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Best Business Bank accounts for Non-Hong Kong Residents in 2023

Identifying the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents are a crucial aspect of managing an international business. 

As a non-resident, having a business bank account in Hong Kong can provide various benefits, such as easy access to capital and the ability to manage your business finances efficiently. 

However, finding the best business bank account can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with the Hong Kong banking system.

The purpose of this blog is to provide valuable information for non-residents looking for the best business bank accounts in Hong Kong in 2023. 

We aim to help entrepreneurs and businesses make informed decisions when selecting a business bank account, highlighting the essential features to consider when choosing a bank and the necessary documentation required for account opening.

If you are looking to invest as an expat or high-net-worth individual, which is what I specialize in, you can email me (advice@adamfayed.com) or WhatsApp (+44-7393-450-837).

Why do non-Hong Kong residents need a business bank account in Hong Kong?

Non-Hong Kong residents need a business bank account in Hong Kong for several reasons.

Firstly, Hong Kong is a major international financial hub with a stable banking system, making it an ideal location for non-residents to establish business operations. 

Having the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents provides access to the Hong Kong dollar, which is widely accepted in the region.

Secondly, the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents enables them to manage their finances efficiently. The account allows businesses to receive payments from customers and make payments to suppliers, employees, and other service providers. 

A business bank account also provides businesses with access to credit facilities such as loans, overdrafts, and credit cards, which can be useful in managing cash flow.

Lastly, having the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents can help establish a corporate presence in the region. 

This can be useful for businesses looking to expand their operations in the Asia-Pacific region or establish a subsidiary in Hong Kong. 

Additionally, having a local business bank account can help non-residents build relationships with local suppliers, customers, and investors, which can be beneficial for long-term business growth.

What are the advantages of having the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents?

There are several advantages of having the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents:

Stability and Reputation

Hong Kong is known for its stable and reputable banking system, making it an ideal location for businesses to establish their banking operations. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) regulates banks in Hong Kong, ensuring they comply with high standards of governance and transparency.

Easy Access to Capital

Having a business bank account in Hong Kong provides non-residents with access to the Hong Kong dollar, which is widely accepted in the region. This can be beneficial for businesses that need to access capital quickly and efficiently.

Global Connectivity

Hong Kong is a major international financial hub connecting businesses to global markets. Having a business bank account in Hong Kong can provide businesses with access to international payment systems, such as SWIFT and SEPA, which can make cross-border payments easier and faster.

Efficient Account Management

Hong Kong banks offer a range of services and products designed to help businesses manage their finances efficiently. These include online banking, mobile banking, and e-wallet services, making it easier for non-residents to manage their accounts remotely.

Tax Benefits

Hong Kong has a simple and low tax system, with a maximum corporate tax rate of 16.5%. Non-residents may also be eligible for tax exemptions on profits derived from outside Hong Kong, making it a tax-efficient location for businesses.

What are the best business bank accounts for non-residents in Hong Kong in 2023?

The best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the business. However, some of the best options to consider in 2023 are:

HSBC Business Banking

HSBC is one of the largest banks in Hong Kong, offering a range of services and products designed for businesses. Non-residents can open a business bank account with HSBC remotely and have access to a range of services such as online banking, mobile banking, and credit facilities.

Standard Chartered Business Banking

Standard Chartered is another major bank in Hong Kong, offering a range of business banking services to non-residents. They offer online banking, mobile banking, and a range of credit facilities such as overdrafts and loans.

DBS Business Banking

DBS is a leading bank in Hong Kong, offering a range of services and products designed for businesses. They offer online banking, mobile banking, and credit facilities such as loans and overdrafts.

Citibank Business Banking

Citibank is a global bank with a significant presence in Hong Kong, offering a range of services and products for businesses. Non-residents can open a business bank account with Citibank remotely and have access to a range of services such as online banking, mobile banking, and credit facilities.

Bank of China Business Banking

Bank of China is a major bank in Hong Kong, offering a range of business banking services to non-residents. They offer online banking, mobile banking, and a range of credit facilities such as overdrafts and loans.

DBS banks offers one of the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents. Photo by Johny Goh
DBS banks offers one of the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents. Photo by Johny Goh

What are the eligibility requirements for opening a business bank account in Hong Kong as a non-resident?

To open a business bank account in Hong Kong, the business must be registered with the Companies Registry or the Business Registration Office.

The company must have at least one director who is a Hong Kong resident or a person with a valid Hong Kong work visa.

It must also have a company secretary who is a Hong Kong resident or a person with a valid Hong Kong work visa.

The business must have legitimate activities and not be involved in illegal or unethical activities.

The non-resident must provide the required documents, including identification documents, proof of business registration, and proof of address.

Some banks may require a minimum balance to be maintained in the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents.

It is essential to note that the eligibility requirements for opening a business bank account may vary between banks. Therefore, it is essential to check with the bank beforehand to ensure that the business meets the specific requirements.

What are the documents required to open a business bank account in Hong Kong as a non-resident?

The documents required to open the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents may vary between banks. 

However, the typical documents required are:

  1. Business Registration Certificate: This document proves that the business is registered with the Companies Registry or the Business Registration Office.
  2. Certificate of Incorporation: This document shows the name, registration number, and date of incorporation of the company.
  3. Memorandum and Articles of Association: This document outlines the purpose and structure of the company.
  4. Passport or ID Card: The non-resident must provide a valid passport or ID card for identification purposes.
  5. Proof of Address: The non-resident must provide proof of address, such as a recent utility bill or bank statement.
  6. Business Plan: The non-resident may be required to provide a business plan outlining the nature and scope of the business activities.
  7. Personal Reference: Some banks may require a personal reference from a bank, lawyer, or accountant.

It is essential to note that the specific documents required may vary depending on the bank and the type of account being opened. It is advisable to check with the bank beforehand to ensure that all the necessary documents are prepared before opening the account.

What are the fees associated with opening and maintaining a business bank account in Hong Kong for non-residents?

The fees associated with opening and maintaining the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents may vary between banks. 

It is essential to note that the fees associated with opening and maintaining a business bank account may vary depending on the bank and the specific account being opened. Therefore, it is advisable to check with the bank beforehand to understand the fees associated with the account

However, the typical fees to consider are:

Account Opening Fee

Some banks may charge an account opening fee, which can range from HKD 1,000 to HKD 3,000 or more, depending on the bank and the type of account being opened.

Monthly Maintenance Fee

Most banks charge a monthly maintenance fee for business bank accounts, which can range from HKD 50 to HKD 500 or more, depending on the bank and the type of account.

Transaction Fees

Banks may charge fees for certain transactions, such as wire transfers, ATM withdrawals, and foreign currency transactions.

Minimum Balance Requirement

Some banks may require a minimum balance to be maintained in the account, and failure to do so may result in a penalty fee.

Credit Facility Fees

If the business applies for credit facilities such as loans or overdrafts, the bank may charge fees such as application fees, commitment fees, and interest charges.

The best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents charges fees for transactions and account maintenance among others. Photo from freepik
The best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents charges fees for transactions and account maintenance among others. Photo from freepik

What are the features to consider when choosing the best business bank account for non-residents in Hong Kong?

When choosing the best business bank account for non-residents in Hong Kong, there are several features to consider:

Account Services

Consider the range of services offered by the bank, such as online banking, mobile banking, and e-wallet services. These services can make it easier to manage the account remotely and can save time and effort.

Transaction Fees

Consider the fees charged for transactions such as wire transfers, ATM withdrawals, and foreign currency transactions. Choose a bank that offers competitive fees and transparent pricing.

Credit Facilities

Consider the credit facilities offered by the bank, such as loans and overdrafts, and the associated fees and interest rates. Choose a bank that offers favorable terms and conditions for credit facilities.

Minimum Balance Requirements

Consider whether the bank has minimum balance requirements and the penalties for not maintaining the minimum balance. Choose a bank with reasonable minimum balance requirements and penalties.

Multi-Currency Accounts

Consider whether the bank offers multi-currency accounts, which can be useful for businesses that operate in multiple currencies. These accounts can provide convenience and cost savings by avoiding currency conversion fees.

Customer Support

Consider the quality of customer support offered by the bank, such as the availability of support channels and the responsiveness of the support team. Choose a bank that offers reliable and responsive customer support.


Consider the reputation of the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents, such as its stability, transparency, and trustworthiness. Choose a bank with a strong reputation in the industry and the community.

What are the different types of business bank accounts available for non-residents in Hong Kong?

There are different types of the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents. These include:

Current Account

A current account is a basic account that allows businesses to deposit and withdraw funds as needed. Non-residents can use this account to receive payments from customers and make payments to suppliers, employees, and other service providers.

Savings Account

A savings account is an account that allows businesses to earn interest on their deposits. Non-residents can use this account to save money and earn interest on their deposits.

Multi-Currency Account

A multi-currency account is an account that allows businesses to hold funds in different currencies. Non-residents can use this account to avoid currency conversion fees and manage their finances efficiently.

Time Deposit Account

A time deposit account is an account that allows businesses to earn higher interest rates by depositing their funds for a fixed period. Non-residents can use this account to earn higher returns on their deposits.

Foreign Currency Account

A foreign currency account is an account that allows businesses to hold funds in a foreign currency. Non-residents can use this account to receive and make payments in a foreign currency.

Business Credit Card

A business credit card is a credit facility that allows businesses to make purchases and access credit on a revolving basis. Non-residents can use this credit facility to manage their cash flow and expenses efficiently.

How to open a business bank account in Hong Kong as a non-resident?

Research different banks and compare their features, fees, and eligibility requirements to find the best bank for the business needs.

Prepare the required documents, including the business registration certificate, passport or ID card, proof of address, and other documents required by the bank.

Next, contact the bank to inquire about the account opening process and make an appointment with the bank officer. Some banks may offer online or remote account opening options.

Attend the meeting with the bank officer, either in person or online, and provide the required documents for verification.

Sign the account opening documents, which may include the account opening form, terms and conditions, and signature card.

Then, deposit the initial funds into the account as required by the bank.

Once the account is opened and funded, activate the account by setting up online banking, mobile banking, and other services offered by the bank.

Monitoring is key in securing the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents. Photo by Kampus Production
Monitoring is key in securing the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents. Photo by Kampus Production

What are the best practices for managing a business bank account in Hong Kong as a non-resident?

Maintain accurate records of all transactions and account activities. This can help with tracking expenses, managing cash flow, and simplifying accounting and tax filing processes.

Regularly monitor account activities and review statements to ensure there are no unauthorized transactions or errors. This can help with identifying and resolving any issues promptly.

Ensure that there are sufficient funds in the account to cover all expenses and avoid overdrafts or insufficient fund charges.

Also, take advantage of online banking services and mobile banking apps offered by the bank to manage the account remotely and stay up-to-date on account activities.

Protect account information and access credentials, such as usernames and passwords. Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and avoid using public Wi-Fi networks to access the account.

Understand the tax implications of having a business bank account in Hong Kong as a non-resident and plan accordingly. Seek professional advice on tax filing requirements and deadlines.

Lastly, maintain regular communication with the bank and notify them of any changes in business activities or account requirements. This can help with avoiding unnecessary fees or penalties and ensuring smooth account management.


In conclusion, having the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents can provide numerous benefits, including easy access to capital, global connectivity, efficient account management, and tax benefits. 

With the range of account options and services offered by different banks, non-residents can choose the best bank account that meets their specific needs and requirements. 

However, it is important to understand the eligibility requirements, fees, and best practices for managing the best business bank accounts for non-Hong Kong residents .

 By following these guidelines, non-residents can manage their business finances efficiently and effectively in one of the world’s leading financial hubs.

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters, with over 760.2 million answer views on Quora.com, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.

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