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UK Pension Transfer to Portugal

For UK pension transfer to Portugal, think about things like potential tax consequences, current exchange rates, investment opportunities, and regulatory disparities between Portugal and the UK.

The discussion in this page includes:

  • Options for UK Pension Transfer
  • UK State Pension
  • UK Pension Transfer to Malta or Gibraltar
  • Transferring to Gibraltar QROPS

If you are looking to invest as an expat or high-net-worth individual, which is what I specialize in, you can email me (advice@adamfayed.com) or WhatsApp (+44-7393-450-837).

To ensure compliance with rules in both countries and to manage the complexity of foreign pension transfers, it is vital to seek guidance from financial advisors with knowledge in this area.

Options for UK Pension Transfer

Many British expats living in Portugal are interested in transferring pension from the UK to secure their retirement plan.

Important note: As of today, Portugal unfortunately doesn’t have any local providers listed on the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) list of Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS).

UK State Pension

UK Pension Transfer to Malta or Gibraltar
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If you qualify and reach retirement age, you’ll still receive your UK state pension even while residing in Portugal, thanks to the country’s European Economic Area (EEA) status.

UK Pension Transfer to Malta or Gibraltar

Transferring UK Pension to Malta QROPS

Consider transferring your UK pension to a Malta QROPS.

This option leverages the Double Tax Agreement between Portugal and Malta, ensuring your pension is only taxed in your country of residence (Portugal).

Additionally, a Malta QROPS transfer offers several advantages:

  • Exemption from UK income tax (as long as you’re not a UK resident).
  • Avoidance of UK inheritance tax.
  • Elimination of the 55% lump sum payment tax.

Remember, UK income tax exemption applies only to non-residents of the UK.

Additionally, the 55% tax on lump sum payments after death still applies if you were a UK resident within five years of the payment.

Transferring to Gibraltar QROPS

Transferring UK Pension
UK Pension Transfer to Portugal 5

While Portugal and Gibraltar lack a Double Tax Agreement, transferring your UK pension to a Gibraltar QROPS offers certain benefits:

  • Exemption from UK income tax (as long as you’re not a UK resident).
  • Avoidance of UK inheritance tax.
  • Elimination of the 55% lump sum payment tax.

Similar to the Malta option, these advantages are only applicable to non-UK residents.

Additionally, the lump sum payment protection applies only if you haven’t been a UK resident in the five years preceding the payment.

UK Pension Transfer Tax Implications

Many British retirees in Portugal are exploring transferring their UK pensions to optimize their financial situation.

While Portugal boasts a double tax agreement with Malta, this isn’t the only option.

Transferring your pension to a QROPS provider in either Malta or Gibraltar can offer advantages like exemption from UK income tax and potential inheritance tax benefits.

However, carefully consider the pension transfer options available and seek professional guidance to navigate the process and choose the solution that best suits your individual needs and tax residency status.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 827.2 million answer views on Quora.com, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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