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What is Halal Investing?

What is Halal Investing?

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If you are familiar with Islam, you might find halal investing interesting. It enables you to create a portfolio of investments that is consistent with your religious principles.

You make the investing decisions that you do for a variety of reasons. While some individuals like investing in social causes, others could choose to do so in agriculture or real estate. All of these investments might contribute to building a solid portfolio.

Age and asset allocation are undoubtedly important considerations as well, but what about coordinating your religious beliefs?

Muslim investors’ desire to uphold their religious beliefs in their financial dealings has fueled the rapid expansion of a niche market for halal investing and shariah-compliant goods.

What is Halal Investing?

Investments made in accordance with Islamic law are referred to as halal investing or, more correctly, shariah-compliant investments. The criteria for adhering to shariah are stringent and are frequently contested in theological and practical areas.

But there are three fundamental principles on which everyone agrees.

What is Halal Investing?
Shariah Compliance

3 Key Principles of Shariah Compliance

Do Not Invest in Haram

Contrary to “halal,” the word “haram” designates things that are forbidden by Islamic law. Military hardware, pig products, alcoholic drinks, gambling, and some segments of the entertainment business like pornography are a few examples of haram industries.

Do Not Engage in Transactions that Involve Riba

Earning interest on loans or deposits is referred to as riba, even if the interest rate is not higher than market rates. The general notion is that interest-bearing is equivalent to usury and includes unequal resource exploitation.

For example, “unearned income” benefits creditors with collateral and cash flow while debtors must work harder to profit from these loans, making the profit distribution unfair between the parties.

Do Not Invest Based on Gharar and Maysir

Transactions that are extremely uncertain or that go against the notion of clarity and transparency in business are referred to as gharar, or uncertainty.

The majority of financial derivative instruments, including futures, options, and forwards, are forbidden. Similar to gharar, may or gambling describes the acquisition of money via luck without exerting any effort.

7 Halal Investing Options

Those who are interested in halal investing may profit from these options and pick the ones that work best for them.

1. Property

A common way to generate passive income is through property investing, which involves buying a house and renting it out to tenants in exchange for a consistent monthly income. Both land and property investments are often halal investment choices if there are no banned aspects present.

However, dealing with renters and maintaining the property, which includes repairing any flaws and carrying out repairs to make the house habitable, are issues encountered by property owners.

2. Gold

Gold is a great investment as well as a material for women’s accessories. Gold is typically purchased with the intent of holding it for a while.

Because gold may be purchased and held until a cash sale is required, it is a tangible and conventional investment strategy that some individuals may feel comfortable.

Anyone investing in gold will need to locate a secure location to store it because it is a tangible asset.

What is Halal Investing?


One of the most common investment options is investing in the stock market, wherein buyers of the company’s shares become partial owners of the business. Shares in the businesses that investors favour can be selectively bought by investors.

Additionally, they have the option of investing in funds run by fund managers who, in accordance with the fund’s strategy, make investments in a variety of businesses.

Shares must fulfill specific requirements, such as those related to the company’s operations and financial statistics (e.g. liquidity and debt ratios), in order to be regarded as halal investments.

Whatever investing strategy you choose, it’s possible that you might lose the money you invested. As with anything else in life, arm yourself with information before you start so you can choose halal investments wisely.

4. Land

Older generations frequently invest in land, either via purchasing and selling it or through land investment. Some even proceed to construct residences on the grounds.

While others see the possibility to increase their fortune in purchasing land in a prime location and profitably selling it. Because land values change less than most other investment areas, they provide more stability.

5. Sukuk

An Islamic financial certificate known as a sukuk, which is often used to refer to a shariah-compliant bond, denotes a portion of ownership in a portfolio of assets. It is an alternative to standard, interest-based bonds that is halal.

In order to verify that the structure is Shariah-compliant and does not employ interest, the underlying assets in a sukuk have been examined for conformity with Shariah. It delivers prospective regular income for sukuk holders over a number of years as a fixed income instrument.

What is Halal Investing?

6. Hands-off Property

Property investment requires hands-on work since buy-to-let investors must purchase the property, find tenants, and maintain it.

Investors must handle every aspect of hands-on real estate investing themselves. The other extreme is represented by passive real estate investments.

The idea behind this investment is that a group of individuals combine their funds to acquire a buy-to-let property, typically through an intermediary or business that will handle the crowdfunding.

In order to identify the property and renters as well as to maintain it during the investment period, the firm will operate on behalf of the investors.

The costs of investing are much greater than those of owning a hands-on property since there is a middleman and other parties involved. As a result, this may have an impact on investors’ total returns.

Crowdfunding’s advantage is that one may invest with a modest amount since it will be combined with funds from other investors, and they can choose a hands-off method that is simple and convenient for them.

7. Small Business

Small businesses are sometimes overlooked industry, but they may also be a good place to invest.

To expand or seize business opportunities, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) need financial backing. If they want to invest in this industry, investors may either support SMEs directly or use crowdfunding websites like Kapital Boost, which matches together qualified SMEs with halal investors by screening possible candidates.

Pained by financial indecision? Want to invest with Adam?

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Adam is an internationally recognised author on financial matters with over 827million answer views on Quora, a widely sold book on Amazon, and a contributor on Forbes.


This website is not designed for American resident readers, or for people from any country where buying investments or distributing such information is illegal. This website is not a solicitation to invest, nor tax, legal, financial or investment advice. We only deal with investors who are expats or high-net-worth/self-certified  individuals, on a non-solicitation basis. Not for the retail market.



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