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Account openings and online investment sites

Updated January  9, 2020

This article will review some of the best investment platforms in 2019, and get into the whole DIY vs advsior debate.

 Best investment platforms UK in 2020

  • Hargreaves Lansdown – A FTSE100 company, Hargreaves Lansdown charges a 0.45% fee for the first £250,000 invested, 0.25% for investments between £250,000 and £1 million and 0.1% charge for investment in excess of £1 million. They have access to numerous fund, ETFs and other options.  
  • Vanguard Online – charges 0.15% fee, capped at £375 a year.  They focus on passive investments, whereas Hargreaves Lansdown has both active and passive investments.
  • Charles Stanley Direct – similar to Hargreaves Lansdown.    Charges 0.35% on smaller accounts per year.

Best expat investment platforms in 2020

  • Interactive Brokers – A cheap option, however, they are based in the US, so US estate taxes may apply.
  • Saxo Bank – Cheaper than Internaxx on smaller accounts, but more expensive on larger accounts.
  • Internaxx (formerly TD Direct) – The flat fees are `a killer` on smaller accounts, but a steal on larger accounts.

Best investment platforms USA in 2020

  • Vanguard Online – Just like the UK, Vanguard has a platform for US residents. 
  • Fidelity and TD Ameritrade- two other low-cost investment platforms.
  • Living in mainland Europe 
  • Degiro fees are low, often less than $1 to trade.


Are there other options out there?

Yes. It isn’t an extensive list. There are hundreds out there which could also be put on the list, but you won’t go wrong with the above.

I was reading on best investing platforms on Reddit – should I get advice on there?

A lot of readers have asked me about answers they have read on Reddit, Quora and Medium, and ask if they should trust those answers.

It depends on the author, of course. There are some great answers online, but some awful answers as well!

Do the fees matter?

They do, but the fund selection also matters. Bare in mind flat fees vs percentage fees.  Internaxx is more competitive on fees than Saxo Bank on larger accounts, but less competitive on smaller amounts and maybe up to $60,000, as the fees are flat.  If you have a small amount to start with, check out what the flat fees are.

Does DIY investing for beginners work?

DIY investing can be brilliant for those who have the self-control to manage their own finances. But a surprising few people seem to be able to steer away from fear, greed and egoism and end up speculating. Perhaps good old human nature is too powerful to stop.

Academic research has shown the average DIY investor only gets 4% when markets have averaged 10% per year, and countless investors panicked during 2008-2009 and other crashes. 

How can I know if I can be a good DIY investor?

By asking yourself questions such as these

  • Do I always invest when I have money, or try to market time`?
  • Have I ever tried to get rich?
  • Did I panic during the last financial crisis, Trump’s election or Brexit?
  • Have I ever stock picked?
  • Have I read investment books on subjects like index funds? 
  • Do I always read the financial media and panic?
  • Do I know that nobody can predict markets, stock price direction and so on?
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DIY investing vs advisor – what are the positives and negatives?

Do it yourself investing is cheaper IF you do two things; a).  Buy index funds – avoid all stock picking and the time and money that takes.  b). Buy and hold for 40-50 years.

Using an advisor will be more expensive, but a good advisor can act as a `coach` as well as an advisor.

Or put it another way, would you have panic sold in 2008-2009 if you had an advisor breathing down your neck, showing you academic evidence about why market timing doesn’t work?

Often in investing, knowledge isn’t enough. We all know how to get a 6 pack at the gym, but how many of us have one?

The same with investing. Having knowledge is only one part of the process.  Implementing the knowledge is 10x more important.

Can American expats invest in expat platforms?

It depends.  Some accept Americans and some don’t. 

Can American overseas invest in Vanguard?

Typically not, but rules are always changing.

Does Vanguard accept expats?

It depends where you live.  They do in some locations, but not in others. 

Does It Matter Which Index Fund You Use?

Typically not.  iShares, Vanguard, BlackRock , HSBC and many other providers have virtually identical index funds, tracking the same indexes. 

Vanguard was just the first provider of index funds, so they had first mover status. 

Investment portfolios in UK, America or Singapore – should they be different?

How you should invest shouldn’t differ radically. Everybody should have some allocation to global markets, whereas you live. Avoid only investing in your home country – called `home country bias`. 

Does past performance matter in investment manager selection?

No, at least not the past 5-10 years. Over 50 years, however, lower cost funds outperform higher cost funds.

Do you offer investment help?

Yes, I can help people step up an online account.  Minimums are $75,000 on the lump sum side, and $600 on the regular savings side.

 will try to keep the minimum as low as possible for as long as possible, because I do want to help people who aren’t super wealthy, but I may have to incrementally raise the minimum depending on the demand.

The accounts are:

•Low cost, access to global markets from 0.02% or similar low flat fees on the platform

•Well-regulated funds from developed countries like US and UK Territory, which means strong investor protections.

•All accounts are linked to the academic evidence in the book I wrote in 2018.

•Available to all except people living in America.  Americans living overseas are a possibility but it is a little more complicated than other nationalities due to regulations.

For expats exploring account opening options and online investment sites, the Utmost International Managed Capital Account Review provides valuable insights into managing investments internationally.


This website is not designed for American resident readers, or for people from any country where buying investments or distributing such information is illegal. This website is not a solicitation to invest, nor tax, legal, financial or investment advice. We only deal with investors who are expats or high-net-worth/self-certified  individuals, on a non-solicitation basis. Not for the retail market.



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