop is issued for a period not exceeding a year. But of course, it’s best to pay off as soon as possible. The rates here are significantly lower than in microfinance organizations. And yet it is much higher than in banks.
If you need an amount for a long time, it is better to take a bank loan or get a credit card. But it is important to carefully weigh whether you can make payments on time. Indeed, in the event of delinquencies, you risk not just ruining your credit history, but ending up in a debt hole. Loans in pawnshops threaten only with the loss of collateral.
What if you can’t repay the debt?
The pawnshop will sell your pledged property no earlier than a month after the expiration of the contract. Moreover, expensive things, which were valued at more than 300,000 rubles, will be sold at a public auction. Even if the pawnshop earns less money from the sale than it lent you, the loan will be considered repaid.
If the pawnshop is able to sell your item at a higher price than the amount of your loan and the interest accrued before the day of sale, then you can demand the pawnshop to return the difference to you. Such a demand can be sent to a pawnshop within three years from the date of the sale of the pledge.
What if the lombard loses or steals my dear ring?
The pawnshop is responsible for the safety of the pledged property. He must have insurance that protects all of the clients’ belongings from the risk of damage or loss. If something happens to your value, you will be compensated.
At the same time, you are not obliged to pay for storage or insurance – all costs are borne by the pawnshop.
How not to face scammers?
Find the selected pawnshop in the register of central bank of your country and check the data from it with the organization’s documents: name, contact information, official website, legal address.
Thrift stores are often disguised as pawnshops. They buy property from people “with the right to buy back”. In reality, such an organization can sell the “pledge” at any time, since it is not legally a pledge. A real pawnshop is obliged to issue a security ticket to the borrower.
If, instead of a security ticket, you are given to sign a commission agreement, sale and purchase agreement or any other document, then you have not applied to a pawnshop.
In addition, fraudsters sometimes act under the guise of pawnshops who lure money out of people. They offer to invest savings at a high interest rate – ostensibly to earn money by issuing loans. In fact, according to the law, pawnshops are not entitled to raise money from people who are not their owners or shareholders.
Pledged items and loan conditions
Almost any property can be mortgaged. The main condition is the liquidity (quick implementation) of the collateral. An exception is thematic pawnshops (for example, only items made of precious metals can be put into a jewelry pawnshop). In other cases, the pawnshop issues cash on bail:
- valuable assets (shares, bonds, bank certificates);
- any real estate (apartments, summer cottages, land, garage, house);
- movable property (cars);
- household appliances, electronic gadgets, computers;
- antiques;
- jewelry, precious metals;
- expensive clothing (for example, a mink coat).
The appraisal of the pledged property is carried out by an accredited specialist. The main feature of a pawn loan is that the pledged property is always valued below its real price. Usually the appraiser names the amount from 50 to 80% of the market value of the collateral.
Lending conditions in a pawnshop are much stricter than in a bank:
- pawn loans – short-term, issued for a period of 2 to 12 months;
- interest on such a loan is much higher – they are charged daily, within 1-3% per day, not on the remaining debt, but on the entire loan amount. As a result, the overpayment for a loan can exceed 150% per annum.
In each case, credit conditions are determined individually. Despite the tight framework, the demand for pawnshop services is growing, since to obtain a loan you do not need to collect an impressive package of documents, fight off the imposed insurance or wait a long time for approval.
The speed of drawing up such a loan is also attractive – you can get your hands on money within 20-30 minutes. You can use a loan at a pawnshop if there is a need for urgent receipt of funds.
Registration rules
Registration of a pawnshop loan occurs after a specialist evaluates the collateral. The client is offered to familiarize himself with a special document, a security ticket, and sign it. It combines the pledge and loan agreement and contains the following information:
- pawnshop details;
- information proving the identity of the client (passport number, driver’s license);
- the name of the pledged property and its detailed description;
- the estimated value of the collateral;
- the amount of the amount given to the client;
- interest rate for the loan;
- date of issue and maturity of the loan;
- details of the banking institution through which the loan will be settled.
After signing the contract, the pledge item remains in the pawnshop. The pledged property can be returned only after the loan is repaid and interest is paid. If force majeure circumstances arise and the client cannot repay the loan within the agreed period, the security ticket can be extended. But at the same time, the pawnshop has the right to apply penalties. In a situation where the client is unable to pay the debt, the pledged item becomes the property of the pawnshop.
The high cost of lending at a pawnshop is a significant disadvantage. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to such loans only in exceptional cases and conclude an agreement for a period not exceeding 1-2 months. In the event of unforeseen situations, you need to inform the credit institution about this and jointly look for ways to restructure or re-collateral.

Are lombard loans safe?
The rules on which pawnshop loans are based make this form of financial assistance completely safe. The most important aspect here is the fact that we sign an agreement with a pawnshop, which is a collateral for both us and the lender.
In addition, pawnshops do not give payday loans to everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to present a document confirming the purchase of the item or a document confirming the ownership so that the pawnshop employees can be sure that the item has not been stolen.
Despite the fact that lombard loans usually have a short maturity, in most cases it can be extended. However, this may incur additional fees.
If we cannot fully meet our obligations, we can make a partial repayment. In this case, the loan will be reduced by the amount paid.
Tu sum up all this information
A lombard loan is a short-term loan or type of loan offered in the form of a fixed loan or an agreed overdraft facility. It is provided on the security of one or more of your stocks, bonds or investment funds. This applies up to a certain percentage of their value.
They allow clients to retain ownership of their own portfolio. They also allow clients to receive cash without delay and without having to divide or hold their assets. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about lombard loans and how they can benefit you and your finances today.
How do they work? Many private banks offer pawn loans or pawnshop loans. It is a loan provided by a bank and secured by one or all of the marketable securities owned by the client. Simply put, the loan is secured by assets or collateral. The borrower lists any assets that can be easily liquidated.
This includes stocks, bonds, or life insurance policies. The lender can sell the assets if the borrower fails to repay the loan in full. It is similar to a mortgage guarantee, but the assets involved in a pawn loan are usually liquid assets such as stocks, bonds, investments, and even life insurance. If you would like to inquire about a pawn loan, there are several online lenders and lenders who can offer their advice and guidance on how to proceed.
Lombard loans tend to benefit from lower interest rates compared to credit cards or loans because the risk to the lender is so low. Since banks have access to your assets in case of non-payment, they are less likely to worry about you not paying your dues.
However, you should remember that if your assets are falling in value, you may need to modify and replenish them as needed to meet the lender’s criteria. If you are unable to do this, the lender may be forced to sell some of your assets in order to recover the loan amount.
Most credit institutions indicate in advance the minimum loan amount. To participate in the program, the value of your assets must be higher than the minimum amount offered to you. The loan-to-value ratio, or LTV, will also affect whether you can take out a pawn loan as well as the size of the loan.
You may be provided with a personal LTV after checking your financial history, your investment portfolio and the degree of volatility of your assets. To find out if you are eligible for a pawn loan, a reputable lender will be able to assess your financial situation and recommend an option that suits your budget and lifestyle.
Lombard loans can benefit a wide range of people regardless of their income or status. Following this advice, you can look for a suitable lender.
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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 301.6 million answers views on Quora.com and a widely sold book on Amazon